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April 07, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-07

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To be Made in the Interests of Ath-
letics.-Two Methods
The board of control and those
'nembers of the faculty interested in
-athletics are agitating some plan by
which those actively engaged in ath-
detics may be able to devote the
=hours between four and six to prac-
:ice. Two ways are proposed by
which this may be accomplished.
'One is by closing the University
every day at four o'clock and hav-
ing exercises Saturday morning; the
other, by having the first hour at
eight o'clock and every hour there-
after until four, without having any
stop for dinner, so that each will
have to arrange for his own meal
hour. These plans are, with some
modifications, in vogue in the east
and are very satisfactory. Some
change will be made which will de-
pend to a great extent on the senti-
ment of the student body.
Southern Trip Schedule.
The following is the completed
schedule of the baseball nine's
spring trip, leiving Ann Arbor Sat-
urday morning, April 14: Ohio
Wesleyan University, Deleware, O.,
April 14; D)enmison university, Gran-
ville, o., Apri 16; Kenyon college,
Gambier, O., April 17; Kentucky
State college, Lexington, Ky., Ap-
ril 18; Centre college, Danville, Ky.,
April 19; U. of Illinois, Champaign,
Ill., April 20; Northwestern univer-
sity, Evanston, Ill., April 21; Wis-
consin university, Madison, Wis.,
April 23.
A Pleasant Social.
Granger's hall was the scene of a
joyous event last evening, the occa-
sion being the second social given

by the freshman class. Notwith- OFFICERS ELECTED
standing the rainy condition of the By the Athletic Association for
weathe, nearly three hundred stu- the Coming Year.-Good
dents were present. Dancing fur- Men Chosen.
nished the principal entertainment. As we go to press the annual elec-
The program consisted of twelve tion of the Athletic association is
waltzes and two-steps; and as the in progress. Those so far elected
music furnished was ;If the very best, are: H. G. Cleveland, president;
all present agreed in pronouncing John Condon,vice-president; Arthur
the affair a pleasing success. A Cummer, recording secretary; E. C.
number of upper classmen were
present. The chaperones were Mes- Shields, financial secretary; E. Ba-
dames P. R. de Pont and W. H. tavia, treasurer; A. Bliss, director
Pettee. from the medical department; '94,
Primrose and West's Minstrels. Martindale and Wentworth; '95, W.
Chickering, Macpherran and Weeks;
Opera House, Thursday, April 12. '96, J. Baird, Freund, Prentiss and
The Chicago Times, Monday, March Rich; '97, Bourland and Hill; laws,
5, 1894, says: Lindsey and Bartels. No dent was
The great business which has been Leyd
recorded at the Chicago Opera house elected.
during the last two weeks bids fair to - - -
be uninterrupted during the current Wait.
engagement, Last night P.rimrose - -
and West's minstrels opened a week's Pinafore at the opera house,
engagement to the capacity of th April in and ii, ought to draw
house. This is remar-kable int view ot rwso tdns oetln
the fact that Hlerrmann played to over- crowds of students. Home talent
flowing business and that the general can produce a far better opera than
public is inclined to be a little suspi- foreign talent, judging from the at-
cious of minstrelsy. Another surprise tractions which have appeared at
is the fultillment of the promises of
the advance maitl that "everything is the Grand this year. If you wish to
new," the company is strong in new enjoy yourself thoroughly for a lit-
songs, the old-time circus gags have tle money, don't miss Pinafore, for
been replaced with modern and apt Prof. Kempf and his well trained
jokes, and wlile there is lots of horse
play it is of an entertaining character. chorus are widely known in Ann
The specialties are excellent, and the Arbor. Some University talent will
football game is one of the most Iudi- also appear, namely in Wm. A.
drous arrangemnents seen in this city. Spitzley, Psi U, as Joseph nrter, K.
An evening's clean aimusement is at t, By PsiUbs o I glre club
forded and the engagement will be a . B. Members of the glee c
successful one. Chicago enjoys diver- will also appear.
tisement, and this is certainly afforded - -
by the program presented by IPrimirose U. OF M. CALENAJAR.
and West and their band of laugh ex-
~ ISat, eve., pr it i.-'arsity Indtoor Meet, Me-
SThe musical portion of the first part S-em. ym7oasium.
is a decided change from the old way sat Apr. 7 -Annual election of of icerb of
so often seen here before, and the old, Athletic associatiou, room A, 10 a. in.
worn-out songs are caref ully avoided. Sat., Apr. 7.-Pupils' Recital, School of Music,
The singing of George Evans, Tom s P. -.
Lewis and James A. Wall deserves Sat., Apr.7.-Aunnal election of DAILY edi-
mention. Geo. II. Primrose's "Stand- tors, law iecture room. 2:31 p. n.
in o te ore" asne, n Sun. Apr. b.--Prof. Mechem on "The Law."
ing on the corner was new, and Newberry Hall, 9:15 a. in.
pleased the large audience wonderful- Mon., Apr. 9.--Second iecture on Ibsen, room
ly. The game of football between the 24, at 5 p. m.
"Hayales" and "Hearties" was a de- Thurs. eve., Apr. 12.-Sophomore class social
cided burlesque on that popular game, in Granger's hall.
and brought forth lots of fun, and Thurs. Eve., Apr. 12.-Hon. Roge Q. Mills, in
kept the house in a roar. s. L. A. course, subject: "Thomas ielfersoa
This company makes a Grand Par- and the Principles of Free Government."
ade on Thursday, 14 to 21 p. m. Fri. Eve., Apr. 13.-Spring vacation begins.


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