C' . ail n. Vol,. IV.-NO. 139. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ISATURDAY, APRIL r, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. NORTHWESTERN WON. many industrial problems confront-I EVERYBODY GO NOW ON SALE, RBut It Was a Hard--Earned Battle, sng our congress is enough without And See Reilly. National Champion.! tod e Ham ed.on fnrther foreign complications. Mr. -More Entries for Eethe Meet !T e ,o . aIhtz tob sae. Goshen's arguments had a ora- ThnEe. - . an 51~BLew5I. Ciesaeel, iOrecisss'oftthe Clie- torical tinge, but his delivery was raseeso ieess~. Proud, even in defeat, is tihe scsi- graceful and forcible. Below sve give the entries for tile , rtetRat br OtS ee timent of every loyal U. of M. stu- Mr.Lindley of the U. of At a indoor meet in the "big gym'' to- Th e/cs.", dent. Trie "Great Debate'' is tescndsekroaueafrs night. They are mudshnsore nunser- tciatyil,,cfs-ae5ls'tle ' Everysc Isart of our history. Northswestern tive. Hie took up his opsponents 0us thlan ever before. They are lentshoslselsbs a espy. hsas won by a hair's breadth, andprostns fucntitoaly also almsost uniform of better T1 br' Ya .Mihign gaceull acept th de Ia mixesd population, etc., and suc- dunality'. We isave no hsitation in51SuhMiSt cision, witis thse proud consciouss- ceeded in psutting thsem its a light saying tisat tonight's mseet swill be sess of going doswnsith colors ooefvrbet sssd fts the best ever heldi iere. 'Ibis state- - 'tyissgoreisevorserislsoshisosideliss"ho flyng.Shecheishs n felin ofquestion. 'Pu refusse to annex IHa- ment is justified bsy the folloswing 'esessttssest tosward hser ssuccessfusl wail ss to desert our boasted doctrine list of entries: conspetitors, atnd bids tisemissmake of insdepsendeuce. Hasvaii is of too Feathserweighst boxing- H-olmses, thse msost of their hsardl-earned(- vic- great strategic value not so be a Work, Norris, H-ubbardi. tory, It was a msasterly debate from prizeefor any natiosn. Flsropcan Lighstweight boxing - Cockett, beginsuing to close. In the sworcds nations wvant it and hsase already Russell, Sherisdan, Fergusson, _Dun- 1 of tise judge whso announcesl ele de-Iisadle numrierouss atteruits to get pus- can. Wiensroun sant te Lstatest etropossssltaStyles cison,"Itisthebes dbat' levr sssin.Mr. Lindley spoke with Weltersecight boxing - Itarmsonof $2 , $4o54 sShoes ast 0e,-to *I1 a pairss v 13( tassAssss Arborprice-ssesnadlftor 5atalosstav I, ieard, and one thsat swould do credit vess and dash and closed withs a cli-ILocke. to eithser house of Congress.'' max thsat was very eloqunent. Midldlesseight boxing-Htolliday,H After mussic by the Chequatsegon ..IHadley was thse second speaker Ford, Brusce, Wilcox, White. R ***H -rchsestra, Pres. Angell in a few onS the negative. He took up the Heavyweight boxing-Root, Tree- 101. 183-185 WonssRDsvseA-., felicitous remarks extended a hearty qluestions of the Louisiana purchase, man, Larson, DETROI ', - - MICHIGAN. welcome tosour opponsents in the de- thse California annexation, etc., and lFeathersveighst wrestling -- ergss- )ate and thsens introduced Michigan's shoswed svherein these annlexations snon, Livingstone, Hiolnies. distinguishsed Governor, JohnssT. differed from thsat of H-aswaii. '1hIis 125 lsound wrestlinsg-Fergsuson, R:idS. fgusvernmenst seas not orgasnized as a Vernor.- 'r. 1. W. Isrialt, opened tlse! business corporation. No political, Lighstseighst wrestlissg-Laiter, Ai. lebate fssr 'Miclsigan 01n the cles econonsic or geograpshical reason P'. 'sartindale, VSernor. PHOTOGRAPHER, - I E. HURON. ross, 'ResolvedThsat it ouighstto sresIlarilsaneaios Oc eltersecight srestling 'IV. 'Slav- ts ec 15ith ie's' o t . H51. q. 5.'ljIss- be te Policy of thse Federal Gos- inexed it cats iever be severedl. tinidale, J. Blairdl, E. L..: Martin- I'fr l ix -Ils srnssent to bring about lise Annex- 1ic.rIHadley's deliberate anis logical dale.I FRESH ASSORTMENT saion of thse Haswaiianstslasscl. ir. Iso positions Isad nsschs t o sithI Middlesweighst ssrestlinsg -Ford, -F \lasriatt osslilned use 1olicy' of thse I thse decision its Noribseesterts's fa-! Maipes, Ryan, J. Blaird, MSichsaeis. 0w Z 0,+ affirmsatice iss six propsositonss, by soc. IHeavyweighst wrestlinsg-Leonsarcd, -s~ QQOI,, vthIs~ thsey swouldl irosve thse righstfusl- 'SIr. acs swsas thse thsirdt of 'Sticisi- RyanMals. 'Siicsacs.las 555a Eolt- 'ess of thseir positions. 'lhe first of gao's siseakers. Sicsuacceded in tear- Fencinsg-Kssyrsec, O(lls, Wood- 'h l'iTA', . 5 , - . seft. thsese, thsat tlie. Islands wCouldI be igdssvn a great tsartof his oppon risff. valuabsle in time of Ipeace seas ably cuts argunsents and tlhen ask.esd w'hy Special Italians Rapier Contest-THE "W VERLY"1 WHEEL -iscussed.thsey arethselsindisens-see shlsd exerceise a protectoraite Rogers and Ssit..s. e~rr, ' oi I-55 4 '5 tees.s. sable complemient of thse Nicara- for tse last fifty years rathser thsans Club-swinginsg-(G.5. 1eed. tirs--Ins $55.00 i'sls' s snssin of sh 'ua catsal. T'he cdisadvansta'ges of aassume ownerships sith its privileges IBar-swork assd tsssblss-c Reed isis i i he iu~ivo protectorate were shown and Ihlic.ansd securities,. fIts psosition and Fisher, Smiley, W lliansson, Stil- ]BROW~N'S DRUG STORE. tirt proposition of the necessity is larbor facilitien makes Hasvaii a son. a sestwsard outlet for trade seas gem nss tinse of war. Ohur material lint thse feature of thce eveninsg TT TT TV taken up. The proposition tlhat wealths forbids our being a hermit which every lover of atisletics can- IR IEEE TI2lD thse tsland nmust come under control nation and see migist establisis se- ntafr osss el etebu Of some foreign Isower next receiv curities for our thoroughfares of between Reillychampion =25 pound BASE BALL GOODS 'ed attention. Mr. M1arlatt seas trade. 'Mr. May's readiness in cc- wrestler of America, and Barclay, seighty in argnment and very ef- buttal, Iis telling delivery, and con- champion of Detroit. It is safe to fective in delivery. vincing arguments, seell deservedprmsacow ontiacut Suits and Gymnasiulm Sup- Mr. Goshen, of Northwestern the hearty0 applause they called alonie, acrpdonthes.cun Uiniversity, opened tse debate forj forth. the negative. He spoke of the con-j Mr. Campbell closed the debate Itlis expected that there will be a Yous see invited to exasiistcke and prices. glomerated population, and main-I for Northwestern. His delivery a good attendance of ladies at the tained they had no interests in was rather strained and his manner indoor meet tonight. common with the United States. a trifle nervous, but his summation The Epworth League will hold a ' all precedent to annexation. Re. not be annexed was a very able ef- the M. E. church to which all mem- UNj7E RSITYBOOKT'S'TORB _ publican government has never been fort, hers and friends are cozdially in- .a success in tropical regions. The (Coninued on third panes) vited. Refreshments will tie served. A SETAR ' r rt i as a u v i aaa:srr.a ,. 4als.kt..M L't llov 6.