THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUJANEGON ORCHESTRA.frtorai)an ,, 51S.lIq~ S.Dretran foae.HATS_ wAND t NECKWEAR &Gboi EXCELSIORLAUNDRY 0. ATN E 'S, G ______ .w EAST 11 U LON sI 111011 - IN ERS Good Wool. Guaoanteed. Goods called for No. 9 South Main street, Stoeeently occupied by TSams. 1 s delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.___________________________________AREo 000-- OA~E EIR,, THE FISK TEACHERS' .AGENCIES./ Official Photographers 11VW____ i__ E.___________treet._ CHCAGO. 106 Wabasli Ace., B. F. CLARK. ...OFTOWT x2 V ears isthe Busiiess.~ NVsrgil ,A:en,1:203. 4,84(0 Positions Filled, 1185 Positions Fileod ill 9. CITY LAUNDRY, SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. } p otnSTUDG1 ENTS' WOJiIKPA: - M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. IAGE~NCIE~S:.Nebw fork, Lott Angeles, Toronto. L~~0 , ~ CJLY DANCING and DELSARTE TOLEDO LT. OF M. CAJENDAII. Chorai Union. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER' Soit..a.24 .-Social by 11. Y. O taee.nMaeo 7 46 s. State street. O usa eeig5/Irh2 dtesandtGentlemen, 0 clos.elo.25 .F.Mllso lsioo.'0 000of rehlearsal, ocurs the ann. p') - ___:15lla. oinInNewberee boll. 5 OM O- a a o el, l) as OTH MICHIGAN (olIo ma. 2u.-t Wily Club. I00)100t 3 Me. L. mleting of 1110 Choral U00ni ofor t ol. D O Y---r Itlols100RAIL ~ WAY - 0. llooo b117eFoem~s o a 100.-I01)55 election of officers aodtl tanoactio FleeTas. o bigoe S ds oe5111 selt." I =js f 1100 neet a SA2T - Y 1} . a. n. entlemen's do nii iea bl viagfec ~nay o.a,19, Fejof.bFse.,ss of.dir.ctinterestoa. c l a~~~~s5 TrFail e too Ans Arbosrby Cents.ool Ev. 1%X0-uno o) 45. m . alies' daleiso elass.Standlaiod Tm.Fi Ilo 2 .0t Sat.,Mar. 3It.- ieliiai mp ln ortance to the Olhorus. 31. l"ildrtO's 11l1)110 1105s. NRH, 00001 111)11,15 105 0011cb,)room24, ma1n0build A .H ~ \ JS c 8 )In. 'ioiooadvaned lass. 1:15 a.:m. -01001atlsons by appointment. *001.5p . I1 1)10.i 4:15 p. m. 111)) p. In, TFs., 51.1:. -10on000tby llilliaos ll ee, :10'.40 0'. 4 at al 10 on only, O R. 8.I(,REENOODAgetAnnAro * ea-ANN ARBOR A ThfIJ4 hLAUNDR~Y O. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. ° S E. S. SFVISI, - XII ger KEEP YOURACCOUNT VIH THE +$TATC $AV1flG$ BAf2K4 ANU d'TotIAI1 or )11 d Washlngto~n 1,1rts, V A 1 T)(T A. 'SLNo:[E a I re:. HOn 1)1 rrPH, ll roh'r. PENCO F0005)NAND GOLD 1101A C. aSTT SRET ON.MKNS D.N. Fopres...,! -1 N Y &C. p 1{000{CHCAO. N. . E. 1. 5... 11 5 1.N.P 1r.r.81 0'4)104 000C. . N.'S. Limited.. .10 elie oExpres...)l1 1.3 0ACIEYHALAD0HCG. O E'1. )5:00~r H. !(5. 11001), MAUATRR I1. I' T. Agc,, CbJao., At toArn Arbor.{ ~ OolLN t8930 'I:) Eonieat y T e dla 'IUn of e)~l~l '/ 010.,.(a 050 ~a 0i aplls t fors pr_ 7 #erd~ta af e~rd1{ 'Ii t iet 111 ctecft,5keiouroafoi @I~r5 e~u~d I r)eOer5uidi 'T~ i~ie ro ~ snn 5Pieurc £"t\to8 /at) d s I rk5~d~eClIe /5j7fdS ro rt'(-x 6 oft b eStO t f'. r Banjo :and Alnolin) clubs, in ULoieeosily WI. ''ir.veAlpr..- noly-four c l.tssc:i Gpan .10. lull. ""wh sly )1. Tliburs.0eve.,.bApr. 12.- 00)1)111omo e las soeia) For liduc(fl i etcket~s toO)llhio, It. S. Greenowood, Tickoet Agt., ltledl Alim Arbor & tiortlI Mich. EFaster ties a1 the otftitters, loo- 111011& AMottsn.1 lie loe0011Ilalo ~b coootot Foer11110 soap2s, toothbruslies5and cigars, go to) theleaI. So 7. Deugstore. Ypsiblanti Monday night will be 11010d, Don't foil 1t) 000 those swvell party in1 Cleary lBusinless College hall. s luoes for the 3. Hop, at Ilowdish& .Lost Matteson's -- See thlose fine psatent leather 01100s rhetween thle corners of N. IDi- at Btowdlish & Matteson's. vision and Ann, and State and The latest thing is Hodgensan's Packard streets, a gold soword pin.nmackintosheso for $(1 7. 0 at Bowdish tbinder will please retulrn to 10 N. & SlTattes))))s. iDivision or Stewvards office and re- 1111 211.1=---Cleveland '94, 27 pds, ceive reward.brnne.$ ocsbin $2 Two-Step Party, less than rergular price. 27 Geddes Aoe. -Mtrs. Antnie W~ard foster annloun- -- I.0 - ces that 011 Wednesday evening, The Contest Dance. April 4th1, there still be a full dress-- twvo-step party for all her advancedl Marie Mlarie is 1110 natne giveni pupils. All those wishing to bring the toot dance by -Ale. Cranger. A friends please notify Airs. Foster be- thorolughl eplanation of the (lance tore thlat evelning. 1wi11 110gig 0en at the cooming Satle- --,ldly alti ll(,sllay evenitng class Students Reduced Hates. m~eeting.'lbe5'h last terma of this sea- 0 toe thle spring svoration of th~e L'nivresitx 01 Michigan, Ypsilanti Normlal 00)1 Cleary lllnsiness Col- loge, 1110 Toledo, Ano Arbor SE NorlthI ;MirhiganlWy owill sell tirkets 1to studlents hloldling propler crtifi- ca1es, It 111e an111 0n1-third lore foe the rounod trip to all ponlts in MNich- igon nd1thoe Central Traffe Ass')) teritory . 'Tickets still be issuled Aprlil 12111, 13111 and th12and liniitedl to retuen up1 11o and includting .April 04111. R-.. S. . io rm\ ooii, AgI. K son for all classeostwill begitn text wveek. Tuitionl to Tloe 12111, 3.oo. Gra11ng0r'sX Smli 11,15 lost-sllst1 STA. SAE-A ILAUNDRY BOWDISHI & HOUSE, Propraietors. FIRST jATIONAL BAM( ta etos:30)))tllelltikiglsilees. Foe- eign)exc, bnoe Iboghlt a11)1d so.ld. Lters of credi1t00011)) 11 11)0For rvles aboadL. P. LIACII, Prs. ..CLARKO G,Cashlier. I SPR-ING STlLES. QUALITY, ABSOLUTELY (tOODSPKD 8 (,)O ORRECT. 15519 . M.XINST.