THE U. OF M. DAILY. there~( before any other state declared - o f in favor of the idea. The speaker ( flJ l~ T IU R W ?IT did credit to her native college, Del- C.1U I II l ILj "IL~JI~i -a tfiteed Daily (Snays excepted) daring ivre tsrlCslie e Star. byw h tte wl dofr ou a d ov to b- THNE U. OF NM. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 1r.. Manniy gave an interesting1 h tte il oI o ad h w t b --talk on the Wyandotte rave which r i h m ,Subscription price 52.51 per year, invariably is locatrid in the Hoosier State.______ in ant-nave Singlreapira a rents. Sabserip- AbnoehuddstetswrTR D RE IP S tones may be cift at the nfiece afthae Da,c, , Aotn ude tdnswr R D E EP S at staffet's, with any afthce editorsor present aint all expressed themselves autborized solicitors.arcopnisudb llecatfoth puoeofhwngh- 5'ammutiicatona shotild reeabte office by as delighted with the evening's en- aecuosise ymrhnsfrteproeo hwn h 7no'cloek P. 5. it they are tn appear the nestetainosent. utuIat of cashtsrtade they get fromt subscribers for the Colnasa2bian (lay. Address nil matter intended far publics- ! Cyclopedia. rinn in the Managing Editor. All business - -" _ TR D RE IP S communications should be teat in the nusi- t~pportunity of a Lifetime. TR D RE lTS n.ess bianager. rail he secured to the fell ansott of your purchases fromr all ster-- THE U. of H. DAILY. Thae nerchiants wchose nanaes ap- Ic hunts Oil our list by oresentitn a Identification C~r 'isud u1s AnnArorMih. ptar i anothser column hv aea showing that yo rasbcie o h ubanCccl opedia. EDITORS. arrangenlent with the publishers of yuae sbcie ~ h onnit C, A. DENISON, Lawso us, Managitng Edtce. that great American reference wvork, TRADE RECEIPTS. a]. A. Sc onin, Lit. '94, Asistant. do not aiieaai anyy lincrease ian the price of foods llrclllsed, or that I. . Ltoc Lb S , Atnta.e Columbian Cyclopedia, which siiltbyaavaoe iiitleaocbaia. P. 'Cn-rno.Lun ii. s--aut. enables themt to give it as a trade -- - J. A. Lonoco, Lit. 'st., Athletic Editor. ,.cit. ,M)ona, Li.St.isoBsinesas5Manasger. - preaniaun to all their customers. TRADE RECEIPTS. LIERR j LA. The wcork: is in 32 volunmes making costalibsoilutely iaotliiaig excelpt the troauble of going to alae stoics. -. B. (,tco -. '54. IItF.Bai-) a counplete library and as it is free whteuc they inaay ho obtaiaied ad iakiaig Folar puirciases iliere. 11. (. Ancii 5.usiiit -. ' 9%'. 'niio.-o r..rt-iit, ditt.'-sI. there is no excuse for any family toTR D RE IP S P. Lyle, . 'cr tirley. Mt - - be without first-class books. All uric .OittpyI tsiicaras fairatin et-clhanhts ire coticerae icd anincitausedltrarde fur tilla Harry Co -tani Sp-ni. 1(.'.0.Jenkitns, 'S. youiihav-e to do is to ask for trade- - astndtititcustomersi are to share the benefits iot at. All coipy miot batiiltitte ti eoitic S30ta.mireceipts- The nierchants sill givc Edit ~~ - - thteni to. you for the full amtoont ofTR D RE IP S The Eiorsi n timld ith mItt-t re ; rospti- ostbe Cor the topinionis or statemntof oicornes- ill yoiur purclhases of tern cents or wtill be accepteid by as alt oats-tetnthi theirfact'vauan f ull p V~ietllt over. these trade receipts are ac- ti-r auseot of the ('olumtbintiCyc-lopediia alt reguilurr iee. cepted nit one-tenth their face value , TRADE RECEIPTS. TH.ARG" PBLIHIN-HO-.. in pyon for thne Colunmbian Cy- - ofamet11I therefore secure ftori you absoilutely frec of const arefetnoe lit Cotrioc o oiin nclopecdia. When youa have secured briery (if 3l2 voltitmis, 2i, 00o pas nand 7,000~ illuistra tions. TEDiystfstlnaeola c$25 wcortht from any or all of tihe TRADE RECEIPTS. stores you cats present theini at thne clays nmore for trial us thne atnnul goeysoe.fSab to the anitiistt of tuenht =--ive dollars secured ftinnty iof ill oithti. election occunrs next Saturday. goeysre fStberh.Castores wrill eintitle y-on to ti voliitse tnt tile Co ttlmian Cyclopedia. _____________ anit get a 8So- volume. The up- Ett iieIiiii- TimE sessiotnsof tine Sctaoolniusters' portunity comics but once a life ____________ club are miosi interesting unit every tiune unitshouald be takets advaintage THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTS: student, wcho is interested as the pro- of by every fanmily and every stia- I ?Ltt';Id CII IARDIWARElfiCo., A. WV. (0flllS ,Photo-raptlses- fession of teaching, is urgedl to at- dent in tine University. j slEhII RI'lT' c& 3M I IA I-ti, ttopctltt illitei-,S. ste-d. -- II:IIItM A(CHl l)I-(X2 AM) (tIIIC7IIC XI. CO) An Enjoyable Social. TihelPennylvania Varsity nine J -. F. i) Ei'A Il-b )lsl ats. -- iwan idefenited by ni tPhilelphia 'STEAU" li It C& (C.. .C Lust evnng ishile 'Auin Arbor's'teauentelam At onifiy, bty the snore Osciety 0was outjoying tine festivities of r, to 9. of tint"J" hop, the studtents f in no- _ --o t h e s t t e s o f h io a n dIt l 1 tn ia in ;. - e r r higlly entertainent by a r--nepr tnit- ivnuthtemi at Nencberry hall. I f ifi -Nltr. Manny, thte general secretary -j II ot tine S. C. Ak., is a native of Inodis-"raesrs aj. anadntrly feelinag a speciala The name standts for lust what it is. interest iii representautives of titt Horsford's Acid Phosphate1 The best Bicycle buil ot-$125.00, state peardan aporaepro- Baseball aal dLawn T'einIs. prpre pponrue is the isost effective and apt-ce- Solin ~ebltt nd Lawnit i'It ats I Litici gram. areircuse-it rsntsini-t iroitnithe U. S. anidi CanaaSi tosliu t'rliado marl, isn i~iinraiit-i Mr. L.. U. Long.,sclo is a resident able remuedy iu existeuce for Cliii the -oso rotrihi el.n omlee- t 5 - of Ohio, appeared first with a rare- 1 ttnttiinil c fully prepared treatnoent of "McNf- preveutiug iudigestion, aud I-.- A. G. Spalding & Bros. y 1 pChiecao. New York. Philadelpian. 1-inley Had a L~ittle Lanmb." Itle lieviugth dose diseases aising unade reference to this noted son of g!FIRST INAIIOINAL BAINK Ohio in a unaniner to lead people to frosts u disordtered stomachs. I iO ANN ARBOR. believe that McKinley scas thue D.W .Gadmr pigcd Capitaol, &7,00o5. Surplsdn rofitst, X30.000 "coming noun." The speaker also eattexhangeabuhahsad.aeesce Moss., nays: 'I vcueu it us an esceutent credit pracr-ed fortre unlersoabroad. referred to Garfield and H-ayes as prevenative of ondigestion, anit a pleasant P. SACtt, Pies' .5. wCLARKSON, Canhiter. illustrious nmen of thte'"Buckeye acidnlated drinhkswhen protnerly tilutedt wihliSchool o aDneing. Grsunntlooraa. State." water, unit sweetened." MAYNARD STREET. A clarinet solo scas next rendered ___ by Mr. Dtudley.Drcpicpntphttrentaaicoit ,kAD1'[ M ecitv apltfreo plcto oiss Pemberton, a native of Ohio, Rumford ChemicaWortks, Pravdence.I.G A ER C DVM spoke o oeuato ntatsae ewanreof Substitutes and Imiattions. CanIbt titedittPritvate a tten t nep onc-duaininta sae nIatl treltin Not< sipultc till. Wtsomen wcere allowced this privilege For Sale by all Druggfists, ad ntffne r at An osttdiantoue.lsine sroessis's asisd (szos-kent PALACE + BARISER + SHOP AndIi-I 13:1Ii, mi. 55. na. dIWtASN, itnn. in use} LEADINY H G C H O OLX P O B SI ES aint SHORTHAND. Stuciniticit bilding;niuse tea-cesuclare attetidance; agood discipline; aniper- tiittvok; well siuplidreadinglroom;tnailyiitlecturcet OSitrday eeingtireceputin;ciiieste entire yce r tsncenticnuiifacilties inftor lactinitdnti s ti- tions-short-aniii adciiutguran teedut hw.l ni\. itni enintss $2tco ipr et i prvten atiie. bar Newte Caiuitaddresse~ " P. R. CLEARY, PRES. it Jxitnters' amljJ {dln c ' Fanh Capitlt, $50,00i0. Sutytiotud Profits $17,510. Daosa g-neral bumnking busines. Says later- est. n Saings Deposits. HssSafety- Diepnsit Bstit-oCr ccitt. t. KEMPFC. 'res. F. H. tISER, Cishier. BitS uen act urdai-ny cvnning.