THE U. OF M. DAILY. l~ o nwa~TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CEN'T. i knife wenfrou veooneinterested inthe Base Ball Teama le so buy Your HAT at the OUTFITTERS. lake a look at those. 50c, W S S L L S CALKIN ' PIIIAMCY. .. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. JV EOOI R8 & WM32VEQOIR, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. -- - =A77'= A ' ~ ~ T~T777,7OSR2M N ' F - TENNIS, BASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS wh~ichIi they trtl( at pr ~ ~ic uaratedt o be So iso vv Ioaas cnnis E Obtained Llseti hot. . . . . . . . Ann Arbor Savings Bank WINCHE L'S TEA AnnsArbor. ih.Captal tni5oek, *3d100s Oreanized unders tne tgeneral tanking; Law's ~ T ~ T ofthIis State. Receiv'es deposits, bus. and sells exeisnuac on the sprincipal cities of the '262 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. l'nsiUiedSae.(rfs rafei tae. tlets cashed up~on profier identifications. Safety' depsist boxs's tss rent. spec5ialty tsf highes' aeltissna, lestur'essa cts er OFFICERS: (Chsristiasn Macsk, Pres.;w. 0Itcer.r Hi'osmasn, Vise Pres.; (has. E. listscokCa shier- 11. J. trite Asst. 'ashier. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS aC303 PRINTING a nd- , SPUBLISHING Josso ltiIi t IROTTS~L liss' toobod odor. Student Work a Specialty. llaso oceterbossenti'arr/ls Bleot Workmen rss no st cPrices inlist Cit-y. It i l.siuretioioi. IWill meel t ovpt 5 THE CaT TMl/IDI 44 South Main Street. 1:J ~a ,J t ,j.1 Ann Arbor, Mich. Standard Bicycle Jj UNIVERSITY NOTES. jN Of the W orld, Inidoor met, oinir igt graustsl, ilt, aid 51ro0'this5 week exanmininsg schools. prdut a fsa illes biss ciyscle es-s ~ ~ ''ia issislstso inssAsnsrscss still re-t h S. C. A. cabsinet bassiuts t ainoisespl sccsst tisciou. Alassy-~ beers postiponed to April 28t. w01liupsto htimhe s or 'a litle sdctsssce, its stelldseservestasssi Use Glee anid Banjo clubs leave ever s' ncr5'5sfpopulritys lsss' x. s this afternoon for Coldwvater. -Ssss'e slf pride mtssi gratsts'.tits t it s msakses. To risis ' sce' 'usTe Castalians bourd wii ilc et an stas st to ride a Cotlumsbia is to" tissafternoon at five o'clocka. tt '5ass'tohbe ss st csi Th'ere will be a '9i class iceting tomorrow msorning at 9 o'clock. Pope Mfgu,. CO., Governor Rich wrill be eutertainied Boston New ork, y President Asigell while hsere. Chiago Hatfod. 5l ls ernice Godiwin, of Grand Chicgo, artfrd. Rap'itlo is visitiag at the Sorosis fr at 'iviv s os 55 t asss us or IProt. Taft is here frons Cisacin-, rutsilsst tfor' sss 555-esta s . I0 nati lecturing to the dental sidents, __________________________on Oral Surgery. CO G 0 I EC I3S DSVREQS A section of tise Woisan's tLeagoe LLZr QY ? Honorean esiarsND stees will be entertained by Mrs. tIltan ssppsalts. lustsCossttl IHospitl, Saturday afternoon. T~eColeSssosusGs , TTilT-,_ At the end of the school ya the ineasstuldstn tttntes t lst's ansdcon-sPacific coast studet ilrtr taints thres samphthieatr'esn.fousrts'ens cinicss etswl rtr The isene f riv Irisosite oebos'toreen. home in a special car over the Cana- her', ihiti and encluesarly in Atr119,floe dian Pacific railway. bya pinlsrn em es$0.0adlabsrtosry ieposittwhich in returnabie., Four annual gentled coarsen, wills advanced J0ohn A. Harmon, '92 law, a ,standissgfor graduates in pharmacy, and te utniversity preparatnry courses, antecedent prominent democrat while in the' to the study of Medieine. Uniesthsbe pone The Clinical and Laboratory facilties are nnupssdeisterifaly, te h asten ppond Fnrecircular ofinfornaions and further par- eitro nie ttsLn teculars, addrens Office, at O'Neill, Neb. The salary DR. W. E. QUINE e 13w. Harriti St,. - Chinage, 1il1, of the office is $3,000 a year. LCHERS' AGENCY e ill planss. tsost liblses to s mts'mbertss. Sl3s it G/ies iareiteo l /ighstep. 1s wh e/itseas distilled 55511 (dt'ca fig/st s'ith ot smok'e sorstdor. Sold onlys/jby tmeanC o. f I-eemde soio. DEAN & COMP.ANY. - rU. OF M. FLAGS. Serltos ,Silver, cus sseled i a eslissss'