THE UT,.,OF M. DAILY. What is nicer for Eas- Iter than a box of Calkins' Chocolates, 25c, 50c, 75c, or more. ForJ HOP novelties in fine HATS, SHOES and FURNISHINGS call at the OUTFITTERS, B OWDISH & .MATTESON,32z S. STATE ST. !1;0 I T.E (LOVES. DIRSS TTES- I r I MQOE BJ &WEWMQRE, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. -=ASE 2& JIUZc A SORZTMETW 0P' T EN S-, BAS"E BALL AND SPORTING O D ANlht h e otle 514 at pics ,G(51.1 .istee lto bets . Low 0 as ('an 55( () dl u c "se Alle geo . I(. . .- Ann Arbor Savings Banl Atnn Ar-beeMich. Capital Stck', $50i,00. tOraeeized (li-de.te seneel INakin-Las at this Statte. lttc -i' s deoits, tuy-asl tells excitne eon thi printcipial cities of the United States. [Wafts cashettipoapseroper identification. Sae ty depoit; hoxe-s torest. tFIriCtons:('liristite leet, Ptres.: t. 1) 5arraman, Vice Prers.; Chats. E. Hisctt, Ca shier- M4. J. Fritz Asst. (Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING a nd - -~PUBLISHINC ESOT.SEL Student Work a Specialty. Beat tWorkmen and Lowst- Prices to the Ct PM THE COLUMBIA Standard Bicycle of the World, era-riot, lighti, eansro, is prodtliftte tire stibicyilees talishmtaetinItAsm--triastillre nainsiitttplce at Sac itatd. Aliways ael upto thte tint's tr a llse in :1;dvcici', its werli-tlestes'ed antl evari'ceasing ppulaitis a so -urcer tf pride .'tsdlgratification 10 its maers. To rite ir t iei an oitlttotriidt'a Clubitda is to fall sotelof lthe fiilesit'enjoy- mj tentaof astnole sport. Pope Mfg. Co,, Boston, New York, Chicago, Hartford. free a;;;tfan .iClubi; a iaec~y r'~~ii COLL~OZ OF PYSICIANS AND SVUMSON Goracre ff ltore oalt Writ HoeristsStreso, oipposite Coos Countyp Hoisifit. GRICAG-O, I_,_,. The College is i rspprs with one of th1 fieet haildings ini the tiniteil State anid coi. sates three amphithesatres, fouert clinic;i rosoas and fis's laboratoaries. Tareswintereteens beginsnmididle of Se ttelr bte, 1littiand ens'early ini April, 1896, followe hy an optinal spring teens, lies $10500 an a laboratiory depsisit which is returnable Paour annutal gradedl corses, with advance standing far graduates in pharmsacy, and th1 Ilni-eresity prepariatory csarses, antecedes ts she studly of Med1cine. The Clinical and Laboratory facilities ar unsurpassedl. Fone eircularaof inormeation and farther pai tinalaro, address 'DR. WV. E. QUIINE,- 8 13 W0.Harrison St,, ' Chicago, iI r (3 d lE. 'r ). z- y Y ,mss ,, WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY U. OF M. FLAGS- 262 W~labashn Avenue. Chicago. i irii tile px. Mtrst lilieil t r' ruterslzle.i; Is a o 1r e~tcl p101. Prie,,'1.50. spts'ttlty ci igltIer positions, liita ri- _M 'i-;;p; t'iio- iS le-Ittc cii trk, a-i SENSi TMPitFiORT'T-.A? O ?,J CiG1I tS iii as is-DJ r( Dossnot elu Haeso obat les iier'i'r If is puret'( anm Cx . R= WS'A1 OI0= firth (li ck.taDoes tiot Smtokceli I odori Givest itpureiwit ie ceni iiiaitr1el. -Is as wtitlt s is i aribloui Gaies ligh t iitu irmty oildli pionu~lyiby ie s& Cry p. ~TRMTO ARE THlE BEST. - - ---CIGARETTE SMOKERS ishlieare wsi N igt aypodieilite orithati heCiricet IVPA 1Y . wiland THIS BRAND saperiorto ealothers. SV1t l t tciprice aile-intoil. 44 South Main Street,.EN Ann Arbor, Mich. DA UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Aniherst Semiicary,comptooed me Hichn1. .TragT I NO of students fronl 4.hs differeint class- sreenode teem ire ibrighitest, mosel deliate Miss Carrie Watson, 9~3, s visit- i lvr n i ing icethiraidty.iphesi cost GOLD LEAF ~ ng141 hi ctysc, has been dissolvecd, iowing to a grown an IVirgisie. The Alpha Nu silt not hold a namisunderstanding wvitli the foruty BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and obseric is I titty. tiat tic nae t he lie ettaehti a s s Smeeting this week. The officers of the Wonman's helesaissan ca-cry piackage. IS Canadian rchbomeets in room 12, league and threnmenmbers of last Toer$GI qTHE s TOAO0 lwbuilding, this evening at 8 year's board, spill be entertained by Q~I 'RANC'H ', lMwsa5tlO C-0 o'clock. Mrs. Sessions tomcorrow, Saturday T. Corwin McDowell, of the Wil. evening. WE ARE IN IT slams glee rch, was formerly a Stul- G. M. O'Connor, law '92, was in dethr. h iytoday. I-fespillth (5(E. O. ~ ~ ilc The list of prospsective graduates Flock, law '93 hare formed a part- posted on flee faculty bullletin hoard nership in D~etroit, and report doing SPRINGan contains about g00 names. a g -ood business. "I-SUMI'ER FPAIRIgS The snow prevented any baseball The president of the Northwest- 11 tls xiUXiP pactice yesterday, but about thsirty ern Collegiate Olratorical league, ---- men appeared and took the run. who is of the University of Wiscon-ls ,14 W IJLm Prof. Pettee will address the En- sin, is the representive of lhat schorol Igineering society tomorrow v eening:iratise coming contest. frlilt-.t ltrt'i. I lii rutF iroonm 1o, engineering building. The society of Astrononay anti No 2 E.Wsingti oni St.. N SA~ 1 The football squad were given Physics meets this evening at eight 'U practice mainly at the ordinary o'clock. 'The following is tile pro- guard and tackle plays yesterday. gramr A paper, by Mr. Osborne; re 'or the first time in Shoe history "Babylonian Astronomy," by Mr. at of this university, systematic base. Lawton; and "Rings of Ethser," by aball and football practice are going Mr. Randall. '0 za on at the same time. Mrs. Prof. T: C. Trueblood has ld Mrs. E. R. Sunderland will oc been requested to repeat the deaf.-- - = - l ntcopy the pulpit of the Unitarian mute pantomine of "Nearer My God - - C rchurch Sunday. Morning service to Thee," which delighted a large VICTOR Cycles Lead. 4r at 1o:30. Bible class at n2:00 M. audience last evening at the Opera Call for eatalog analexanaine wheels at Subjectrof class- -study, "The Qua. House, at the pupil's recital at the ]). Staebler'4 Cycle Esssporiausu, it. ker Church." No evening service, high school, this evening. Is W. WASHINGTON ST. Ann Arbor.