I t't* AIL VOL. IV.-NO. 127. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, tq "SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 189 4. PRICE, THPFr,, VENTS. AN ELOQUENT PURITAN. not been as yet definitely made oat WELCOME PALLADIUM. EEYU FM TDN SnRv' usuu rvdt ei and the subjects of but a few lec- The Senior Annual Published bythe should buy aespyt o His Lecture in the S. L. A. tures can therefore be given. .Prof. P raternities to be Put on Saleso Course Last Night. Mce ilseko Rprs Tuesday M~orning. ..ereuato f e. usa sThseir tune and History''; lProf. As advance copy of I/se forth- Th iU! f T tie Treputatioobabof oev. G11ssalcossingPalladium has been placed I~s i e ensH.Clemest. alsvays assures Ihinsia good sized T1nissspobby1o 'Eul sselbyRss Granger. audience andi last ight was no ex- Practice''; Prof. Kirschner prob- on osir desk for review. The edi- ceptios to tihe rule. His striking ably', or. 'The Preparation of a tosaet ecnrtltdfr si/i( s. Psi e/c (f/e cc fuich 15//sf. sietap/hors never failed to ps/ease and Suit for a TIrial. '' ticr jrofes tergo at n ugeti Isi ssot sntncs, renat w/l /sors still lecture on subjects of in- arranging the contents anid the gun- ~ hisshot sntnce, pegantwit 1eral muake-upj of their aissual. It 51 South main St. thoug/ht, smade tasting /smpressions. Ilterest to the practiscal lawyser. The ________________________ 'l/espaeaygs . y rcigtl attenilance is voltuntary an~d /he usay be trusly saidl i/at s/se thnirty- sniit of P'uritasnisnm fromi the tinse curse Will lie given at ight. Tfsesitvousefth Paaiinss ise ' Nle'/ses sroeictielawlvou Sinai, i/te of the first lectisre still lie ass- ciiual to asny iif its predecessors. I ilies s /e rsetpos/ unissssisced later. 'I/se coscer is gres'nseish.etisbosscul -.t + -- jlet/erisng is go/l andl i/e desig'ssis seas eloq/uentt us the great hours of A Firn Art Exiist. Gr-eece; it braischsed focitsfrons very neait, ossly tewsordis "'I/e Pal- /5a'sI se/en he stood iii Atiseiss; it Alfredl N ico/etti, of Rochester,laisn,''' '' //srli /c il=ii(liyosTn, h'/e (Goldeis New York, is at Newlberry Isa/liith cover. fit size s/ic Palladiuisis i 'toei' ' iiisosnar1 s/snIeas itel/bttatseisir/sis xzinchse/snprinitedi on ex.tra heavyu ie i5 sl 5i .55 lsit'sll/as'yi hc/l the conscicnce of the future atteni/on of tile studeists aisdi/se eniatselledl papier usaking a book of ihta;Ai Ates. tit,(,,ls'id-,5i5i5 I (ltilosccio soil swrougist the swonder (If tthe geiseral /iubiic. The exls/hit con- oe iolusri igs reforusation before Iutther had it- s/sins of casts, bass-reliefs, isedal- t'ypogcapisicasiy aisdi isec/sasica/ly cccvi a word. In the civil sears of liouis, hissts anti vases, in repros/nc is o/ siefes nItlc/ ingianil, it shone forth brighter ioun of i/se most fanious classical gra7rdt)iunteRgitrlcsI , . J --inn cusiCIs Ale. hsntegassIf'rssl'ssor.ansisi/ies nose existing. ing compa/ny, se/o sid tise wr.ta hseh la o rmel wordic. i EN1)/S ts t li~~tS t - 5eilt AN Is still constinsue to s/ine; for it is Mr. Nicolctti has recess/s heens The cuts, sithstile ecepe/ioss of-'Si'1/.iliii/iiSriss the assert/oil of i/se soul usi/ste ehibuitinig at i/se easteris colleges, one or tssoIsa/f-toniscs, are of i/se7 '~(sencecof reve'redl traditions. It Dartmnossii, 'sassasr, Amhrst,'sVale, best jisality andi several scensefrosisnj insp/ireos nds 1(1 higher idess and ( tc, tail its lettlees of cii i issisa teCts/i5adgrityt /ci y'es iout i/ic t/ought that-0 a 's ton frossmstsoe of theseisttti~ons. ices of i/se lion/. resseri/satl,/snst/ittons. Thetork isiioif ssmoderni piocess /{kSiS is usual, i/sc / iii / i i i';i ~t t t,6. ,cffaE lt:,i c~ is i>ssehot s /nvrsr is /chai raseirizesi byc /sisce'./ itereSI roll s, organia/eioiuetec. , andiii / li)ste of Coosninons, he isaswis isbut :iilby sistinictnsess tofsasndi-cesig'I/in.c HAiORM-N <4ehinsi;thi=- ' scitassiscaulit till;r k/ibiconis stsat/ue/s bu tet i /itiisic i tse May/toser.f'uiritasismsig'sve mssde ups of/casts of 5/se works of fssyas 'i /cir/t i ~ VN5S nii islbrihtrst lustre in our ia/e/Grc/ckil/il Domnais is/s i thatarcei eroirttaeifo /e sc+TIQ IA6 i'ls-t ,es/ Si lasicitl iliewfoundsrlisnly in (hre/grat n s eit in ecluid/ig aiiinss'or othe c ~:t o