THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEEY H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. Director sod Manoger. EXCELSI OR LAUNDRY 20 EAST IIUiRON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods cailed for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. RAOZIi1A S.w 8hittreet. 22 Years in. the Husittess.E.--~ CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY1-O p. m.Advanced Casor 05La- diesaoldtGentlemen. MONO OY p. o.Ladies' del.srtecloss. TUJElSAY-i p. mo. Gentlemoen's (dancing class. SATURDAY-111 o. io. Gentlemen's sdaocing Ioon. .odies' dancingcsls. 21:301).m. Children's dsssosllo lss. Oil. . Pivatesodssssseclass. Prve yls sons by appointmen~t. As HODG1MAN'S XACKINTOS.HES orgarj ) Proms $16.50 upsos$25.00 sst' D_ A. TINK ERRSS-, _i __s __ No. 9 South Main street, (Formoerly Too Sas.) 'HE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.Ofialhog phr CHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave'., 13. F. CLAIM. ..O i TO-WIT: 5e roil, .5eii 1:203. 4,810 Posiiionss Filledi. S)85Positions lied in 10911 SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MARNUAL. STUDENTS' WORK A 80E- (ENCtES: NeoYol, Is AngelcesTisesiaso. EVEPIT?.O.FISK & 0011 InlcoratdCl.] I Northwestern Won. (Coinuedis fro irst papiv.)~i Thsere i0 no political, comnmercial or geographical reason why they solsd be annexed. wlhey are not fit for republican government, anil to annex thsenm wouild be a policy of insperialisnm. .\r. ,\arlett was given five nmin- ntes to close the ilebate for the affirniative. lHe rebntted several argumnsts very skillfuilly, andilnosed ssith a glossing perorationo,svhich tinse oerhaps nmight save been nmore juilcisously usedin isocli nchsing argu- msents. Whilie the judges swere preparing their derision, P~residlent Angell en- tertainsed~ the aosdieiice with interest- ic history ofutheIHawaiiaon Ilsls. BUSINESS LOCALS. 3 Oit'i 5. 5115sDiIlli, Ilorilt.(ivosser or 3 isee.,it srossiioosiiFlow, is of alouil ety F1,-vsiidesignsosrs sois elpon sucote. College stnudents wanting enmploy- No.ItbServoisvyolives, oils.cemsetsergaiuc. nient for the summer should adl- dress P. W. Z/iegler & Co., Box isonr, 6IA TIA t L U. Philadelphia, Pa., who offer great (OW I R & HOUASEr~. Po~t~ indulcements for spoecial woGrk to I 55 i, tc, SUT TAEvii " T wvhiclh students are well fitted, ansid ________________ swhich pays $75 to $io per monsths.,..r> The baseball team get s o per "- cent. of the hat sales at hiossiisliV For fine soaps, tooth brushses and W ~ T~ cigars, go to the Bi. & W. hDrugstore.~ See those fine poatent leathoer shoes $R ~ AETEJEI at llowrlish & Matteson's. CtARTTEtSMOttERSiiwhore il- F11w1 11 Ilvell rate ticket, to (Ohiio' intoi Payv '1111litt 0lem hn heI.1c l'Vei .i. .sssd O)1st Ca. mint~lOs ily to 0scl55ivv s s1.1.ti.s It - wsiilkid tHIS BRAND olilior al o heis ,1. t . t irerswood, Ticket .Agt I 'oleili .Annu arbor -VNorths Mich, The Richmond Straight Cut Nos.1 _- -e. _CIGAKRTITES Students Reduced Rates. sicad fomllthosis igile,mosdlv5icate -- - hi lior, liandlllh.ighesstGOLD LtAF toy ti~eOpnng vaatiolo o the f BwA nvi-rE FiM5ISSO5 sil lo MICHIGAN GENTIAL ' im Isale (,)esised)Ii li i1 1 14, Atlantlic Expvess. 515011 Msil - x .... a iT. & .0 1Fxpresso.. i5 he S l. ..1 (G. It. Exp.1...11135 N.O S.Lied. lol0:3 Mailtand Exp...41d1, IsiWes'nExp.1s5 Foot Eanfo ois. 120 G.R.1,x.......T; . N. S. Limoied.11..133 Pacificv Express...9 5 0. W. R(GSot, 10. 5. HoYEis c. P .'t. ictlco.l A.. t AinArbor. 'TOLEDO '1Ille Tableioiooak iefetSundayil, IMarlcI 1',51riisillavl 10111 Aibor isy Cisslvss :15 o. Is. 71i t~. II J2 5p I. 3U. C II . 4:1151. i. 19:01 i. ii, *Trains r vllbeltweeno OAnnsArbor i1 Tsivis only, All trains aivlycept lllSuny. R. S.Dlii I NiOsODAeArdAro. Wv H.Ill NN'L"J',G. . A1 Toedo ANN ARBOR PHfIJA JiUNDVY (C0. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEIIviss, - ,Manager. KEEP' YOU 1t A(5COtTNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVIP2G$ BAPK+ Cnor. Alasinoand oashongoStes.o A.L.NoWM, re.R FUPILDE~r, Cs'. FCNCSIRNSTOLASATALER Will SEnO LLiNS soc WcO L SoFiAIRse. in svhich lie played a lpromnilent lpart nvestyoBEcignWpsAREssi ooisiOIM IISsivnii oserve S while 015 his emb~assy to Chsina in Normal ansI Cleary Business C ol- beow sv 000 on 1ey- pcc. i Si . lege, the Toledo, Ann Arbor &V Goy. Rich svas calleil for, ansI ye-, North Michigan R'y will sell tickets s~yL K &?k4,sE RICo N ~Aa05 sposoded in his ususal pleasing nman- tos students holding toropoer certifi RNHA,11toNDVSIGNt ner. he Goerno compimen e ates, at one and onse-third fare tor ncr. e Coerno conslinontedthe round trilp to all points in 'Mich-~ S k IX F th~e young men on thseir great skill igan and the Central Traffic Ass n y iii iI ! in itebate, and nrged thse need ot territory. ,.u 1il15si I illi tts poitics being tauight in~ the schools Tickets will be issued Aplril s oth 110 15(foltl si iisi ansd Unsiver.sity. Thle tduty of the i3tlo andl1u4th ansI limitesd to retun citizen isn politics svas strongly set upo to unit incluiding Alpril a 4th. fot.'h alalgsof fthe hres-, esit generationl over those of our H eduned Rates.I fathsers brisogswitho thienmincreaseid Th llcligsiCot. sItIiIk obligatiosis to the causelof dfgooid reduceilratcs to otiidento at onevrmn.adosthr ae Tikt ib ie fsilowsinsg talesoIws the issued April I tli, 5tithasnil54th E! ,-C+ HEAP, stansdinsg: gooll for return till April 24th i-N EFCTV FIlil. II I1 oso (ft, Lsscc,l aIby ver 50.00 horo F - ++. -sozsll s i I TO ,ils m), 110 121 l111 11010 i I ~ Lost. c p t ° rI lat11crit rdlcc l One lhuno(red-foot steel t .t "rlps '" l ., 1I'.ii Find1er pleasc return to 1) 01 iv office LAWTON & CO., anislreceive reovard. s{a11111 °l1/11 5 / .A a r 1-/%4 - ---- S=EG -KOO S_ PAR RDK F TE OTTLOF Z r.TLT'PEN o h I)ERF 1 CT iFIIINGI.O1F1THINKl. itted1 1i~ill 11 III oI IIIP s 1 f'ot ntn 51 1 ssal best ts fr oPARKER.I Ilisst t Il ctttlst If ~l>i liti is l 'ilii el V soh ssSheehan &Co OExlsiveos 01il Am5Arors, J(N o Y,,t- qAT Al MILLER SPRIN(l STYLES. t _ __.____.... ...___.____.. .__ vl vt vi JL :.:t Few ZV vt '7: W N iv yr w v[ QUAlITY,:ABSOLUTELY STYuLESCO&ET CsORcSo, COIICT GIOODSPKED'Si