THE U. OF M. DAILY. lotn0 i Dail (bunay excepted) dunge the Colee year, by "NE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sbcription price t2.,w per year. itariably ini aeater sir opsd entsrt. Sbsibcrip- noatstay be left at the otice ot the tii, st toffet, with ay of the editor or authorized olicitor. Comatuiations shold reach the otfice by 7 ociock P. M. i they aer to appear the et =day. Addrets all matter inteded tr pblia- lisa to the Maagitg Editor. All bsinet aauaicaioat should be sentt to the Boat'- aee Manager. THE U.. of M. DAILY Ann Arbor. Mich. EDITORS. C. A.Ditos , tLawe'"i, Mtaagitic Editr. IibA.S. tt,tit, fit. '4, Acsisiiti. 7, t.. Ocaic, i. 'r, Asistat. P' .Ecs, tLsw'i, Asahi xii. J. A. tisititY, Lit. '96, Atsietic Ndio% .fs.A. .aal, fit. '7, Bsiaes Matager. LITi'eois.tsvLtAW. i. B. c; siicis. '54. Ik" 1'. Hall. '5. c. Y. SA ctisi,'01. 'F. L cti a'. . f. Y. Lyle, 'fi. (H 1) loins, 'O. Aaes Mollcy 'ill Carei't. snlt iS sjsel. tOiMEOPATtI. ttsisey(:io moaSpsc .(5.. eoinsi,'ti. 'PiaE proposed lcturcs ott practi- cal legal subjects by the profcsorx will meet the approval of thc lass students and furnish thenm such in' fornmation as is essential to young practitioners. This is another ad' vance nade by our law department with a viewy of making the intru- tion more practical. 'l'siedetitors of the -Palladium have used their best judgment in excluding all grinds front their at- nual. It is certainly tmore i kep ing with moderna unversiy lift, to keep objectional grinds out cof all student publications, for grinuls are suall y based upon the he'rsoial malice or ill-wiii of the writes. An Eouent Pritan. - - intensdeilforytheieicek o lIoydlGar noson, andl of oiv Phiillips had at last fount) his c lieniti--umanity Itettiereuponi relatedl owy 'hilips in Newv York hadleon all Irish hearts for the cause of freeudomatby telling busy O'Connell refissltt accept a large sum0 for Ireland from a slave planterbecause of his abhor rence of slavery. Every great rvolution produces an agitator, a statesman antI a prophet. 'The revolution of the present century found its agitator in Phillips its satesman its Sumner, ansi its prophet in Beecher. No man ever contributesd so tuch ripe scholarship to American poli- tics as did Sumner. Conscience entered the senate in the person of Sumner, as compro- mite in the person of Clay, wvas going out. There wvas never a more eloquent act than that of Masna- chusetts, in leaving the neat of Suns' nor vacant for over a j year after he hsad fatten mimed anid bleeding on the floor of the senate, fronm the attack iif brooks. The most critical point of our civil userswas when Bleecher set sail for England. Point to a iner chapter of statesmanship than Beecher's eloquent aIpeals for free- donm, whicls finally wvon the whole of Etsgland to our cause. Phillips wvas the Grecians, Sumner the first old Roman, wvhile Bheechier held in Isis mind all the richness of the orient, its grandeur and beauty. More effective titan Chicamauga or Mission Ritdge, xvere the burning {: 1 I E apspeal of these powerful orators, --- OMM. wvho wrouglht the conscience ofhutwicwateemnpto of the lAva. WHY WRITE TO* THE EDITOR? Anoign yourself "A constant reader" or "An nitd subscriber," if you want to knnw svhen Christopher Coatlistfl'istsv crest Amesrica, or the date of the great f ire of London, orwsets Bois foghod clittthrt tollsavis. It in true thy, editor I i.,sy .so uwillinigto i"c yout, 'out why got 3-our infor- nmation atseceonid hasts)? 1- Is- '', 5 b's Ii ty its' olir ownvt tiad, reay for ise at all times, and' to''''knowleudge is powver?'' ___Alt kniowvledeisc .. 2 i'~c4 iI lS~L acsisulateildsint whs's scproperly sdilisteidwills watr i's s.'; S o's.; . i 4_t " '(On t' "slt (if i o dli'tsltv l ' .v' Ons' d ii';^ it:s, rliss.;5' 5}'T''f ,ss tilte 1" a d3%re "3Li's' :is2 "lisis,, if 11 151 .illI2 't. l) Is, Its' 7dit .i tsl' iss 0ii Il r ts aI Eary i I ;s, i'esssittlt 'ii soT"isstlll A Z 's itss.t oe 5. 2( S iasss lis vi ii ifse'nt wiitht t,'s'rpoprsss ito slic eestsioisnless ii'iica ttlih bks;listIst17ch 7. it dinscaay h'scptul'siiselisc.h IbsTis sc<.it isissiotest fromnewlare tye ona, in ality 5of paper,'s.usl strottyly hound ini heavy Romford Chseoical Works, ProviutenceR.I. I i-nuill'ap'ape'reox'ei's, which wvith proiper tars vii)lo lst for years. Bear its indi iii'thlici'of Otibtititit's it(Iliis,sicsis. that the cistire. 20 volumes arc delivered to yalr address, sviudi all echarges paid to ansy part of the United States. / 4 For Sale by all Druggists I issitidAV. ilt tHEV, tFlorsist. Groeofc Stsses, Cniieisltist soid l'osesstt ll sty. Mot a i'n niudeisas psids'hirtis notie. $1.00. UNPRECEDENTED, $1.00. rjijj OLF01 DAILY 'Thississaspieciiisl or ae nIs y to tesredesit ssit I1, Xi 51, Isi sils ,ills- 010555tojienitftr si limitedsimessson ly cutttsii:, t and fS~zm'ito eW'..As. SoG.i, iticcsstinns cana itsor'Iis 5'. sit' 51I DIsiY. li1t trse (itI/c' itisi It hlisi s-it i(o5, t0htttolos sjofs ti/sicIcti' lisps ~m-il J3,51stssiica, usc isic s uskii'hit, tissth1/sicuth suur Iissss ioysi/.Jif,jolOrId'uc/ss.s 1I eoc'los~ ssc ow Dolss, sitm)fitlts' ftgrto susi'tiiit) s's slo tlts day (mi's ltiu h / utisititil/iht11) usli h / irt ii'iitgl/.5,51) i ifllu/ upait. 4 _'t 's u............................................. iIl~ liteisliv'ere'dl at yourarooisisItw eai ndiiite ofIr hei' tolletos'Y1's-or tstY.oo. , i $UWRIBE NOW + PALACE -+-BARBER + SHOP w' CATARRH HAVE TYOUy GOT I? Ansd BthIotoiois. W. 14. OWE N, t'ero, Iti sreue. ,Try it ead e s-snits els. io vt ee ert it. Settbtrailts ansy Al DsAILY'OFhiICE Gpera Houase ilt. N04. 4 ]East fHuroet St.. itpoaste Couit Iaddre s Prise. Onse holier. JilONt'. HiStti at-s S'hl I l'S osshait). Houtse. Hiot sCl adtSa Sill haths. lor- 1121st h ;St.,i'Chicago, Illiaois. Scot) foe's-let