THE U. OF M. DAILY. TE E E T E R C N -ADo you k now a' good i A re you interested in the B ase B all Team ? kiew e o e n knif whe yousee neIf so buy your HAT at thte OUTFITTERS. ITake a look at those 50e, n ov A ° S= 'RM Z' asitian $1.00 ones at : 0 W InrLISI-C = TaTOZT_ CAKN'P~oAYTEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT . J-M-o Toi (S& w--wr o =R:E; NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. A ~J77 i C>R M inOF TENNSBSE BA4LL AND SPORTING GOODS WhJicb they offer at prices (atoni .tih t to Se as Io as call be Obtained ElsISwIIKI'(. . .. . . . . A'nn Arbor Savings Bank XVINCL{EL'S TEACHERS' AGNC - -e U. OF M. FLAGS. innpls, l1 0150. Organtrert uder tare5Genernil ltootinngflaws i7 1=C2'7= TT= 1- Sierlin r ils -i, Oenamelleditin of thitsState. ttercivs-diepiosits, tips arnd -a llowaisaabtlue, -lit. pin setis recian ,'eon thepticialicities of the '26 2 WabaLsh Avenue, Chicago. I'nhile it i lin. StostlibltiiIi oirmemb ers. Mloain-.or catch pin. Lrire, $t.50. United Staies.tDraftsarashed noon artier eitya nar asistn isarn aei-t- n-lslrarci.Sa iil identificatin a Sfetydneposit oses tsrrent. s cilyo ihr)~iin8 etr lr P JIM. AJNOI-IS, ice-airsk('t'. ii.i) ( 1 10 ret aa, Vj-r tores.; (Cnas. us tC _____________E.__________________________________ Hi______________________Ca-____ shiere \T. J.PritieAsoot. nCashter.____________________ THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS IIEm. : 1."1 PRINTING andc- PUBLISHING Doe.BI.S~l~ ~ ls iiarsithe imob l Dosa iinotitoiecrhinileo is. 0 TOLTIE lissnoaba r . laimsia ispure- ilef lght. 16 Student Work a Specialty-. I/svr biieen in i i s a s tne/i/Icisiflle rsi% Bet tt. rtooi iiaind titwet Pricesin thle Cay. Itisjiiir e C trou. (iveis titl/ll seif/isisCt roats 0 ' tisi De_____________________ livetred r aomtlfy. Sa0l onif byDsieaft &(a. SR ARE THE BEST. Stl ienriirr itsiCIGARETTE SMOKERS tat re w srdIC1 l- NvilI Inet lly ricemad on tivpayra little mr a n attiie price XX AWXXTICI{an ArbrM. DEAN I&LCOMPANY. diahneduioRAN opretar oauoterio .s AnSut ainArStre. 1ll 7. i1nTHS I RAa tolltheohr I Jhn . tlayeog I ipnott The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 Y L UNIVERSITY NOTES. Joh Ll C1lybeg, Isq. icr its snerric iinon-tr ei- dent ltctiurer onA'litnira Lass, was nre tmadrt tra in i ttie~t,tiiisittrlictcoe t m l~cr tat rar~e, ne re~tlyillilott r, and Iiilirircost GOLD LEAF ______________And t tIbenretrtledi as yet., initiated tnto tire D elta ('lii frater- goin ii irgiiia. _______________B___eto__have_ linoeidi-istrr rie lt5rltteBsn EWARE SF IMITATIONS, nstobsirves I____________________a___________rbrunette thsat tent e ofatac i ut iiiiftii irs as -t;,. Misss Kat and:Fraces Knny, iabeois on etry iiacaae. 't.5. 0 Vlt, 9;, iilliants, a- at Vale of Manisteer Miclh., have been tine nT e 8&GtP Cqtaco Featur es for U4 liotae grounds, Monday. guents of their sister, Miss Agnes NU RANCH1', jti0SantVtS~tiA .'rot Knowltotithdidnt lectitre to Kenny, '9/i lit, for the tpast wceek. ______________________ *1iejtirlssthsiirii. Tt S. C. A. Burlletin board nmel W ARE IN iTet ljst3' I~andl bats. Coatain CBicikerintg is calling out lost night anit electest Miss. A. '1. \ t z ieIi cfl~ ~'cc t< Dust- gof. be1 ll c ndiditites for thne '9.1teont. 1Richards, lit '9l5rtuanagitug editor, }t;i lie obsioselawlibrory hournsitove beets anti J. 1It.Prentiss, lit'96, lis.itness T, iir extetirl by requsest of ststdetnts. nOngr SR Oa i1!i celr lny e len hcia ie boners antI srestlers for thne - SU ER SertryNan ldtemetn of ttNorutn lihiol S. C. A. lost1indoor meet5are'tard atitorkSit the ain i vetu. gy-natosiutn. -The iighttseightt ad-i- citing raprier contest, Inc lnt'osyts-ight bointg cotntests wus-illL13. sies the setter fencitog boutts uill 'saerespecially interesting. a I soil!. limit1 I Inca feature of the tntdoor nmcet. 'leltoi ietwl ebl ti in.t ttn. tt Wiwc Mdl1416 and iS are ii r Tbe senior closs shc--op o vr ttnder tiore favorable condi- NEAR tions thnt ever before. The gym-No- - .Wahnto t, vA straingestenlililesi, mostsi rctfnla d -ins' toittee swill tmeet Ihis ofternoon ot ________________________ W~heels ini lisa in a.i~i. They are thte fiiliiri five o'clockc it oomii~i 21, maitn build- nosiinmswill be lighted the sonne as - at tine nn "bopr and full accontoo is ii ninfteb a dyncn i ernsani are tg.dations an to seats hose ibeen ar-t snniitProf. Ames is at lpresent giving flil t>rIa0Clly Ioralte'(. lcue ohscassi mrcnranged. letre ohi lassinAercn The ftlilolologicai society wiiill ~ p urtit ir dit rg isinnhistory npon Abolition movements netti vnn nro ,a :o AR CKCCEMFG. CO eoe h . Papers will be read by Prof. 1.3. y WARIC CCL The organization of a University Drooge on "A Recently Discovered d - - SpatISOFIELD, MASS. bicycle club is beinog agitated among Oscan Inscription frons Pomponi _______________________the student riders and is meeting by Prof. Hempl on''English scattei, VICTOR Cycles Lead. Ladies' Artistic Haidressing Parors. willh nuch favor. A meeting of the sapei//r ",, Latin scalter/a"; and by tcall far catatog anid examine wheels at LAIS hairdresstng, taantcuring, tarewhemnwilb Liadscalp treatinent ditne a in tlatest wele ilb called soon to Mr. Daniels on "Archaisms in Lun- M. Staebler's Cycle Eoaporioio, fashtnt. ira. J.-IOi Truuanoslit, S0 E. Mots- nie h atr rtn. isngton St., os-er baer shopi. cnie1hemie.cetu1nr5 W. WASHINGTON ST. Ann Arboar.