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March 30, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-30

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N. 'ly.

VOL. IV.-No. 182.



Two Star Wrestler's Secured fora t ga The Cost of an Education at the U.altz
an Exhibition Bout.-Other ably fine work of Mr. Farland in of M., as Compared withThetJ fT
By Lewt H. Clement. Director of tieihequa-
Indoor arrangements are about I'ell and Sonata, Op. 30, from Beet- The following article gives an Ilse'nat tOrchestra.
completed and everything points t hos-en, charmed the audience. The idea of the cost of an education at Thi 1ttiitFia tSie "Atfiude-
a most successful meet. Besides a nusic furnished by local nussctans the University of Michigan, as com- CLhei.
very good program, several special was very sell reidered, and ose of pared with other universities and n ti st lot-tsi tpa Rierr-tic
features have been secured. the largest audiences that las assem- shows how much cheaper it is than
The particular feature of the meet bled in the opera house this year the great eastern universities, and '9 6 ' (
will be the appearance of M. . vat thoroughly enterlaisei. Tte one of the reasons why it is so pot- 51 SeathMain St.
Reilly, champion 135 pound wcrest- local clubs will net a neat sut from ular with the great masses of this
_er of Aimterica, in a special contest the concert. "coutry:
with George Barkley, champion r3: Pupils' Recital. The actual cost of instruction at
pound wrestler of Detroit. ~ ~ the U. of M., without taking into
The pupils' recital last evening at
Mr. Reilly, who is a member of consideration the expenses for heat-
the icigan Athletic association usic hall was pronounced to be
the ohgnaotaAtwsotitassseatonnTse, ing, lighting or repair, for the last
now the foremost lightweight wrest- . three years has been as follows: For
lei f te cunty, athogh hehasroam was filled, the audience being-
ler of te country, although he h o was 892 there were 2,692 students, or
made up almost entirely of ladies.
glad experience of but two years on an average of 19 to each of the 142 WhenyouwanttheLatesti-etropolitanstyles
p ~~~~~The program which ap peare d in anaerg of i oec fte1I o 1. $4 or $5 shoes at Sno to $1 a padr less
the mat. During those two years, .eie ram professors, at a cost of $174,770, or tisi Att Arttr pris send fir casalsue t
tieha lot resles i al casesyesterday s DAtcv was rendered
he has met wrestlers in all classes . $64.90 per capita. For 1893 there
-except the theavyweight, and has without any changes.
Allpthe perforhtrs did their vorkwere 2,778 students, or 17 to each
All the performers did their work R. . a E C
neve.a failed to come out on top, . of the 168 professors, at a cost of 10, tao-tan svonnwsst AV.
well and each in turn deserves favor- 11 8-8 o~m>A.
although he is two pounds inside $200,890, or $72.32 per capita. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
able mention. The recitals are do-
Of the 12 pound class. He is ug much to popularize classical For 1894 there are 2,628 students, t,
ingmuh t ppuarie lasiclBEN It ES. G.et IYour 1Photos Taklen at
champion of the West in both 125 or 15 to each of the 173 professors, at
and 135 pound classes. The cham- -m-u-i.--- a cost of $233,000, or $89.04 per
pionship of America in the 123 Gives the Annual Adoress.' capita.
round class le won last week in Prof. Graham 'Taylor, D. D. The extreme low fees charged in
New York and would easily have who lectures before the S. C. A. all departments at the U. of 1t.,
wan in the 135 pound class also had Sunday morning and who gives the when compared to other universi- No.'ii liron st., E-ast.tefore the rich teiiti-
his trainer allowed him to enter. In annual address in University hall in ties is shown by the following table At"m-otid. Uranteed second to none. A
almost everyone of his important the evening, was born in New York t of the fees charged at different in- FRESH ASSORTMENT
bouts of the present season, half a i 1851. He is a graduate of Rut- stitutions:
inute has sufficed for tim to throwI gers college and Theological semi- li .Lrvardei i Lt. i. t
tis man. nary. He was professor of Practi- ta.-- - to51 it - -n139 - . . PI4 f PC)TJ0 fl'S
George Barkley, Reilly's wrest- cal Theology in the Hartford semi- Ctna-l-_- - --JUsT RECEIvED At--
line usate, is champion of Detroit inCouba---62N1
thn 135 ps caspond tese,1 nary and is now in the English t.rof M 03--155 s1a5 140 TUtTLE'S, - 48 S. State St.
the 135 pound class, and these two Bible chair at the Chicago Theo- .
chi tteClcg le- Adeiphi Frogram. THE HiIAIAVERLY HEE
wrestlers put ttp so exciting a con-i lo a s "W V EI1L"
test that the mere announcement of g en .-E The members of the Adelph weight,SW pounds-with clincher (G. & J
a bout between them never fails, to Woman's Political Rights. society will hold a meeting this even- lirr,-tar 385.00 is lii sensati ite
draw a crowd in Detroit.n A meeting of the Woman's League ing. A very interesting program hour. see it in the window of
The regular events on the pro- will be held Saturday afternoon at has been arranged asffollows: Music; BROWN'SDRUGSTORE.
gra. s will include quite a nuner of 4 o'clock in McMillan hall. The paper, L. R. Cook; address, C. G.
interest .contents. Besides almost subject for discussion, the "Effects Zeidler; nusic; recitation, H. V.
all the men who competed last year, of Political Rights for Women,''will Levyt debate, "Resolved, That the

there is a considerable number of be taken up in its various phases
tnew men who have won quite a rep- and presented according to the fol-
utation in other places. Entries are lowing program:
beginning to come in quite freely Effect upon Woman.
now, and track manager Kenson Good. Bad.
wishes all who have not yet entered liss G. Buck. Miss C. V. Smith.
to do so at once. Upon the Home.
Miss Wylie. Miss Harriette Brown.
A Fine Entertainment. Upon Society.
Miss A. Morley. Miss A. Patton.
The concert given under the aus- Upon the Political World.
pices of the Ann Arbor Banjo and Miss L. Textor. Miss J. Austin.
Guitar clubs at the opera house last
night was a very fine entertainment. The seniors at the University of
The local clubs were assisted by Mr. Pennsylvania have decided to wear
Alford Fariand, the renowned banjo cap and gown.


Government Should Own the Rail-
roads"; affirmative, J. T. Thomas;
Negative, D. F. Wilcox; critic's re-
port, R. D. Whitten. A general
invitation is extended to all.
Junior Hop Chaperones.
The following are the Chaperones
for the Junior Hop: Mesdames J.
B. Angell, Edward Lowe, R. Wag-
ner, W. A. Gray, E. Grosh, J. C.
Knowlton, W. C. Colburn, M. E.
Cooley, M. J. Gross, J. H. Con-
rad, O. W. Ruggles, A. A. Stanley,
W. A. Avery and P. R. de Pont..

Stits and Gymnasium Sup-
You are invited to examine stoek and prices.


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