_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. What is nicer for Eas- \ A Da ltar Line of Easter Ties'C~ terthn abo o Cakis'at The Outfitters, Cooaes, 25c, 50c, 75c, QQ1"Z ]E&(H NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. A :- nT7I. Ate'S.HOR~2MENd T OF EISCOALPFRAYEIR-OO S AND -i MNALS %V10i"11Athey' selRlcat.!()1wcenIt. Dis)colunt, Idll I AnArbor Savings Banak rIt /: A nder i'stie. iGeeralItlain- Laws sf this dte. 15cciis deoits, buy.ssalsd 'c 1. eccsaii cc icts pincipali cities cofSt t"niteti stctes. Dt,-:itsethed uponprper Sle3t ticasttf. :hol~ dpsiit bhxces.tocrenl. (treseoss. tCI~ss;.stiat Mackl, tres.:W. I15. ilrssssts, Vice Pres.. thas. E. flisctwk', Ca- shier, _1). tlrite Asst.C'schie. "HOE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and .- -~PUBLISHINGr St mdeat Work a Specialty. Il° - ktsed ;LossstPrctestin the Cit gar:tits5Artistic HairdressingParors. Shcicdies'citsc, man icuring ce ' 1 ; : attptteaitttetntties inthe ti e ste; f~1h cMs.J t Toanwid 0E §a v: > oe abhop WARWICK Pie -Prear qestionescistiwhct ytot ta' fo acc bicycle, btu t ht thiectdycle petc yet inreortie rte ependstiture. Front 1 hrie, statndpotintte Warwick is the iese;t eccttttcsettl siheel sette. BICYCLES I t Th Warwi.ck ,sive ste gretelt :1mnt of. e llea'stte wstsith(teestetiteli- s;itersetfstrengsth; it Is te hliiest taltti itsrigid; tis ttteyt ett ,scose- iutetlyaifs tt.i'o(itei'.It is ttuilt toe r P;4 .nd ttsthe flilltttett tesite setsi_. Wnkrwiuskns ee mttte to tast; it(tteyttguarantttteedttt.'oetieiil. E ;,1 ' Sitt l KWaric7k 2-Itt. ta I 551 set' I t i st 't-iotttt. etsotttdsttti Iliist wt rit. se s tit oltstsssrtc tse eteevIt,i cetetts is i.isleas..See it! Yout'lbeemt i ttittielsetntsst. LEADERIS Isz . stttes t ess.enttis ttf Warwick 'esisseettictiosase brousghit it subhet iotsot 0 s' isislit:yirst, sst atssleli te ti sittstt'ista ter-citesietstitWhens is )ty atWaic'stik, yet pay fteeuitlty, .is-ssss~titdisc. ac. Staindardptice, I tti«r>,oites .ftree in oustistitiegi WARWICK4 CYCLE MFG. Co., SOR.NGFIELD. MASS. 6 4 14 WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY --s U. OF M. FLAGS. 2~62 Waasnh Avenue, Chicago. I'ntslstt ill psi1sss. iMost lihtlsers me5e5 rs~n. Al zIks ttssrI- ss e°tlstiss. Prce.',1l5ii Jolt. .11/s. ts,.ssttts . C)OX ' \ T t^7T Dotet char tis'the wickel. Hascs obac odoet. Ratstitter beten t tin taels- It is. no-ecestissi. Dose se siottifoe ctttoc dis.o ttpile thile lisjht. Is ascsihittetcs distille clcr. I Giv'es lighttjltsethwsm otss ort ssos Seis t isby/ /ciLsis diCfos 44SuhAnn Arbor Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITYNOTES. Po.Co -eii a ici im Vise senior lawes are being iquizzedi stereior frenieloirticicrd.fo tlsis week in equity jurisdiction. suevorfmthsihwad Williams Iillings, '95 lit, enjoy ed Captain J. Baird had the football a visit from his fattier ltst week. nien out yesterday afternoon on the Work has been begun on reiioe- campus for the first spring practice. ieg the Greek inscription from tie Messrs Lorie and D)acepi reed gym. special reports yesterday in Ptrof. W. S. 'Frost, ltw 'Hi, tendswife, Henmpl's class in Eniglishi literatuire. are visiting hsis mother at No. 6 N. W. W. Waterman, '97 Iit, was Ingalls. called away from college last wceek Candidates for '97's ball leans tre on accouti of the dleathi of a reta- reqlnested to report on the canipus lice. cacti day for practice. 'here weilt be a putpil's concert, Oiving to the cold sweathier, the 'Thursday evensing, M\areth .25, at candidates for the 'Varsity leans did; ei-ht o'clock, at Fieze Memorial nut practice yesterday. Is il, School of Mlusic. R_ . SG(arwood, '9a2 lit, and wife, 'rt ician cho Mse's whlo is teaching at Albion, is eisiting ci ihd inrcouii 2 I/nier-= his psarents in this city. shty hail ott Friday at 2 o'clock pi. VTie next social circle reception usand continue Saturdaty. A sy- of the Hobart guild will be given on isopsis of the program wiili e gicen Friday evening, April 6. Friday in Tttir Dm ixi. 11r. Everett, '95 law, tins return.-lFrank F. Whitnmore, '96 lit, who ed from his home in Ohio where he was injured Saturday in a collision has been detained by illness, with a friend wchile attempting to Prof. Jn. B. Clayberg, of Mon- catch a fly ball, has recovered suffi- tana began a series of lectures on ciently to be removed to his home Mining Law to the senior and p. g. at Buchanan, Mich. It was thought laws yesterday. Hie illuntrates the at first that a blood-vessel had beets lectures by the use of a nmodel of ruptured in his head, but only slight the Black Hawk mine, bruises were sustained. TR ARE THE BES / CIGARETTE SMOIKERS hoarci li chargsefortorinarytrlstie gartts still. end THIS BRANDcstpteritisattother. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 CCG-A .EL"ES sreme frolethe ie tfit, issst dlitie itn flsivos, tasthigttiost Gc OLD LEAF grown in iri~5giiai. BEWARE iF IMITATIANi, 1stndsossere lists tile namsse sittheits' itituee.as helict csin ey pacikge. 551 AWK& G Q 4MEI t+Q c, WE ARE 1IN IT It ss is 7 nt, i ' la VICTOR Cyrcles Lead. Ga'sl for 'lstalst(s astdiexamtine wheels at M. Stinebler' +(Cycle Emporium, 11 W. WASHINGTON ST. Ann Arbor.