THE U. OF M. DAILY. ______ What is nicer for Eas- A Dollar Line of Easter Ties - Iter than a box of Calkins'at The Outifitters, Chocolates, 25c, 50c, 75c, B W IE \L ~ rEs~ MQQE~EJ & ~ Q~JNO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. BSASE A LL AN DSPRIG 0D E N N I its b ci B S OR T N C-, li thI1g ey 'r at prices (hnt.514t l 14) clt o i O .ox (s cell be AnArbor M ,avi gs Bank WNHLLSTA ER' GNC Of this Siltse. lettl5 lepos515tstbu;sodt sfs eot rs o o on tb 00 tnillctiesoof tihe 262 Wabash .Avenue, Chicago. tfob lo in frtn. iost tibert I t so s beos. (TNI1ssa f/sitefl sttes. Drab- t osis ontt prsioer tttOctttcctott . fOists deiot ox tsooteit. 5 tttitdy of fisilrsis totionts. loit'rt n s netoo ts , hiitsitc is ks, ch . sobo St siti'Fol 0 i _ pt'os(it' iltf:wk, Trs.:W 0 Cac5 ,txss hlis ososooVice 'rs. (,h;tss. E Ills f Is C shise-t... 0 f, .Asot. tottoir THE ANN HARBOR ARGUS IIIT-- II31z" PRINTING and s- ST' . OIL . --o".PTJBOLISHING Itosstitf/o* Ito ttOtt/o- _____ } ____ D e an hrrteTtk./is)o s oectissi gs. HaTS ~ Iss itotbsad oo.Gieapwhtelh. Student Work a Specialty.- 111ktidoter boots it, tarsttso / 1/sttvfhte s/t/sto ilet. floss iWorkmo n Lott wtitest Prces iteflitye. fit p irosettarono. Givs fisttit//ttsmok5500e0 i/Odo. _________________________Del___ Ioivro o mpsos~tly. Soldo ily/5/bil I~t it ofCo. Ladies' Arttistio Hairdreossing Parlors.- 1 A IFfS' htit sois, sssink, , till' Still N ii t lt npi cet t5 tl ideil oil. Li suit ssatirt itet.clistneiiitn th1wo l41 South Main Street. O P N is-fosi. Xt11 . .f. it Tisijt litiislot, :i4 1. ft soft- Ann Arbor, Mich.DE N &C PA Y isltoSt., otosslith tlrestilt. 9o-- U. OF M.FLAGS rill