THE U. OF M. DAILY. j o Dout1 -now at good T \TE. knife whlen you see one? ITake a look at those 50c, 71oo and $1.00 ones j CALKING' PJJARMACY. ----- - -- --- N N N aracumnsur.r e." NPER CENT. TEN PER CENT. GK> A re you interested in the Base Ball Team?IfsbuYorH T tthOU F TE S 'I'S ITN'S m "'1 TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. -I I. ~QQEjBJ & ~NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _____________________________________7 AND STATE ST.. CORNER OF WILLIAM. ___A 7~.1.FUZZ ASS0?Rr-rl T OF___ - TENISBASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Wichi they otier at prisces Cu-m-inteed to ie is Low as can be ()btaiiiec Esewi-ere.. .. ... Awn Abr rSaving sBank WINCHELLS TEACHERS' A.GENCY Asri Arbcr. Mi.OCaitatl'Mock,$50,0t. Srputtt15,00 Oreantzed cunder tne Geneatlttantktn.Laws =C77 = BTR AT at thits State. tteeceieteostt savbu:sad setts eschanage an the artnaciatlctiesonfttthe 262 Wabash Avenue. Chicago. tatis.Mccct de, ctto naeniecs. Mctles a Uniettd States. Drafts cached upon itrope tdentttticatton. Satety detostt baxes torent. . cpe 'tatty at higheercpositions5,tecture esaceacnu ccc-in~ tcituct atc atct , 0e r r.att teat tFFCRCtatheititan Macta Preon; W. D. Ccctt~,r Harriana, Vtce Prec.; Chat. . Hticack, Ca- shter' M1. 2. F'ritz Asst. Cashter. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS IlrnC)Ya CIau PRINTING and - IL *-~.PUBLISHING Dcottittaotk1)ctt aafc/atcce --OTTSF- Tlfts no badcfodor. (iirece cacue te/ite li/at. Student Work a Specialty. Jlcs aee beets itt btarls' sate cc/itc acs distilcleditcctb. Bost Wokeansd Lowest Prtcos tothe Cty. It i aecronac. Crieca ligha twithcotut oke ocr cdor. _______________________ De_ ~ li'eredom otptlyj. Sol onlyby Den C C. STHE COLUMBIA 44 South Main StreetDA & COMPANY. S tandarci Bicycle UNIVERSITY NOTES. Therewll bo a lcueuo \Vord .pr talaner wll ao tc ale"Italtan Composers," illustratod by oftetomorrow foretnoon. mtembers of the faculty, Tihursday gracetult litnstrolccc, t tflc Ralph Garwootl, lit '92, itas been evening, April at IFrieze 1Memorial prct fthldccst ticyceoes- hall lofms. t ttttccocc t tcinAmaeca as~tllc- vtsiting lain alnma mater thteleast ' co tatsttcctaoottlittect. tacc- crek.Reilly, natiotaal chcampiocn srest- ata to laet thetuea. Ah:y wek celptceo,thce tt-eeeco lttleccic An article eta Princeton unicer- ler, is nosw training for Itis boats eaestncrteasinto tputtariYty isa ity appeared ia Suntlay's Near York Itere at thae indoor mteet on Saturday souceofttpride attat "atttattccc old.night. Keene 'itz lPatrick, lis atto tiae.'rdea bcceadnt to rieea Coclumccbica isci 'bTe Dartmoutih studcentslhav'e trainor, trill be crithicmai. falstftitcc futt st ;; , pedged $t,ooo in supaport of Ilheir Ceitn rnult','nc tctent otacbetatepct . 1CritnLBosnlt91 o 10baseball teanm. teaching in thae.Lansing high school, Pop Mg. Co., I All 'getI law' baseball candidates attended the mceetings of the Schsool are rectuested to appoar on te cant- tmasters' Club, and is nowr visitingy Boston, NeW York, gt pats for practice daily at s1:30 ta. tttIciths old friends in the city. Chicago, Hartford. Miss Juliette Sessions, lit '93, SAll lovers of fenacinagtrill enjoya nowc teaclhing in tlheishligh scool at Colubut eautit tct ttcttct ttc cata ClcnbastlioM:aniaghrae re treat at teeindoor omeet Satate- ted f c Z tatwolittattttat p c aaiosastcuvrst. cay niglht.'T'here trill be (qitea ,k ttcvtcatiottattthe tntversity. il dc N lit Ihacona frnae stuentclcanber of boats, several of then ivisiting old friends. Shte recent- Ibetwreen amene of considerable repu- Cpy G0 KYSCINSANASRQN lygrdae from ltce Nurses Train- tatioS. crnceof iHccccacccstctWeotsct triton ttrets, aing School at St. Luke's Itospital, Pros. Shteridan Wcith the dole. ttptiats tte (okCutytHtopattat. cIRIO-AGtO, TTIT,_ Chicago. gates and a number of members o: TheCo lltege is oc cccspetdati tone ofthtte Names for indoor meet may be the republican club will leave to- finest builtdings illcthe ntc e dcto Stcatesandccc oats- rais thraeeo amphittheat.trese uteenctetiact handed in to any member of the fol- morrowv afternoon on the lM. C. R trcomsact fivclabioratoriesO. Tcheswintertbegttitnomtdctte' oStatem- lo wingcomte:KnnMrRa5:$oatndheovnir lceerc1891,aundctens'earlytin April, t.t,toltowed omte:KnoMrI. a :8t tedtecneto ty anoustitocncasprig ters. 'ees $105.00c anti LeRoy, Martindae CrpnriSycuN.Y ac lbtotencry cdepositt, CretinSacsNX' Four annuat 'ended coures itthttt advatned Cleaveland. Several hundred studeints, chiefli standting ot gratates in phtcarsacey, asnd tthe university preparator oursataantecedenst A case of French books have been medics and dents, serenaded Dr toth sltudocy of Medcine. Tho Cinicnt and Laoatory tfacitites are added to the library. Thsey are Darling, mayor-elect, last night utnsuratssed. tcrculaofnormteationcand furetepsi- mostly on applied mathematics and The doctoi responded in a nea Di.ulars, aUdress history. There are abocut too vol- speech, when te boys departec 8 in w. 'tarrisnnSt,, - Chcago, i. nines in all, after giving their department yella U. OF M. FLAGS. tcc inSt c osce ~te te i cc cc tan tcbse, stick inc -- or c ic i.Psice, $aS50 J 1I AfsLOL), Jewecler. CIGTE MK1ESwhae wll ttngctt a ltt le ore tt t han ite pritcecc chage 00for trdiarytreC igaetes Theachmonad: atracigt CuNo SPBEWAnd F IITTIOS,3n}obsrv thct cce tcat sc t hemauact.rsa Ne so e. ey W asge ., aA it fC AtttCatatgas eattne wheete at11 d ti. StaFe 3er' ofCyle naporlna,; StRW.GWaSn TO ST-An-Aror