1 . o . 1az . Vol,. IV.--No. 1-1. THE TABLES TURNED. An April Fool" Ending of the Cas- talian Grind-box Theft, which Costtwo Students 5 Dollars. "He laughs best who laughs last," so says the Castalian board. Never perhaps was there a more surprising climax to a long standing joke, than thefools'dayending of the"Castalian Grind-box Theft.' All students will recall that about' swo months ago the Castalian grind- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN record in his chosen profession. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1879 and afterwards fin- ished with high honors at Johns Hop- kins. His connection with Michi- gan began in 884 when he was ap- pointed assistant professor of philos- ophy. He remained here four years when he left to become professor of mental and moral philosophy and logic at the University of Minneso- ta. In time he returned to the U. of M. to succeed Prof. Morris as , MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1S94. OUR FOREIGN STUDENTS PRICE, THREE CENTS. NOW ON SALE. box was put up in the main hall of professor of philosophy, which chair 'he lit building. Two days later the he now leaves to accept a chair in box mysteriously disappeared. So Chicago's big institution. Prof. anxious was the board to recover Dewey is one of the foremost of their stolen property that they America's educators and that his sought the services of a detective in loss will be severely felt here there the person of our nervy deputy-sher- is doubt. if Peterson. For a time no clue was Though it has been known for ... i obtained but finally the inquisitive- ness of a certain individual directed suspicion toward him. A certain member of the Board accosted him to return the box as they wished a slhotograph of it for the "Grind De- iartment." He protested his in- nocence but at last intimated that ie could secure the desired photo- graph. He was given a camera and was then shadowed by a certain per- son. When the camera was returned and the negative developed the photograph of the box was found on the negative. Three members of the board thereupon went in quest of deputy sheriff Peterson to whom the situa- tion was explained and the photo- graph placed in his hands. He in- structed the members to wait for twenty minutes when he would re- turn either with the man or the "Grind Box." The two students in question charged with taking the box were members of the classes of '96 and 94 respectively. They appeared before the authorities this morning and paid five dollars for their sport.{ The University's Loss. John Dewey, Ph. D., professor of philosophy has accepted a call from the University of Chicago. The de- partment of philosophy of which he is to be the head is numbered first in the thirty-five departments of learning in that University. Prof. Dewey, though in the very prime of ,his usefulness has made a brilliant some time that the professor was considering this offer the official an- nouncement was not made till to- day. Ninety-Four Social. The University Glee and Banjo club will play at '94 social Thurs- day night. Each person is to wear a design indicating the profession they prefer to follow. The person wearing the most unique design will lie awarded a prize. Refreshments still be served and every thing pro- vided to make the occasion enjoy- able. Thus it will be seen that en- tertainment will be provided for dancers and non-dancers as well. Saturday's Baseball. A practice game was played on Saturday for the first time last week. Behind the bat both Koenigstein and Weideman showed up better. Bently made quite a good showing in the box as did also Mackenzie at first base. On the whole the prac- tice was improved. At the annual election of officers of the Prohibition club Friday even- ing, NV. W. Miller, law '95, was re- elected president. The other of- fices were filled as follows: General vice-pres., J. H. Scott, lit '95; lit. vice-pres., J. W. Parker, '95; law vice-pres., M. L. Clauson, '94; medic vice-pres., C. K. Lahuis, '96; dent vice-pres., G. A. Parmenter, '95; rec. sec., G. Parmenter, dent 95; cor. sec., H. S. Voorheis, lit '96; treas., A. Clark, p. g. lit. Entertained at a Reception Given The by the S. C. A. SaturdayV. O M . Evening. - ByLeii H. Clement, Diretor of the Che - "From Greenland's icy mountains m and India's coral strand," represen- T Dii liiiettls Waltz ski'- "Ati f'iede- tatives came to the most unique and ehei. signal social success that the S. C. s dver sosu-us a copy. A. has scored this year, the foreign reception. One's mind was conti-1 1 an t. 51 South Main St. wally carried back by association to the great cosmopolitan gathering at - Chicago last summer. There were English from South Africa, talking of Zulus and Boers, English from England, English from New Zea- land, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Quebec. Scotland, Sweden, Ger- many, Greece, Bulgaria, China,Jap- an were all represented. After a WheiiyviiantsetesroM itanstyies (eof , $3 *4mr-$5Shoes at 5 0ti a paeir period of social chat the fOllOwig lithan Ann Aror prices send for Cataiogue to program was rendered: Remarks- Japanese Tea Leaves, Mr. Taka Kawada; Chineese Song, Misses 101, 1S3-135 xvsn AVE., f Kahn and Stone; The Canny Scot, TbETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. Dr. McLachlan; Greece, Its Present -ENiS. i-vs Yourl'iuuuin- T ts Indicative, Mr. ialaplian; Bulgar- ian Song, Mr. Vladeimiroft ; A Ger- man University Town, Dr. Guthe; God Save the Queen, British Quar- tette. The entire company led by the No. his-n it., E.Ist. before the rsh ieen. --llxtubiwrkins- .cnt-ssuud 8i-u~sdiutosnotui A British Quartette after this joined triainiieited. s in that song which all people can FRESH ASSORTMENT sing from the heart, America. The nations then seemed to be J.0V\ I'0+ -*o called back by a common memory to the days of barbarism, for all _-ii 5T isiyEses~s A- might have been seen gathered TU''TJLE'ST, - 48 S. CE ate St. around the blazing fires roasting their victims upon sharp sticks. THE "WAVERLY " WHEEL Pencils and paper were provided Weight, s pounds-with clincher (0. & J.) the guests and each secured a list of tire,-for$ 85.00 is the sensation of the autographs which, but for the Unil- hour. See it in the window of sity, would have cost a fortune and BROWN'S DRUGSTORE. years of travel to secure. Webster Society Public Meeting.1 The Webster Literary society will hold a public meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, evening, April 3. Pro- gram: Address, Pres. W. J. Land- man; banjo solo, Mr. Gilchrist; oration, E. F. Legender; recitation, Miss Ferre; vocal solo, Mr. Bend- inger; Eulogy on the late Christian H. Buhl, G. H. Bailey; vocal solo, Miss Lillie Volland; oral discussion, Resolved, that the existence of great political parties is detrimental to our national progress: Aff., F. H. Hathorn; Neg., Mr. Kimball; music, Mr. Gilchrist. BASE BALL GOODS Suits and Gymnasium Sup- plies, You are invited to examine stock and prices. WAHR'S UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.