Ercelient Arrangements Made for blue with gold monograms. Of the American Reoublican Col- Shouldibuyyacopy of
the Junior Hop--Friday Night The programs are made out in the ego League at Syracuse f A 1
--Hany Juniors' form of checks which read as fol- -rw
lows: I promise to pay iss-- Arrangements are almost conplet- Eli
No happier inauguration of social one dance, member . Signed, ed for the third annual conven- Mnus-i by LewI I. Clement.
life at the University, after the lent- . This will be a very appro- tion of the American Republican Dane by ossGranger.
en season could lend more inspir- priate sod neat souvenir of the or- League to be held in Syracuse, New ( liistt li- visit "AnsJ Wietinr-
ation to all, than will the Junior hop casion. York, April 6 and 7. Mr. Julius
which will occur Friday night. The grand march will beginsC. Travis, the secretary of the ; 0 ?a( Q0
Splendid arrangements have been promptly at 9:30 P. m. Great league, gives us the following infor- 51 South Main St.
made for the social event of the praise is due to the arrangements ration: About three hundred dele-
mid-college year. committee for their good taste gates from all the leading colleges
One thousand invitations once ani judgenent msei in arranging in the country will be in attendance
been issued and it is expected that for the ho> which will be the social and a most interesting meeting will
from 225 to 250 couples of merry- evnt of nine mid-college year. be held.
dancers will attend. - The two days' program will in-
The decorations in the big "gym" In Honor of Kossuth. elude the convention proper, a re-
this year will be selected with un- The class in the "Great Orators,, ception tendered to the guests by a
usual taste, the desire being to ob- yesterday held a memorial service the citizen's committee, a parade of
sevieWieninouirwante LtsrnMerpiiann9tyei
tain a harmonious blending of in honor of Louis Kossuth. Miss uniformed Republican clubs and a of k,,ix I$4t nn$ shoes atsn- iCtio f i nes
than Ann Arbr pmics seni Cfoil- Catainnge is
colors. O'Rourk, of Detroit, will Cady gave an eloquent eulogy on grand mass meeting, concluding with
have charge of the work. The run- the °" Defender of liberty and a banquet.
ning track will be decorated with afriend of lie oppressed." Sine told 'rite i of speakers for the vari-
back ground of dark red, with other of his visit to America when with a ous meetings includes: Hon. Chaun- o, 183-185 WooxsnwmxAv-,
colors which blend well. An arti- boldness born of conscious right e M. Depew, Hon. Cabot Lodge, DETISOT, - - NIIIGA.
ficial canopy ceiling, confined to he appealed to is for aid. Fame is Hon. Charles Emory Smith, Hon. SENinSS, Gt cisc ihnoton Taken at
. JoN[. Thurston, Hon. obert
streamers of a few colors will pro- not true manhood, but loyalty to hn
duce a beautiful effect overhead. right is the standard. Judged by P. orter, Hon. Jonathan' P. Doli-
The booths will be decorated un- the standard Louis Kossuth willverr antilon. J. Sout Fassett.
usually fine this year. There will give as one of the great men of his ddreses by representatie college
men will be made by students of
me ten of them including one for tory. Mr. uHalaplian followed withYle, nwllmbisaUirstoden- o
each of the fraternities represented an exceedingly interesting paper, on e b At imy orik guaanted scu to none. A
and one for the chaperones, which the "dead patriot,' ''The bard SlvaniaUniversity of Cicagotl nhJtj s - i
will be placed at the east end of the of Truth."'The problem of Ks- and University of Michigan. Mr. FRESH ASSORTMENT
-ymnasium. The ladies dressing suth's life was "flow shall an en- L. G. Long will deliver the speech--oF-
for Michigan on the subject, "The N Y
room will be fitted with permanent I slaved people become free ? Prof.
fixtures in the director's room. Trueblood then gave some interest- Scholar in Politics."
The running track will be used for ing incidents in the life of Kossut The delegates from local Ketsbli-:nT-
spectators and an admission price in which the chief characteristic can clubs will include Messrs.F'uler, 'UTLr'E'S, - 4 S. State St.
of $1.5o will be charged to specta- of his oratory were brought out. He eonard, PattersonE, Ne"ton and
tors. had all the richness of the orient Kuhn. Several others will attend.THEi"WAVERLY" WHEEL
The music will be furnished by and the strength and vigor of a Eu- A rate of $54.00 for tie round trip ceiiit s iiunsiticr o. &
Sch1ermliser's society orchestra,- of romean. has been secured from the railroads, tirs.--r $85.00 i the sensation of the
of' twennyura - r-pe.--out. Seiin thewindow o
Detroit, consisting of twenty-four Choral Union. Unity Club
pieces. ThiTi be didedintomj the Choral Untion held its annual A tine Unity Club on next Mon- BROWN'S DRUGSTORE.
two orchestras, one for regula election last evening. Below is aday evening the meeting akes the
dances and the other for intermis list of the officers for the ensuing form of a social. An interesting
sions.g r i ee it.e t, presidet; iL. D. program and an enjoyable time may
Hangsterfer will be the caterer Wines, treasurer; J. U. Reed, terre- be expectet. All are invited. Next - -- +
for the occasion. Refreshments tary; C. P. Hozeloen, librarian; F. lecture comes Monday, April 9. B ASE BAXLL GOODS
will be served between the 12th and -W-
13th dances. A novel feature will Jeffersonan Society.
einrdcdafolw:Assalant librarians. )
be introduced as follows: A small a iembers of the executive board The Jeffersonian Literary society Suits and Gymnas Sup-
table will be placed in each booth for the chorus. Soprano: Lucy will meet tomorrow evening. The phies.
and a separate set of waiters will be K. Cole and Emma McAllaster' following programme will be ren-
in attendance. This will avoid con- Alto: Mrs. R. S. Butterfield and W dered; Declamation, Mr. Reed; ou are invited to examine stock and price.
fusion and prevent things from get- K. Childs; Tenor: Frane Beach oration, Mr. Countryman; speech,y
ting on the oaxedafloore and R. A. Powell; Basso: John H. C. Livingood; biography,
The program of dances is a work Bendinger and Dr. Ch. Nancrede. W. Oxtoby; debate, "Resolved, W
of art and consists of kid covers - - that expert testimony procedure be
with U. of M. monograms embossed The University of Wisconsin foot- revised, affirmative, E. E. Carr and UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
thereon. The ladies programs are ball men begun regular light pra- W. J. Howard, negative, M. L. Mc-
in yellow kid, with blue monogram, ticelast Monday. Laughlin and Mr. Rector. STATE STREET, AN ARBOR.