THE U. OF M. DAILY. F D Y N LANK LAuu LINE 1 E ANDHERFURNACE , L 'JUiX JN.LCY U'Ji S TS 'O'ttttone of thse ttetrmomeners in ssssswindows. Thens, if shIt says the motrnttistt'aatitnugh, you can fier'- sitsr her that it isn't. Bents ' FowsE Slippers in all thE Latest 05tylas. Carlkins' Pharmacy TTHI 34 5a. STATE SU1'REE J[ OUT FTTERS, 3o wdis~h & Mattepon, 32 $. $TATE $C. MOQE00 E:: & W-Er QFL8 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Ilave a 11u111 Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUD)ENTS" SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE U SU AL Df LN r GIVEN TO SrTUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKDS BUTO' I;ACHI~ANLI 0. CAEEJDS GRAV"SIJD =NS==E lDEBlS-rS7'YTiES. JAY C. TAYLOR, bOCY210 S- HE VOICE VOCAL STUDI1O, 31 S. MAIN ST. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Iusconetion:oFitneShatter Bthis. nwpr e(-Isin tus. 30Ibthls list'$500.Ldties' Hair ties--tug arlouta'nstnit's-. FIt. Ttoisc stas, 51 E. Wasii totttS-t, I o %T1 Nto 1: OWVEN'S ItRERltSHOP, E' N. 4lEast lhut-sn Streit. UNIVERSITY NOTES. AS party of sltdetlcis wetit to Jark- sitn yesterday to views the wreck. 'T'ite registration swilIt le atitotinc- e ''a1!2:ieae rly part of test sve'll. '96 plays Y'psilantti next Satturdsay at tile Altlstic field. Several gaimes are arrangedl for. C. K. Steivart,Hlotneop, '93, will tots1 begin to practice lisa profes- sion in St. Paul, Minn. C. R. Johnson, medic '97 left yesterdlay morning to npend Stittday at lisa home in Toledo. A meeting for the ipurptose of or- ganteing the freshman clasIhas been railed for this morning. Five more men have been lent to thte traimning table this week, making thte nutmber there at present, eighs- teen. 'rTevarious church receptions v'sre well attemnded last evening, not wi'thstanding thme disagreeable weather. Rev. J. 'T. Sunderland will speak nsext Sunday evening at the Unita- rian church on "The Choice of a Vocation." Ann Arbor is a learned town, so learned, I may nay, that even its street laborers speak Polish every day--Wrinkle. Woman's Leagne Membership badges can be secured in the La- dies' Reading Room every morning between9. 15 and 9:30. It is de- sirable for every college girl to join it. Fee 2, cents. IA A E S I M E S ~ M2 S W A. .l'IOLI, itt ' 'i) sit' i at- hiiisi'smidit'ertieiito st'ir is'sttes Bitlan Itsrner I a lith treltain Nicket PItatEd Milter Lnmp, No. Yt.eniteerit n sitictly fier' 'in's saiti'r. Willtiamntii ., Sae6cdafS t ..5 irestidoon,'snits's id ae tpI.set buildinig. Nti l et I -teS RoyntlLampt, Eo. 0, sisceenter iketlIPlatedRohsester Lsampit, Na. 2, seter drt,'R~le. diestt.$' t.NS RNsitel'PltedlYale Lampi, Nit. 1.eenstner Nicell atedtGermann Stuenit Litisi, Et- .AIa..~.f T.. O~ staft ,5.0 r's, Set.5. Ni'ci'l Plt'ed Yale Lam~, Na. °', cente rNickel Plaited Germian Studeint Lamsp,lier- a's'asdtBuei sisit dlraft, $1,51. fectitoS*3.0 NiceletPlted5 Jina Lamtip, Rio. centie rNickael'lated G0erto StuidentPetiLm, eisi- t. oe'1 t. CFsig Pi draft, X5. .ess, 53 0. ieisyiis nsa lep n aatne tad rt lowerepiks thanslnatsa son x ienor ao~kbhe syng nd m emny 44 south Main Street. DA O PN Ann Arbor, Mich. DA MS O1PNY M~embers of thte Oratorical Asso- ciatiots maet after thte lecture, 'ridtay, to select a representative for Ite oratorical contest. '96 football meietshaowverd vupvery wvell ontahie campuacs yesterday after- noona, considerinag te short timte they htave been out. Several fresianen lavsing misun- derstood thme time anti date of their class meetitag canae up to the uni- versity Ithis naorning. C. T. Griffin has been off thte field tlais week, owing to a muscu- lar strain in te leg, but will be ot for practice next wveek. It is expected that TV. C. Malley, our great capatain of '91, and now of Chsicago; wilt be iteme for a few days to help coach oar teanm. Russell Sage, of New York, has approved plains for a dormitory, which he will erect for the Troy Fe- miale College, at a cost of $roo,ooo. There will be a meeting of the s ophoumore girls next Wednesday, at' 4 p. at, ima Room H, to make ar- rangements for thte freshnian spreadl. The Oracle board will fill tlae vacancy existing at the next meet- ing, to be held on Saturday morn- ing. Several of the fraternities will present candidatet. A Woman's League receptton will be held in the chapel today at 3:30, and addresses will be made hy Pres. Angell and Mrs. Prof. Thsomas. All college girls are invited to at- tend. ihtertota C. Rice, wvho took secoud place in the Kansas slate oratorical contest for baker Uniiversity last year, is a junior lawv. A tear physical laboratory at Le- haigit is ready for tise. Tbe building is of ste, 2 )J by 45 feet, antI four stories higha. It liromises to be one of the finest laboratories intshle country. Birowvn, Trinity and Massachusetts fInstitute of Technology have fornied a triangular football league. The first game of the season will be be- twveen Trinity and Browvn, at Pros-i- denace, October 2s. Track-naen should get out on the track and begin work at once, as thtere is but one tveek left until thae field-day. Souse are already out, and all others should lose isoItiame in getting into shape. fIt is nose proposed to have a foot- salt ganie hetwveen the D. A. C., asid our second eleven at Detroit, 'which will take place a week from next Saturday, if the D. A. C. team does not go to Chicago. The sale of the Wrinkle tins passed the most sanguine expectations of its editors. An edition of 2,000 was printed, of which z, ioo wereI sold between half-past two, the time of its issuance, and six o'clock. In addition, a large order was placed with the Detroit News Company in Detroit, and a number of papers were mailed to the regular subscrib- era. WIM. ARNOLD, Jewelei. FLOWERfS, F{ oVVI S Fo&Ul iL5 1i3itN, [:\Stl'Y30. ' f i, s-s' i (. uS is (iis 'i s 11t's" si is a-sli Sisiiusliisalbuin. tins itr- Its yasts is s-i'foriteis iP. NEA',tPr.tes. iF. H. liAiSiti, Czsiiee. 13uh oen Snlur~y ein~ig. IC ~ t = 1AARE T HlE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whoinare il ing to pay a lituemre1tisan time pre Liareed for the ordinary tiade Cigarettes, wailtinsdTISSBRAND supeionrto allntheis. The Richmond Straight Cut Nos I CIGAIRFTTES are unite frmthe briehtest, msaidelitei is ftavor, and higlhest coat GOLD LEAF geonsis Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, antI nbserve ltas ante at the tmanfacturers as belowe ison every jpackage. rt64&G1" #4RCAN i a oS 5Co C The Leadingj Has. the newest hilt and '5intrh oe''ins anid laigest stoinitheactyi. Viucan ygetsany selection youare ling fotr. COME AND SEE U S. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.