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March 27, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-27

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VOL. IV.-NO. 119.



IN DOOR MEET NEXT. ological order, analizing and discus- FOOTBALL PRACTICE. EVERY U. OF M.II STUDENT
The Matter Discussed at the Ath- sing thenm and connecting them with TeMnt Practice DaiIVy in Going i Shouiil buy a cpy of
letic Beard Meeting. - Dates the necessary biographical exposi- Thsrough the Various Football I
for Home Games. tio n. The first lecture will lie given! Tactics. o
T~h .he meeting of the athletic hoardros2,M daevigArl Capt. James Baird has called outit isieHime
ast night svas devoted mainycto the I2 n ilbgnIrnpl t~ a numsber of men for spring football II , e(byiiosdGange.
-onsideration of tbusiness nmatters. in. and occupy about fffty ominutes. practice. Yesterday there wvere [Dn iviretiivt 1'ltle v Atf Wlider
A. vote of thanks wvas extended ---0 eleven men on the athletic field, vihein,' Oisate +fi, vii lfrc/i lit/i.
The Glee and lianjo clubs for their Gu~stavus Adolphus. where the dily practice will take 11 0' ppC
assistansce ini ele way of a concet. jThe lecture of Oct in Bethlehem place. The svork will consist mnly 51. South Main St.
'tue track manager reported prog- !l r sls eeigon't utvsof luing tip andIgoinig through sari-
ress is the matter of aii indoor meet I Adolphus"'wsa a tistl one out plays, swiths perhaps lise addifion -
visi annunoiced the ifate ioi the meet Ilsc; y isii oc i o of practice in falliing an the tball, i
as April 7th. the cests swill be, vn tscii;lso h trligtackling, etc.
as saitouniicii last sveek, vzs Fit.. I see i htecittlliehs loulandVil, lia, C. Ihairdl, 2Itorri-
tests in all four classes of hoxinig vaefssloieynst lf ur Senter, tDrumhlertreenleaf,
sand wrestling,hbesides fencisig,tutissh- I erbert and twvo or three others
I dictions, comnssetd to niake it very
ing~ and club-swiniging. ijes tN asise ii.~i r ook hart in the practice.
'flitplssatter of piudsefor tneAnviAis
hh atro r sfrtewn oc could ever have been more u-i- . 1 -----wisen sou vScutietiestevtiisi'piitan Stiyies
tiers iin the sarious contests swas plasdI . Princeton Baseball Schedule. af $t. sit. Sihli u oes t5o in '1tapstiv
versaisy pe sediwithassy nathan s5____thiansAii,Artiripiies,seed fob i Isisl isit
rtgist under discussion and it was wa that ints hlsehenschuirils last -__
fecied to give the winner in eachs'the Princeton mianageument has0
event ikto esesi i u vsing swiths the lecturer. arrangedl for the followeing gases for H mn' m
Atihletic association, including privi- B the present seasoin. Othser gamses lo. Av.
Bee absbal tce aseball Practice. s1i1, beadd185 t the listlater. ts1AiiO.l
leeof absealseason tce t!wl eaddt h tlater.___ - S r, - - MICHIGAN.
hall price. Nos entry fee will be 'fhe disagreeable weatlher of the April iS-Lafavette, at Princeton. SNIM9 ~avtrIht:'a~, t
ciharged ansi track manager Kenson pint fewv days has serioussly inter- April s 1----esleyasn, at Princeton. /
is desirous of receiving all entries as feredlwitti baseball tiractice, }ester- April as-Coltumbia, at Princetons. 1
-oonias psili re hth a-bigtoo cl oraygame. April ii, Iafayette, at Eastons.
li~silil, i ordr tat le cay biss coll fr an M y 2 thgh, atPrlincetosn.
tiay knosvwhlethser to offer ansy','lite oor showing smadlein liractice \tay -i ad t riceos
vveierieigit osslstsor ot. recently is in great mseasiure cha-g-
Manager Cadivell announsced the able to the cotl and windl. A lest May Is- Cornell, at lPrificeton. Nc. is lliicoii 55., r~is. hs'iiirv cthe ins-li iii- .
roliigMay 1 lssgh, at ltetbllens Ali iss vvii ssraivsisiid secind ito iu.A
floighouse gaines as secured: days usore of good playing will 'tiali.oiitesid.
DA.C., April 28 Nothwsten ike Myt-rwa rvdne SOTETit hiossible togive a sonsewhsatFRESH ASOTMN
May 5th; U. of tllinois, M~ay 12thi.i cilulte forecast of the teant'smoake-l May tg-Vale, at NewvHtaveni. eF
- -. . - upMay a- luniversity of :Michigan, at J0 TT5 -----
etrsLectures Upon Ibsen. i - .. - Princeton.t cI~(s-s'i-~u--~
Webster Literary Society. May 3o-Ilarvard, at Canmbridge.
Professor Thonmas pupoesto dsi,--JUS RsEisCEIVED AT-
itr01nucsieMna ers-IJune 4-1-irosI, sit Princeton. 'L5UT r L'S, 48 S. State S
livsgs oneg cssgAil Moayorcure-I Webster literary society till hold June 9-Yale, at IPrincetons. ____________t.______
ing bginin Ari a~ sor cors Iits usual sveekly mueeting tomorrrowvJusne n16--Yale, at Neuw'fork, in THE "WAVERLY 95 WHEEL
01 tree public lectures npon thie plays ngt t73 'lc.Teflo- cs fate
- nughiteath7:30'oclock.d'isttfocliiv-hcaseGof&a.tie
of Henrik Ibsen. sc~st
lowitig is the prograns: ---" 'nc $85 00 s e o i
It is not ass exaggeration to snay ednH .Pre;Oain NVRIYNTS iutSei ntl vxtovo
that Ilbsen now has thet ear sif tie .reagel; t.ePte"er:sronlNSTeOTdsssi Sci
wvorldt to a sdegree wvhichs is true sio it.Irel eae,"eiuvd rof. Kiosvwltsis lectures to the 7BRO'W'N' TSDRUG STORE.
b that Msilitary tactics shiotulid be in-j
550 utser living isian of letterv. toictiitbtr ulcScuil, lasws today.-
Wuhencis islast hilay appeareth, Isp.slruai'nJhnP hauses . rTe classes in Anatsismy have in-
lishs GermiansantI Fresnchstrinsi a - uhringtv.C-11thusnIished their worke inidissecting.
tionss isere publisheud almost sinmul- C. A. lamses. Course 4, us Unitedh States pouht- -
taneoiusly with the original, anti j - _-..,feiat history, will hereafter mseet inBA EB LIGO D
IB S BA LTRssian, Polish, Bhohuemian, Huss- Western Intercollegiate Tennis. roons F. G O
g arian anti Dutch traisslations very Prof. George 1-I. Lathrops, of De-
tl- thereafter. 'Since Victor Wiscossits's athletic board hsas troll, will lecture ons latent law next Suits ttid Gymn31 titttss u -
Htugo's 'Len Miserables' was pub- ' authuorized its tennis muanager to ar- week before the senior and post plies.
tithed simultaneoushy in nine ian- range a spring tousrisisent sitll the graduate law students.
guages,' says H. H. Boyesen, "I L' of M. The Wisconsin Cardinal Twenty students at Swearthmsore yoi'riis vitedls'uieie st-ock 5usd pricec.
doubt if any sucs tribute hsas been commtends the idea of a tounanient, have been suspended for thirty days ________
paid to a man of letters as is im- but urges the fornmation of an inter- for hsazing a young lawyer who ws
plied in this eagerness to read hins collegiate lawn tennis association visiting the college. W H 9
Professor Thomas will take up contains Wisconsin, Chicago and out, although his injured knee in
else plays one by one in their chron- tlictisgan. still embodied in a plaster cast. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

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