THDE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGONS ORCHESTRA. L.W H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. Diretor and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST11UR0N STREET. Good Work Guatoanteed. Goods sailed for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. BANGST F 'I1EWashington treet. 22 Years in the Biusiness.tdoa. CITY LAUNDRY., MV. M. Sea bolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. r _ RIGHT IN LINE FOR JUNIOR HOP0... toteand ShortllBosoWhiteeg.s Slhirshte nd1 Ito 0 it lvs 51hite Dretss es WhiteSikIhI~dikl'elels. WhiteLisee t,clte~etlloI. 0. A. TINKER'S, No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Tweo Sams.) 'HE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. C11iCAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., B3. F. CLARK. erol Ae. 1:203. 4,840 Positios Filled. 985 Positios Filled iIt 9t1. SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. x ISolNew"Yor-k, Lo s Angeles, Teo nm.EE T ,FS C.,tzapr d I DANCING and DELSARTE MIRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. M6ONDAY-s p. nt. Advared Class for Lae- dieand tGentlemten. M ONDAY- i p. o. Ladle.' titicorie lase. Tt'ESIAY- I .som. Willileec tibtnting closs. SATURl'DAY- s. Gentleme's dsita oItD. mI. Laies I' deting eelss.. Priva1e appoiienc1111. U. OF M. CALENDAR. Lont. Satt, ev., Mar. 31.-Foeigntretteptitot. One hundred-foot steel tape. Mon11., April.I11001i.y GroiToslolltlFinder please return to 1)xi fv office 'IIolllllltry," in Ntewbterrytall, 9:l1,3ote. and receive reward. Mon~ti Alto.1-Firletu re otlIbtsiten1, i)by__ Tttt siltpr. 3.--Coner tby 'Williant is'Get, ROSINESS LOCALS. Banjotte d ttt d ol tti cltt ubts, its itiversity ___ Tttes. :1 psrI. tttt lnulli tttt of teorIetttt College stutlents wanting erniploy- tal as(e-il' 11,11 rtonm 2, ;'11). ilent for the summer should ail- 'rie st Att 'sttly-ettol~cc~toit.dress P. \V. Ziegler c Co., hoe e 1os, Fti, . ptt ft._ ttshmantt ett Dicial0. Philadelphia, Pa., who offer great Ftri. Alrt6.Itertlt te it deatiett.isii tii- indulcments for special work to versi0to ll, which students are well fitted, and Atti 1110t Annuall 11et~le tonolutlies S of hich pays 575 to $150 lier iinontlh. Oatt, Aprt r. S tttto lcno f DAILY01 ell ole Tie baseball leans get 10 1100 Thurs.te.,pr.1' -SSit no14 clas oci eit itthe hat sales at Bowveish & in Gragrer~sBall' latt, 05o '. Morga) cft Official Photogrctphers ca . 5FTO-WIT CA LT Y. For fine soaps, tooth brushes and cigars, go 1o the hi. &iM. IDrugstore. Get a list at Bowdish & Matteson asnd help the baseball team. See those fine ptatent leather sitoes at Bosedislh &-, -atteson's. Ilit' -i:---Cleoelantd '94, 27 pdse branid new. $tioo c'rash, beintg $2c less than regular price.M 07 Gedides Ave. Ladies' ArtiticHairodrensing Forlorn, filhion. lire. ,l1,iTroittt'tt 5'W . Wasch- AJ M- A WES 5. GOODIIEW,tFloris. Grotwer of Itto'.tttcarnationseatdlowerosoof51anl veri- lty.I ilora lesi; itooe tttto t11Shsot tettee. No. 5551servs'strcet0, 1opp. cemeOtry gatt- IIHIGAN GENTIA eA. A. . At D.N.Ex les... ta40 t.XN Y C. llSpltt FasE stiit p. 411 N1S. 51 td ..1 051:} N.. Y.. .51Wes11 Ex c 1). 1~ Mal ndEx..... 418G.I.5&Kal Hert .E 0 t ..,T. 'Aft.,5 it to. A,,t., Atn Arbocr. TOLEDO 1 .fit. tle 'et 5I t Iteo . Ii . S. 6SENWO1VAgsS, AIMaager. KEEP S) LIAqiCIT 5Y10 O. +$TATC AVI2G BA12K+ (lt-. Stein end Washington Streets. A. L.. Nnsnt.PSen. ROBERTtsc II )S , t'a, sl'r. CRONsnPEN'CO.' "FOnNTAINsANnD aO AIWRSTCDSTHEAT THE -CONCtESNTO Eet edt W ORtLDSts 'e . N otice. All casndidates feor te 'Varsity football leans are expected to ap- pear on the campus every (lay at sharp, regardlless of sether. BhIteusutCaptaist. Annual Meeting Oratorical Ass'n.I The U'. sf .\. (Oratorical associa- tioti hoelds it annuail teetig for the electiont of officers andtIh lirdldele- gale to the Northern League SOratr- cal rosiest on Tluesdlay evening, April ;, at 7:15 sharp in Rooni 2,1 Presietu. Sttudesnts Reduced Rates. j "'so itie spring vacatiots ofdte uiversity' of tMichtigati, psilanii Normsal antd Cleairy tusitiesesCol- lege, the riletdo, Ann Arbor & s Norti licltigts R'y sill sell ticketsf to studeents hioldintgtpropter certifi- rates, at one and one-thtirdl fare for the rountriptn1 to all points ill \lich- igan ansIthte Central ''raffic Ass'n territory. 'rickets will lie issued Aptril s12ls, s13th and 14th antI limited to return up to ansI includting Aptril 24t11. RI. S. (iisFestiO)it, Agt. Election. Thse annual meeting of the Athi- letic association of the University of M lichigan will be hteldl at so o'clock a. in., Saturday, April 7, 1594, in- roono A, literary building. All tper- sons holding msembershlip tickets of thte Athtletic association are entitletd to vote. Officers and board of i- rectors for the coming year will be_ elected and other necessary biusines~s- transacted. 1It. C. Slllse:I.ltS, Pres. of A. A. °",5 re I , s55. .eh"II2-,,K1%te3 ,. - _ ® 1¢k> '+ t r Ms ..... ___.,. Yy- 't _ tee, r . .-,.' tY..i v. i NY. ,,. .e.., Hlif Tone eu ts. retao it t ic 5o Iiislutt let's or' g3e eJou I)al sa'nd Bok. t lhstprgt lIctli~Ps) o ttni Ink dthIltigs§ r uUoI5al) eifef. )e uildion Dd cIcr PrraL5lS, p xprirtIc,to c si( i~di eii .ioo-ur oaIs ILLEI1 :PRINCs STYLIES. QUALITY, )ABSOLUTELY STYLES, CRET COLORS, ~CRET GO0ODSKED1s)