THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. 11]" N'H. (,CEMENT, 51 SO. MAIN Sy. Director and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HUREON SREP31ie. Good Work Guaranteed. Goads railed "for and delivred. A. F. CSOVERtT, Prop. HANUM~ f1AEER treet. 22 Years In tihe Husintess. i o"- CITY LAUNDRY, M1. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRSt ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 8. SMate Street. MONDAY-6p a AdsvantedJitas JoerLa- desand enleen. JONDAY5 pt. adiels' lois ::ie ass. 'T5'E4i)AY--7 y. m. Gentlemearc. Ia acin class. SATURDAY i10 a. io. Gentlemn' co ig discm. Ladieancing la.. it01.mi. Chilsdren'stitasto Klss 81)int. isaasmasmLhclayti. Private Issos Pbcapnsltslnts. HODGiWA N S ]ACKINTOSH E Pitom $16.50 uptos$2500.1 D_ A. TINKER'S No. 9 South Main street, :Fosrnocely Twss Saman.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHTICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., 1t. F. CLARK. V - :est, a,1:031. 4,800itoitiso aFilled. 98i Pasitions i lled ha SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. AGENNCIE)S: N(!wYo -, 1 tAiirls, IT - ti , V RPTT O FISX & CQt, Inrcte Official Photogratphers . O tPTO-WIT: . . tIA LTY. MICHIGAN GENTIEAL EiA. i le Wtti EoST. D. N. Exprco.... tat l i1i.,N V ci'.S1a . i Atlantic ExpreosiP417 tttlExp.... 151: G. IR. Enp....15 I 1, A. ias oi st'tt Exp. 1 55 Mail ansd lop....4 is G. R. t al. Si 555 60 N. Y, i& Bo.X30 . 5:0w hi. N.loopers... 8 11 N. S. Limaited..... 1 I3:3 ttaifc Exptesso..101:; a) W. Rapat.. ,, i. P. &i.Art., Cicao.A-t..Ann Arbar. 'rm cbetkn fet811a,111chs, Trainsoloats Ann::Arborc by Centi,;II 4:15 a, m. *7 15it. I only. All itriit. idaivcec::p :tlnay. R.St . 11 P55001) ODAuoti 5::mirbor W.H.SBENNETT, G. JP.A.iToledo.: ANN ARBOR 1HJIJ N IJUNDVY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Eb. S. SFoRviss, - Maniagei. KEEP YOJUJ ACCOlI JV'ITH THE +$TATE $AVIP2G$ BAU2K+ is::. Matn antiWahingto~n Seert. A.L.NWMSPes BR TPFULD ,:h'. C RO STPENC ASOUTAINANOROL TilliAmE STREET, F PEtd N MAKER Sl.S~.. U. OF M. CALENDAR. . a. Spin, Spin, Jiorgst, b. BUSINESS LOCALS. Sinmple Simon, J. C. Mory. Messrs. Tiles., Alto.s. -Cncet bp Willilams'toil1( Allen Bartlett, Perktins aind Lock- Foir reduedlratto tickets to Ohio:, Ia: n :4;md :tl::ndlint clubs~, i itt vetrsity wood. West Vat. id:ld1:A'a. poinltsapp~ly to Ball.It. S. Greeiis wood, 't'icet Agt., Toled~o TF . t:.l prite. IA:::: s1tt riontthe ite iorsi- 4. alse "Sultana," Tocaben. Alit:Arbor & North Micli. etiscainroosu24,) t;:1p. o \ asiolin club. College students wrauting employ- Tiur ::tvem.. Apr. z,.-Nineiy-fou:r class otaht, 5.D)uet and Chsoras from: Venc- isfotiesnnersoda- i. e'ses s Fri., 1pr.6.-Feshni:atc1istoeiat. ing M 'e:,Dr Kocen. Msr.dress P. 5IV. Ziegler & Co., BOX T8o11 Fri., Aptte.- :irltsi:, lP; Kimball and terkins, Glee and Mla::.Pbiladelphiia, Pta.,t who offer great cmir.impty ail. dolin cluibs. indticemenots torstiecial swrktoI - ---- ,-s. Ilelle of Chsicago, Soiisa. Irwhichi stitdents are well litted, and oar visitorn Tonight. lbanjo club. Irthichs pays X5)to:$150 oper mont:. Speakiing oftie5Willianms'Glee, 7.The .Mountains, Gladdles. PiThe thaselwdlteIiam get :o tier Man:dolin unditliatjo clubs, whichls itrayiomen. enit. of thiatisales at Iloidisli:\ Litoray Camont. tteson's. appear here toniighit,the ClevelandFrlnesas tohbusetn tlainsttaler sans:.iOn:e if the most tractical and . mi uesa o itisbrilesai tercs,: ;boos fr lwyes ad lw scigars, go to the 13. &AI. lDrugstore. luring the past m:usical season lro bosfr aresa:lli Get a hal at Iloirdisl:&l Mattepson Clevielastd has loatdthe privilege of sItu* tmlwicl: las cmoe to ouir i()- I and lhelp tebsbl em listening tio the four leading (Glee ticeiTe 1 irLasanid Jutrispsru-I IIaeal e:: c:lbs of the counttry. Last evening de:uce of 1igand ndtAmrica"ge, j See those( ine patent leather shoes Williatmscollege esteredt the race th laned 1.1h.r1)., judgcb his lit Bwis Latts.' for favor andtihsirGlee, 'Maindolin been Lsiost. itlliovi 5 antI Banjo clubs of that ttiritihmnor- thse bookconitse on si f I Coslelso edl institu~tion vied sith each other TebocosssoaseisfOehnedotseltp. lectures delivered tbefore the stu-ifIFinder tplease return to t)AILi office toll cenjotrbileeiogtspedntheIdeints of tale Law Schoosl. Intsh1ese Iand::re.eive rewrardt. sritlie~jfial eeig slntby lectu:res are tin be found a mnie of --t.t--____ those woattendtedt. Studnts eeRaten. the programi sas au iarieid one anditsaluiable iuformation anid legal en: -- onewel clcuatd t sowo et itiots swhichth te learned author has 'or the sprin::g vacation of the atlantgetheexellnttiesouelofgathered togethner dulring ]is forty tUniversity tof \ichtigsan so a the clubs; thne singing was excellent, years legal study and practice. For Normal aneryB stisiCla- eseial n qte~r pasages, alheyoung lawyer, this work i i- neg, lheTledAnZJifn srbo - togitsenstnetiessnoeetlsc practicalket ::oiorsnmeitetes.adoit cot ates at ocr anit one-thirdl fare for can sell afford to clais: a piositioni* hssok ilbfumaci-the roud trip to al points in Atel- aniong the first sin e country. Pre-; igoan ad CnrlTraffic Ass'n cision and perfect hiarmny were t odaiiAsecgmngeotry. sl n sa~ ctiaracteristics otisemr he: br history ofthe rise andl growths Tickes vilo e ssedAril 12111, (Of the Banjo club tin:: nucth cannot coflaw.ersi: pit i teth l:anid 14t)h andtllimitedl to return be saitd in Ipraise. The spirit whichcoin; t li.u:p to anod inc:iluinmg April 24~th- msarksed everm selections oas thsat ofthle swork deals sith the interest- Itlm.S.t Psi.IN ni (Io: A:t vmn aiv igor, so oftena lacking in gsulJecooflgal'edt-eatio simuilar performsances. trial by fur), the oriin, cdcvelop:- o, ,iTPEAMV LAIJNI Y jnient and clsaracteristics of thor cons- tI 1 An xceten prgrci asstes mnnlawm, written contribuitionis, HOWDISH & HOUSE, Proprietors. ran~gedh for ton:igh~t as follosws: legislations, case lair, law relports, it::':: 5,:. tt' ro: 5m: ssa:T . isp liiilhrecedent, codifications andit Iad'Atsi arrsigPros 1. ht:ugle son~g, C. It. lowley. lasw reform. I aioetniuidnsgpecn The I ' Iitldc is'irti. :: icmrinsa, fIte:: Ghce cub. 'The book coistains .io pages the !5Lat::i!ihill Ir ittmmss dontc ini:: itu- uatic 2. Germnsam PIatrol,. Llembrrg.plinebeing '.x.50. (i t Py.;Y it, 5ti tbitr :tsh M.ansdolin club. KE -EO S._ T- R'TTN U.A= T S-5EIT_ er. b.'T'oicial sonmg, selecteit. Mr. iw Bartlett and Gtlee climb. II lFCl~i' FEEDINGOFsIt 1)1SINKFit e with oth:ie:0:st l:: ity :1:;irdlna. if s:::::n 4. RyalPursle jilcknelshan- i:: ow ct, t::i forJte :PARJKER..Ill ittit ctt ::utso"Jre it ps:l::p:itioiin. ''l rim cir len 4. oyl Prpe fticksep l~-comianestille 11, Wis. Sheehan & Co., LEslim ctio t~et t it Arboit ter. Bainjo club. 5. College Glees: a. Cabins Hiome; b. Mlea Bella. Glee club. C. Spring's Awakenitng, Bach.I N O :'adlncu..7 a. Serenade, A. H. Prentiss; b. If -, C. It. Hawley. Glee chlb. x I'AR'' it.M fLLER s. a. Medley from N'!ang, Orr.SRN TLS Hyatt; b. Blehind Clarissa, W. i ______________ ITNGSY.S Edwards. Mr. Lockwood and Glee club. Qo rs ~baC~oe.SCE tYrsABSOLUTELY GV0D" EDS Bano Mrd Grs abrlGroer SrIEO CORRECT. Go D ? D Bnoclub. (COtORS, 151 S . MAIN ST.