THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,ZC. of ~~~i~ rublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during tnt:Collteesear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V4.5ii per year, invariably in advance Single copies 31 cents. Subscrip- ten nay be left at the ottce of the D AiMY, at Stoffetas, with any of the editiors or authorized nolicitors. Comunications should reach the office by 7 oclock Ps .ifi they are to appear the next lfay. Addressn all matter intended toe publica- nion to the Mianaging Editor. All tbusiness oonunicationn nhould be ent to te Busi- THE II. nf Xi. DAILY, Ann Arbor. Xich. EDITORS. C, A. liNvisiti, Law '00, Managing Elditor. If. A. SPALD~IN, Lit. '04, AstiStotti3. J..L. LoTtl:, Lit. '95, Assistanot. P. 6YWs.iraftsLtic'lii, Atssistaint. J. A. itLEt Y, Lit. '96, AthiletceEditor. W.Ni. A. blonk, Lii. '9, Buninena Manager. LITEARY li.Iteo I tLl. H. B). GAniot '4. It ei.Hal'.,. vP. Sadtler'W EL. l t itdlei, '90. E. Y. tyle, '6 H . ols.tis, '96. Agoes Mtirlt'y ,7 fltarryCole'a'ioSpc") 'l. I(. GIrnkoins,,'94. All copy musot be at thfe offtc0 befotre ,;0.01n cc the day itt pulictsin The Editors do not hold temsterlves responi- sible for the sptiitnstorstatrments itftories- pondents, apiproring ini the DAttY. 1EVERY indication points to a vety succestful junior hop thio year, as good judgmient and excellent table hat been used in makieg the or- rangemento for the hop. Evidently it will be the most successful social event in the mtid-college year. Mtuch credit is due to those basing the matter in charge for the manner ito which all the arrasgements have been made. A .1. studetits who are looking for- ward to thle professionl of teacing of t14.00 for the round trip has been sectored of the railroads and loy rates at the hotelo, no the trip need not he an expensive one. Let all wvbo can. attend. Annual Meeting Oratorical Ann'n. The L?. of M5. Oratorical associa- lion holds it annual mteeting for the electicon of officers arid a third dele: gate to the Northern League Orator- ical contest on Tuesday evening; April 3, at 7:15 sharp in Room 24. Cnicrtouisn Bit's, c President. IN Tr R(;uSLLEGIATE. Thocuniversity of ttali is strug- gling withi the probleni of getting through thec next two years on 823,- G~en. liarrisoni and :Prof. Griggs will deliver tile first addresses be- fore tse newely organized Ethical Congress in San Francisco. Students at PlidaPestl atdopteid a barbarous wvay of shooing their re- spects to the late patriot, 1-ossutts, mainly by breaking windows in thsose houses thlat oould loot display signs of moulrning. Horsfor dis Acid Phosphate Is the msost eff'ective tand agree-I able renledy in existence for preventinig indigestioni, and re- liexiii those disetases arisng fr0111 ttdisoriees'i1 Ot l. t'.t-e~b -n euctio i gven. yourpln frjlanngu, ithidolr latr in ife the graetltarygorteuwtodhs gever nown; theplano ainliba Renetnowin theoeiahofery membnheoer forfmilyhe mkiofou htreioerie of ecefandimt.Heacillkhnwldgeofwhtetord areh ci onerd, rinlie yoItfnthilsoutink.confmyouasth nennowvhow wonyorcteiobonlynfOneolatellforw aladei to ouwharesprupaidw thetti en ist a2vmes th re rmanuugt$9b)itogbegittrhoe teof the reatestaiteaytoretreittnd hsevll eaun;tfulaieofa ier ati wdcibesnwith terhe bonenverch eder f mu amihelepotedachnday. isu stongly bondeineer favy public ib ary in the wowrldihsorfar a te fcetsc lastfor ytearsoveretof cncei. and the 00prac .itickoledgof '0te w'orldt Iour'adrit wowth tyncharesigttmat e mao r aoft oc. aTs doh'ttwan yoht ti' .tsloco lfyothin. If yothiko knwhoot ' (fli .Sotu ill:: acttott (0cetsa tais(t barmittedul ins Vi. A beautiuiosynsUi is sronly bundin havyitis i. Mcioversowhih. w.ith51;otrc s. il ings of the Schoolniaster's 'lb, Dr'W.W. arn, ttilttl Friday afternoon and Sat utlay. Moss., says; "I volon it os so excellenst IMscussiaofciqIuestions vitally ef- prevntative off intigestiont, andtiaopeasant fectitog edolcational interests of Ihigh aciduated trnt h lentoperl'yeiutedi oiti schools will bte participtated in by a aeansetnd. camber of representative principals___ and high schtool teachers as well as anumber of th1 faculty of the U- Oort~''p't:pt- reitopi~ttt oc I tO RumfordCihemical WorksProvidenceRI. versity. We are lundoubtedly op. BeotaretIofSbttutsrandolImitattiins. proaching a revolution in education and some new ideas will heeIthorougho- For Sale by all Druggists lv discussed. 11(as ier to MIci , the lttttir'c t;t of :-10 volltoitto of lRevioteol Lotnlro ia hroittttoiat, s rthoort os'itttt, ttlott t' totlt your. DiittSalt'innos Bttiot'for twhich t IN anothor column of this issue appears a complete account ef the third annual convention of the :Re- publican College League of Anierica to be held in Syracuse, New York. Thin convention will be the most in- teresting and important in thle his- tory of the League. As many stuidents from Mtichigan should arrange to at- tend as can possibly do so, for our institution should have a special in- terest in the League, inasmuch as it was organized here. A special rate I etiClosOc C l )otltso, (ittlfurther r q00 to Islilt 105 eat io tt, / tty0 o ft toM t (oeoall t71ottl il otlitlithe otoiooittlF90 Cisofttlg J)id.b "'.....(..o.......... 'rksFrtYae"The name tandn for junt what it is. Slosh................... The Dent Bicycle buiit for $125.00. Banebail anti J~awn T'einist. ____________________________________ 0 tldingo liaenlandiiiLawnent isgost ametdused esniasivey trde blathe t ~ AAE+BRE HP ~ t o 5 ~O~ that thiegtitaonro .;arert- tilt' (est tttt~em letie illio- il. tntttcd ctits'ity ct c. Atid Itathtiototo. . I . OIVtEN, Po.'g rt inseAsit ev> iyot. NO. 4 EBast Huron Si.. Opnosite Coturt A. G. Spalding & Bros., Hoose. Hot0.1Cotl nd SatllBanhs.Poar- ALp 6t S.eepUnile. Atvr. Chicago. New York. Philadelphia.cenloin itibt.O N HL lrs Tlpoe15