THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LE W H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. IDirector and NManagier. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 210 EAST HIUROIN SPIEET. Good Work Gooranteed. Goods galled for anid delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. RANQ 105.5 01010 011 Sreet. 22 V ears in tihe Busitless.y/2-- CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY. Op. or. oLit- 0 ONDA -Y p.m.Laie' Iesur001l1y0 ITIFIOAY--7 . so. (01-os en10 (0im i a S .T1011l.'. IU aO. m1. IGentllemans'dolooo l- lsD.. Ladi~eso' IO , llooo'oos 1. p,1nt. 'rivootoooo tIs 0ce 100 1 s Yri1 W lsos by app0 oit11111011101. :i. I RIGHT IN LINE FOR JUNIOR HOP.... Long and Short Bosom Whitsoess100Sirs. WhiteOsand Pearl1 hid (lovS0 W~hitel~ress'Po s. White SilkIile dks solo01WlssleLinen 11015iI.000Il~l15. 0.-A. TINKER'S J~ No. 9 South Main street, (ormerly Too Samos.) Morgan c- & Gibson1 -AR ___ . 5 0111 - THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official Photographers (lIlC AGO,106 WabhashiAve., 13. F.CLARK. . U.11'TO-WIT: e 1 I So1s:I203. 4,840Positions Filled.I 985Positos l edolllloi SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. SITUDENTS' WORKII A SP'E- N I ost o, ,1 sooAsogoles, Toes (" Z ET0 N &ci Icroaol rom 1, inlolloOooilot IDont fail to see thouse swell party ilslsoes for tihe J . Hop, at Btowdlish& Sott eve~ MNIan-..-o oi ii rcetsion. 70atteOon'S Sio ., o1ril I.-Ioily (10) scial 0.1,:. -loncsert soy IWillias' -Gleir, See those fine patent leathser soes s3o d IMandsolin chlslos, ino University at liosotislo & Mattesoul's.t fi d.,Aloe. 1. .\tlsoosoo I lection of the Us t 0 oll. Jill 0 1. --(leveland 194, 27 toos,' Cal t 1(11050ulru 2, 71. 1).0i. brand newo. $Iou cash, beioog$25t eoe.. Apr. 5..-Ninet-fontoo 0 00-. -.ooiil. leso thoao reguslar ponce. Irs-olsooooctr",otil lo 1.27 Geoddes Asve. Fr. A t .- loolo-reollo-ioolo- lelooso, i iso- - iety soll. Slooclonts Reduced Halos. 7., . 's: sos I l elcionooof 1)0t oh- d- - -- tars:Fm-ote sprinog vacation ofltile 001- S vc, loe. 12.-SOIIIOTTo0ph . cclsoool University of MichoigatoYpsilaonti f. ,&Normal ansI Cleasry Biusiness (>1- Interoolleginee Proibition Ass'n. loge, the Toledo, Anns Arbor & North Moichligato Ry will sell ticketp Mr. F. C. Allen, of Albsio presi- o students hoolding proper certifi- dleotof thse .Michilgan Intercol- rates, at onoe and one-thoird fare for legiate Prohoihitiono asociationIons the rousnd trip to all points in !Milch- resigsedtlserby mking gan ansI the Central Traffic Ass'1n resinedtherby mkingJ. erritory. Richoardson, lasw 19.., formeorly vilce I Tickets osill he issuedl April 12oth, presidlent, Ipresident of thoe asoso- ;thi and 14th0 and linmitedl So retorn tison. lloe conovention ws-illheeloeldl Ill to ansI inclttding April 24tho. ino HIillsdale,.\Micht.,lsot111g the I It.. S. GCI fON1001011 .gt. secosdsweek illMay.Ls Cool M01r. Ificlardson int~endls ac-ceptinog Ieoes leconr 1N. a00 invitatio, owhich hJe lhas recived, vision anoolAnn, ansI State ando too deliver ssasladress before thse Packard streeto, a goldl swsordl Sits.. Nationoal cosnsventison oswhicho siul be Doiner osill please retsurn 50 00 N. hoels inI New York Jun~e 15 asoslr6. I livision or Stewsarsds office atol re- ceive rewsardl. j Adopted a Class Flower.. Two-Slop Party. lise freslhtoans tmedical class hselsd 'sMrs. Annlie !yard loster a1100110-t a nmeeting yesterslsy ansIamnong ces thsat o11 Wesdne'sday evening, othter imp ortanit bussisoess tratssact-edl( April 4t10, toere osill be a foll dress osas Sloe ad~lotion of class colors atool Itwvo-stepo party for all hoer adv-ancedl pupoils. All thsose wishoing to bring a class flowser. 'Tle cslors are yel- frienods please notify Mrs. Foster bse- low aosdlwhie; thoeflooser is the fore thsat evetoing.daswihilaprratyre- _ -. resetnt thle class of ws-hicho it is Sloe Cost, emblemso. A class social woaosdecid- Ladlies goldwacwihfbhin lduo oh edArl26 o ewe h syeicurhi ocens osas ansi Homesopathoic hospil . Finder levied.return So office of thle HomeopathoicI R11ussell Sage Hall'" Sle new hospital ansI receive rewarsd. I jINESS s siloe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS anod SHORTHAND. IOt~ioivent buildlinsg;solne lteahes;rgeattslendance; ood; ldisipoline;osupor- sor ork owll ssplied readling rsoomdio5 tnly 5l-ctures, OSatuooo rda eeing rec-sotisos;051sopnteenresoyear EmO io nat 10000 . silt so C o lains tudetslr ins 0 posi- saoos-s Oo- loosool ,os OO ooooOesgi s-Oslolooom. 1,0110g ess-oesl.!bto :'. Opeor eek inprivntelnaoolis P. RI. CLEARY1PaS. (;(t}>itcrl, Sks),r5f1, Psssjlosolr ~t11'rcsliss lP,110/5. Dos sop-nerl baoslosrss in0s. ll1 Pays ioter- solTon sos Filelsvlt. los safty 1001 osit) Los oroentl. Rt. 1(5511W, l~ros. p. H. 10111.R. Cashlier, 0 Iil l e i- ivr s i t yours room05 thelO reloisd00 of0 l os-lslteo Yearoor St.oo. $Uj SCRIBE NOW + ." At l)5.t 51111()I (ILsOea IHoosoe111k or a1t S111-51 55S NesoStood. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY B OWDISH & HOUSE., Proprietors. FlRS -T 1'A'IONAL BANK sO SN A lIIIOR. ca~vli t l 55W. Sposlolurnd lPvofits,), i(). Tr soso ae~erl b-ankinog OlsilOeco. For- 00i10 voocsosop losso alo os oldi.Letes. ot credlitroessss oso t ros ive-sss- brossad. P. BAt iiPs. . 010 ll.A~i0iS(3\.Cshier Studlnts lo not fosrget Soattenodltile conceert of Sloe Aioso arbsor Basnjo and Gttitar clulb aS the Grandso olrrows-ev-en- iog. Itesisdes their own~ clubs of ex- cellenstIllusiciansSthey osill Ilave artists fromront01 of town. People Irons neighboiong cities, as Toledo. VYpsilanti, haove even engagedl neats. Reserved seats 010 sale at Ann Ar- bor Organ Coo. '5slore. building of ''roy, (N. Y'.) semnoary for young women will soon be com- pleted. The coot of the building will be $ ituu,uuo. It is fotur stories K W O ( 1hgh, of brick anul brown stone. The publication of a new Ipaper, I L 1 A S the Atlantis, has been startesd in News York. It osill be pritoted in SPRIN. ST L S. Gekadmncolgprfsos - - --have already signified their intention Q;UAl ITYofuiniti(tesOODo odr ofuig ti lo td o ol rn SIo AB1SOLUTELY O D &E 38 Greek. C