of at, VOL. IV.-No. 13. GET YOUR TICKETS For the Indoor Meet. Of Course it will be Better Tnan Ever. Tomorrow evening the annual in- door meet will be held in the Water- man gymnasium, program to com- mence promptly at 8 o'clock. Tick- ets can now be had at fifty cents apiece. No meet has ever been held before under more favorable conditions andf a large crowd will undoubtedly be present at this, in one sense, the opening of our great gymnasium. Excellent accommodations as to seats, etc., have been made and it is expected that a goodly portion of the audience will be ladies. The event of the evening will be the appearance of M. J. Reilly, champion 125 pound wrestler of America, in his bout with his club- mate, George Barkeley. It is quite probable also that Reilly will have a bout with one of our own wrest- lers. He will be accompanied by 'is trainer, Keene Fitz Patrick, who will act as referee. Among the regular events on the program, especially worthy of note, are the light and heavyweight box- ing events, several of the wrestling bouts and the fencing. Aniong the boxers are, besides the old mensev-l eral new men of prominence, among them pitcher Hollister. The old reliables, Martindale, Wagner and Preston, will alone make the wrest- ling bouts interesting. The fencing will be better and there will be more of it than ever before. A feature will be a rapier contest between Rogers and Swift, the former having never fenced before in this country. Reed, whose plenominal clui- swinging has been an attraction at past meets, is prepared to show up better than ever before. His work needs no mention. The '94 Social. About two hundred and fifty were present last evening at Granger's hall at the ninety-four social. The program was introduced by a selection by the members of the University Banjo club, consisting ef Messrs. Taylor, Ewing, Pratt and Cummings. After a short inter- mission a quartet consisting of Messrs. Pepple, Briscoe, Purdy and UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Worden gave a "Lullaby," which WILL EXAMINE SCHOOLS. NOW ON SALE. was heartily applauded. A Number of New Schools to be The dance consisted of fifteen Visited in the Next Two Weeks The 1. fIM.\X7 regular and six extra, and included by Professors. - By Le w H. Clement, Director of the Chequa- many of the latest dances. A number of members of the fac- megon orchestra. Refreshments, consisting of wa- ulty will be engaged during the next The prettiest Waltz sine "Auf Wieder- fers and orangeade, were served. sehe." two weeks in examination of schools To Mr. PnBscarin fte .. . leautifutty ittisstrstcd titte pute.. Every sint- . Pine as chairman of the that desire to be placed in the list eart s i seit a e.Eryst- reception committee, and to Mr. of schools admitting their students 4 c. PtO 1 O . Quin, chairman of the arrangements without examination. We give be- 10committee, much credit is due for witoutexainaion Wegiv be th carn l me, m entndit sduesforlow a list of the schools. A few of lst careful managenent and success them have already been examined of the social, and some will be examined later in Ii It seems that the weariig ot de- the year, but most of them will be signs was not generally understood. visited during the next two weeks. The chaperones were Mtrs. Prof. Many of these schools have been on iettee and Mrs. Prof. Greene. the list before and are now re-exam- The Freshman Socials. ined on the expiration of the term. of three years, but several, especial- Tonight occurs the freshman so- ly in the Upper Peninsula, are ap- When y uwanttheeLa-iteierpoatanStyte nIP8:,V$o $5. Slhoes at50c tinR5a air sts;ee- cial at Granger's hall. The com- plying now for the first time. than Ann Artor prices send for Cataonue to mittee who have had charge of The list is as follows: In Mich- arrangements have made special ef- igan, Lower Peninsula, Benton Har- fort to make the affair a success. bor, Birmingham, Cassopolis, Con- 101, 1ss-185I 'onwssn Avre., Music will be furnished by the stantine, Eaton Rapids, Hastings, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN, freshman banjo club. The even- Howell, Ithaca, Jonesville, Lansing, ing will be spent in dancing and so- Marine City,"Marshall, Mt. Cleis- cial games. Every member of the ens, Paw Paw, Petoskey, iortland, class should turn out. Twenty-five Romeo, Saginaw, E. S., St. John's cents will be collected from each Tecumseh, Ypsilanti; in Upper Pe- attendant to defray expenses. ninsula, Bessemer, Calumet, Cham- PHOTOGRAPHER, - 6 E. HURON, ----- -- pion, Escanaba, Hancock, Hough- H..ssurcst te setrices or Iti. tt.1w.'iststu, At McMillan Tonight. tots, Irt od, Ishapeoig. \ega - rator.s ee tgers and t- The members of McMillan gym- nee, Sault Ste. Marie; in other FRESH ASSORTMENT inasium will give an indoor contest states, Chicago; north, northwest, _-)F at the gymnasiunm this evening at 8 south and west divisitns; South O p. m. The program, which promis- Chicago, Englewood, Jefferson, Oak es to be a good one, is as follows: Park, Kenwood Institute, Austin, --a ,c rmo er Bar vault; tug-of-war; running high Aurora, Iyde Park, Maywood, La T L us "E';, - 48 S. State St. jump; standing hop, step and jump; Grange, Lake, Lake \iew, Oak shot put; running high kick. In Park, Princeton, Geneseo, Elgin, THE "WAVERLY " WHEEL addition there will be good bouts of Ill.; Clinton, Ia., La Porte, .Ind.; weight.s ountk-witt ylincher o. a:1.} wrestling, boxing and fencing. Cincinnati, Woodward high school, tires-for 585.00 is th s esti Isof the Saturday evening McMilan gym- Ohio; Canandaigua, N. '. hour. See it in the window o nasium will be closed so that all The Prantice Court. BROWN'S DRUGSTORE. may go to the 'Varsity indoor meet - i "big gy." Although Prof. Mechem is hear- in - the- .-ing one jury trial a day all the cases From a Lawyer's Standpoint. in course two will not be heard by ----the end of the year. It is expected The fifth lecture in the course be- thst ed of th ea tw i s exiged B - - ing delivered by Prof. J. C. Knowl- that every student till be assigned BASE BALL GOODS ton will be given in the law er two cases, however, and as much work as possible done upon them.. ture room next Monday eveningwork asesdonosbthem. Suits and Gymnasium Sup- April 9, at 7:30. The Prof. ha' If all the jury cases cannot be heard finished the Civil Institutions and credit will be given for the course plues. provided, if all the preliminary work upon them is satisfactorily done. You are invted to examine stock and prices. Jurisprudence of the Jews." This So far, the law faculty is much is introductory to his unique lecture "The Trial of Christ from a Law. pleased with the work that has been yer's Point of View." Great inter- done in the court. est is being taken in these lectures. There will be a Pupil's Recital in UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE Frieze Memorial hall on Saturday Intercollegiate debate tonight. afternoon, April 7, at 2 o'clock. STATE SThET, AIN AsBO&,