THE U. OF M. DAILY. P'ulishedt Daily (81an(ansexcepted) during WeLtniliegr year, by HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION subscription price 51150 pereyear, atvariably ia adtvanre Singcle copien 3 retst. Saubeip- tint may be letft at the (tttre of the Itait, at Stofiteta, with anyoyfa the editort or authorizedl nolicttors. tommncantians thattld reach the atice hy So'clock P. a. if they are ta ap peae the neat 'lay. Addirens nil mantlerintendtedttor publica- teon to the Managittg Editor.1All busnnet, eranmniratiana shouldt be snt to the Bsi- aea Mtafgrr. THE Q. of X. DAILY, Ann Arhar, Xilo. EDITORS. CA, DiiI SOait, ItNNV y4,toa1agiolaldtor. II A. 5stutu bai'viiii . tL. Loo, Li'), A s1 tiaiot. '. LajTRS, li S --'al J. A. I. 'oatv, Lit. 'll, Atlticirttor. Vt. .5. Aboat, lit 97,Businoers Manager. H.1.Uti mnv. 1. . .Hal. 1 .IIlier 55 C i F . tii alv,'t'-.2 Am IVlle y 97i.1).W-ieS ofth aytipulicion.ii' t i-a't'.l'i i The Ediorslota Iaoitoldthesel--ves"1 ap- t sil or the oinaions o ta i ms fcors potnltatsaaparitogt inte O1tiv. 'Fu i-:table off'onhparativr tuitiont at various uniivesities given in an- othiet'colutmtniiis certainly a frdit 1o the U7 of \L , swlaei the aquality of the instructioan at this inustitutton is taken into coaisideration. leg itndler Ithe suspicet of'Oneco lge. The entertainment was of a hight order and had all the enthsuai- astm atarialirit college boys could tnfitse into it, which is a great deal. RTe IBanjo and Mandolin clubs sveret espaeially entertaining, as the seiec- tiotas vere carefully rendered antI wvere Ili Ficult. RThe Glee club sang sotme selections very svell antI show- eel imuclt training. :among these selectionas vere some college siotgs whiich niever failerd of parovokingt merited applause, alike for the effective retidering and the striking character of thsesvords. Some of1 the pieces givens sere sery original atid hail tthetnames of stonefmaesm- bers of the clubs osver against thtenm as autlors, shiosving a higlter ablilityE thatn that of nmere rendlition amntg the yountg toesn.Tertnimbers of ther clubs atsd taletnts of thleir tiemn bers p~ermittedl a variety of solos, duels, trios anti quarytets aind alnaust ainy comnbinatiots. Alpita 1ui taents tomtorros- iighit a5 risual. A gooil proigrarnlhas beeni arrangeid. Prvof. Diniuon'is class in Anmrri- cain iiterature idisciissed the chiarac- ter of Biryant'ts life anid sork, 11litirs- day afternooi. Au interesting es-I say ssas reci by M\r. N. 17. M ere- ness. d"coneimy is taught, an educeation is given by our plan for plactng t~ Revised Encyclopedia Britannica in the homse of every one of our readers. .huds your boy the value of aj dime. He will then know whiat to do. with his dollars later in life. If this lesson in economny was the only end in view it wosdl still be worth your attention, hut how infinitely more valuable is it when you kn;sv that this end is but a means to a greater end, the bringing into your home of the greatest literary work the world has ever known; the placing of a liberal edtucation within the reach of every member of your family; the making of your home, the peer of any public library in the world, so far as the facts ef history, the discoveries of science and the practical knowledge of thle world are concerned, Isn't it worth trying? Investigate the matter at once. We don't want you to act till you think. If you think we know how you will act. ONE w seelk froni tomnorrov the an- nual electioti of Dli iediitors svill be heldl, anti all paidupil subscribers ot 'PT EI ,,i - v are eligible tc votc. Itis to be haoaped that es-cry siibscri- her svlli ax ail himiiself rof the op~por- tinilylltnd select nien who ivili care for thaeititerests ifithe ladler. Titlr': h op numsiber of WVrinkle 's witliouit doubt the st issue wvhic'h has sapearedl thuis lar. Scv- eral of the ciuts ita this issue wvotultd dlo credit to miich nsore pretentious publications. The success iwhicht Wrinkle has mset is svell deservedl and the editors are to be cotuplt- mented for the care and pains they have taken to tmake Wrinkle the best Ipublication of its kind in thae couintry.____________ Williams' lee Club. :Reserved seats fetr thte concert bty tan WVilliatas' Glee, Banjo and Man- dolin clubs, svent on sale tltis msorn- lug and indications point to a good attendance. The daubs are anmong the best ita the East. The North Adanms (Mass.) 'r'ranscript ltas this to say of a recent concert: Rise Williams College Glee, Bianjo and Mandolin club~s appeared in Odd Fellosvs' hatl last Wednesday even-; Horsford'S Acid Phosphate R EAD OUR PROPOSITION: Is the miost efeetive and Iatgree-I On receipt of only One Dollar we will forwardl to yon, charges prepidi'. tlie teiied'y is -xistelste fory the entire set of 20 volumes, the remaining $9.00 to be paid at the rats:,iof 10 cents a dlay (to be remitted monthly). A beautiful dime savings bati;. ~it~ettilg lidifettoltitil e- will be sent with the books, in which the dime may he deposited each daad. lies 111 X' those is etsesaintitg #Ibis edition is printed from new, large type on a Oine quality of ipapelr, 0n1 is strongly hounod in heavy manilla paper covers, which with proper care will ftras liSfoldo-rtlstoeitb. last for years. Bear in mind that the entire 20 volumes are delivered ltc. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Syria ed our address, with all chargtes paid to any part of the United States. Mass., says: 'I value it as ati renclleit I pireentative iof idigestio, aild apleasanti I'This isaasptecial siter itadeoly' to the rades if '' r ' .iii: U . t-D ii a atd silla- aetid lal edinkth np~roipely edilitiedtithIfluain osta r faaliamitred tli lyt ater, aiidlsweetrned." (liut this (utat1(1end e,) "sVto)W3. A. 310GK, Desciptie paplret fee o aplicaion c51usines stanagrt-or Tt ToU. or.I. atDAILt. Rumford ChemoicalWorks, ProvideonoggR.I Beiware of Suballstues ad Imitations...... .... For Sale by all Druggists IPlease llcl rto'l me, he niot al oL'o cateoaref le vsait la'eticlottctt if ilcatibr, It-s tha~tt-a uc v'itutf, togathI/ic lfl f ltnc Stt'ilrlt/ , ir Bu t y a I h SI encosea OneiDolait, tt ful/agree/itoIa lai I 1entsati alay tett i- ii il sq « ITakesfirist!'lasce." Cot+ttt..................... The namo estands for lust what it as. Thse boat Bicycle built for $125.00. d(....ail-............. Haseball and I mwi euis Spalditng's IBasebaall analLampTenn itgoods ara sedt-excolusoivelythrougtrtottthe IU. Stad Caad.Spalain;sa Trade markis: Ia tttSrante that the -I-dsart' the-ltet. caoplteinilto traild adataltoss rrctey. 'Setfree. A. G. Spalding & Bros., Chicago. New York. Philadelphia PALACE+BARBER+SHOP Q I LOVER~S, X -OW i S Atid BlaltRms. . .OWEN, Pttrim,I NO. 4 East Huron St.fOpposoite Coittrureeti IEYTI 51sNGaNDs etnatat Hloase. Hot told tntlSea halt nattto. toe- UINSTTT&J THAL. .Flori, Teleph.onettt. At c;aabt 5{~MWISI~ i& l~ oeph, t