THE U. OF M. DAILY. W.of W. Th cifv i'ublishect Daily (Sundays excepted) during tib.gWlias )(bar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscrption price V501 per year, invariably it atane Single ccpies 3 cents. Subacrip- cigna may tie left at tbe otice cc tbe DAILY, it Scnilet'a, with atny of tbe editoes cc iutborized slicitors. Cmmunsications tbhould recb tbc ofice by o'clock r. u. if tey are tc appear te texj lay. Address all matter intended for pitblica- tion t cthe Managing Editor. All bustness tmsnnnicaticns shbuld be tent tic tbe Bitti- ness ?Managere. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor. Mich. EDITORS. CA. tccsccISx, L(ccc'9a, Managisig Editor. 11. A. SPii.tss, cit. '954, Asticttt. I. . Ljnc, itc,ic'i, Aitiht. J. A. ittwy, Lt. 'cc, Athletic Edlitc. VWt.,\. IT()cac, fit.. '97, Business Manager. H.1B.ticiticce. '94. cR. F. IHai!l.c F. i'. s dlr 96. E . .tMal initle''4i. E. 1'. Lyle,.96 . . I s inatS that time ran igh, for no apparent (jl t1l1 1 A1E "E E P S reaaon. Now tinder the regimce: of Ann~~~~ Aro nawl oeni iy What they will do for you and howe toob- At the Ninety-four Social. t ain them. UTh madolin unecmpsdo bers of thne 'Varsity Banjo TRADE RECEIPTS. rcub, will render celections at the are coipoicis issued by mterchanits for the putrpose of sliowinig lit 94 cocial. Tine Glee cluab will clot amtounif of cashtrtftadsethiey get fromstssubscribeirs fur die Col umtbias, appear as announced, but it in hoped (Cvclopedia. thcat a quartet selected from thne club TRADE RECEIPTS. will beg n hestad ThuryeensingatlIcaitbe secuired. to the foil amaiount of younr purchases fromu tll Iner- wil behedTursayeveingatchntsioniotur list by preseting an Idenatificatiotn Card issued by uc- Grangerns academy. Showing ftiat you ace a stibscriber for the Coleubian Cyclopedia. Announcement. ; TRADE RECEIPTS. 'There nill be a mueeting and ye- ; do tost soelai alty'inacrease isa the price of goads piurchalsedl,(Sr that ception of thteti. of M1. Manonic 1111you list biuryaaysmcre tistintyostarnraonebuyisng.- clash in line parlors of the M\anonic TRD1E EP S temaple, (Wednenslay evening, AprilTR D RE IP S a, at 7:30. The presence of all coust absolaitely iothinsg excepti the trouble sof gointol the stores, maal.i stdnsearnestly requiest- where thie, y hi'obtaicied aadsidnalticiyorpucasstvm e.Refreshanents. - .T -----TRADE RECEIPTS. taci~iiih,~ci-i. tiiti~itAtttX -asfa s liilitiiNTtERCOerLdLEeGssIAerasTitcEe.i Iici All ~ ti iPt .--.-.--- rinacetnas defeated by the tatiu that cuastcicmers tire to shalreth le betits sif it. Al oymust be 'at 5tcr cifice SefityctS:3ia.cci cfte dtcy f iiblicctioc. New fIork league nine Satnrday, TRADE RECEIPTS. sil rthe opliecsitnitns oi cid tltet-ci i.of 5cre- iwi cll hi' aceeptedilby 1as ttonse-tenuth their ftce'vcatie il ill pain ut -.i..ta, .,i~ust. ctet,.(hU.otF. lsttohe_11ia-fur a secti ifthe ('oiiibcaii CNc loiedia at reglarplice. delpinia league teana Saturday by a TRADE RECEIPTS. TH RDU "UL[.trNY«ot... score of I4-7. '-A. commanittee of the (acuity still will therefiure sei'iire fur von ahslstely free of cost a referecuce i- lDo-\' forget the concert icy the advise lice Williamcs' football mns- bersyo ':2(9volucois, 26,0l00)plages itnh 7,1000 illusstratios. Willianms' cliubs tonight. Turn eut ager in his control of the teams, TRADE RECEIPTS. and give the visitoes a roival wtel - hereafter. t(o hhte ainitiat of tcc7ntts-tic'c diillars securiud friissily (ir all i)f (lit comce'(laey tieserce it Harvard's first practice gaiie ivan stores wcilentitle c-onl to a v-olumte of tile Cii olmilaniCyIclopetdia playesd Saturday, the 'Varsity win- Extrfiveursiio TuucF:1cc ciii be an impcortant naeet- ning by a ;-o. The outfielding wan lug of Tiffi: Ilo staff 'Thursday good, but the battery cwork and in- ; THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTSt night, 7:30 o'clock to macke recoin- fielding were poor. EIIIIIPI3ACI IIHAltDWARlE C(o)., a. W. ('ORLISS, Photo srttplssr. mendlations for editors for thae con- There wiii be no baseball paineS'T'EAflhIT'I & MIl-IA, L'fsUtopia Millinsers. lug year. Evere mauber is expect- betwveen the Harvard and Princeton I IthlRiAC'l I)IIUG AND CILElIICAL COL) etobprsn.freshmcen this year. The Harvard I. .i hats. ANN ARBiORt S'I',iAIl AUNI)1lY,. cc oh ceec.faculty cilscot allocv the freshmen ' RA ER&C.Grcre-IdCrcIeTiFClnawilbredfo topyVlendPneonhesm joy cviii be iictihe hearts of (liePAAC + BARBER + SHOP freshmnwhvlo see their samni cthe N S I itca t 1iti " ti- .H. OIVE 'iiorr 7~Ac~DjHouse.J 1 iHitCIdinettilcit athsaI,,()r_ official pulua1cation of (lie tI Iliccy- GI I ceEfIIfY..iti ii city hoc tice isttice10'6.\7 P(Jf/ I !~ u xic-'r0-eC - - -) r,, tcyiT'- C Tims: cci calendar contains thae announiemelnt oif the five-dollar in. crease ohf(lie aiiala fees in all de- pcartmcents oif tihe tu.'icercity as tie- cided at the last mceeting ,,of sine Regents. NWhile tine itccome of lice university ciii be considerably in- creased icy the additional fees, no iecrease in tice attendance can be expected, evenc cow the tuition in much lena than at institutions of equal standing. Atic ' Aeicon cwiii have another pro- fessor for mayor during thne coming year and tine students ciii be nicer of fair treatment. Tine admcinistra- tion just retiring has beenc a very satisfactory one to all, in strange contrast with the municipal govern- ment of three or four yeara ago. The feeling against the stusdents at 'l'akes Pi-si t:Place.'" 5551(11 KALE.5Fori WIs t, eluaone ic 5 Horsford's Acid Phosphate I Th nae tans o justwhat if it. ? Baseiball ansti Law,, Tenisl. NE5$R 'c is the iost effective and agree- at idicc'c Baseist iiIti u an t'tiii.,Dotids IjE aretued eult'eusivelyiiiriuiaittut thetlU. S-11)(1 = - - lj'.-iCtn t ini'i s it tlst.'s I'ic itussiaciic s acgice tite aisle temaedy in existence for thtsithes' ciuiial-.tici-ei'inew iut oluic iills-- I taded uataiouucceaidy. Sent ree. 'i i prev'enting indigestion, and re- A. G. Spalding & Bros."'+- Chicago. New York.Phldpia isnrG ievino- those diseases aiiigPitdlha FIRST NATIONAL BANK Is te LAIGSHO FBSNS fronafa disordered Stonmach. )F ANN AIllOR. caue u~tand sesTHAD.-sasi iii dnt uiti cutte CaiaP.t~~i. Ssic m rofits, gssa uciowrk;el hsciupied aeadlig riiomn;udail tureuc- Ca-ita, 5,{otl Suplu ad 3.010. Saturduay eeingiciecetuitictti us on te ethie ear Dr. Wv. WV. Gardner, Springfield, Tra'acs.a genieraibtabkingbsiness. orlin e tional r us i,itsitfotr eplicinsentin itsui' Massys auei sanrcleciga ecbhsuge bought asid sold. Letcer s itunsshrthaeiliatitacti atcte~uedie.Iii-ti c Mas, as:Ivau i s nexeletcredit procured fur crav-elers abroad., exenis V t 52.55pe rek iprivatcastilici., preventative ci indigestion, asd a pleasant P. BAClI Prets. S. W5. C.AIIKSON. Caisbier Far -Nsic astagu, addire'ss ________________________P. R. CLEARY, PFats. acidulted dink when properly diluted with School of Daneing, Ground Filoor.r water, and sweetened." MAYNARD STREET. jh amr'n4e~~c'a Desciptive pamuphtet free cit applicationto CGap ~ I~' [If ~ usices 7),(, clSur snuand usichu t.S 1uu0. Rumford Chemical Wrks, P-u-rdenceRI G ER 'S.L iiJUSJ S Flats a eneral buntini. business, pays lintee- Canste tetuseid fat Isivt e airPutiesSeep est en Savings Deposits. flat Safety Blewaretof Substitutes and Imitationes. lust Banquet., etc. Nutaipuiblic=itaill. Deposit Boxsfor rent. ForSal byallDrugiss Srangers mustbe introed. Rut ecsidence ft. KIIOIFPea. F. H. BIiSER, Casier, Fo aeb l rgit. and sffice at Avuds my. Bankib lien Saicurdauy evening.