A S4 VOL. IV.-No. 126. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. ELOQUENCE OF PURITANISM. tigate a method of an independent IN THE GYMNASIUM. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT The Subject of Rev. Frank W. Gun- water supply. It was voted to in- That's Where the InSoor Meet will Ihouldibuy a copy of saulus' Lecture Tonight.-An corporate in the by-laws a clause be Held.-Entries to be Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus, the general library and placed in the Arrangements for the annual in- y tew H Cieme t eloquent congregational divine from various laboratories. Regent I-Defer door meet can now be pushed to )ien P by Ross Granger. Chicago is no stranger in this city gave a report of the recent ned- completion, as permission for tTh Tli jtrttist alt sin- "At tiedtr- where he has appeared a number of ical conversation in Chicago which use of the Waterman gymnasium sehn." O (len ter M(rch J5h. times and lectured before the stu- was attended also by Prof.Vaughan. was granted at Wednesday's meet- 0; bv. ®YPs ()C dents. In the course of his talk on homeo~ ing of the board of regents. 51 SouthMain St. As an orator and entertaining ler- pathic matters, he digressed long Chairman Kenson, of the track Curer, Mr. Gunsaulus stands easily enough to give the Tribune reporter committee, announces the following . irst among western speakers, ie a "personal tall:" for having pre- as the program: has gained a national reputation, dicted in a recent issue a fight on Boxing-heavy-weight, middle- having been several years before the homeopathic matters at this meet- weight, light-weight, feather-weigtt. American public. lug of the regents. Wrestling-Heavy-weight, mid- His lecture on "Savanarola" is a An effort is being made to secure die-weight, light-weight. feather- masterpiece of eloquence and die- Dr. Broesike, of Merlin, for the weight. tion, and has won for him an envi- coair of anatony. A salary of Fencing, high and low tumbling sts able reputation. ~$aoo for the first year was offered and club sigig when0yo antt hes atst5Meropoltitany- b .ti. of As ,5or Shoesat-,w to $I a patr less He will deliver his lecture on the without a guarantee of a raise. A In the boxing and wrestling events than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to "Later eloquence of Puritanism" proposition from A. G. Spaulding the following are the weights: heavy- tonight, and from the favorable no- & Co., to furnish the gymnasium at weight, above r5S pounds; middle- tice which this lecture has received a cost of $1500 was presented, but weight, between 135 and 1581; 01, 13-iS itsswasoA Ave., we are promised a treat- it, with several others from various light-weight, between oiS and 135; DETROIT, - - MtCIIIGAN. Rev. Gunsaulus, is a man in the companies, was referred to the com- featherweight, under iii. If enough tENos . u s,,, 'h,,is-.fIes i prime of life and has the vigor and mittee on the gymnasium. entries are received there will also energy, which is characteristic of a be ra2 and 45 pounds welter- young man. He is president of the J Iweights in boxing and wrestling. Armour Institute, of Chciago, andI The Junior Hop issue of Michi- The date of the meet will be has given much of his spare time in gan's funny paper will be on sale April 7, and all who wish to enter ameliorating the condition of the Thursday of next week, and the ed- sihould see track manager Kenson .a ns rrst., cist.before tI tiut bei, ALt y ok urat~ed secound to no-. less favored classes in Chicago. itors already feel certain that it will once. riai stoitte. The lecture tonight will be one cthe best number they have evers Witt a. FRESH ASSORTMENT bestWinumberDailseFRESsaveORever of the best of the course and a large gitten out. The paper will be en-i- - -c--- numer of students will no doubt larged to twenty pages, in order to 1. E. Janette, managing editor of 0WNE - attend. provide room for the many admir- iu1 iyIv the first two months of - H 0 E An important Meeting, able jokes, poems, sketches and last year, who left school to accept - Tsrii m~ctsD Several matters of more or less drawings dealing with Michigan's a position in journalism, is becom- TUl'L'LS, - 48 S. State St. importance which were considered greatest society evert. ing famous as a story and play " E WHEEL by the Board of Regents at Wed- The number will be especially re- writer. For the past year he has THE WAVERLY1 nesday's meeting were crowded out plete with bright humorous articles been writing at his home in in uOw- wihtts Pons-wit luicher « ,& J of yesterday's DAItt for lack of from alumni. osso, his latest production being a 11,tr r $85.00 is th s f Mr. Wagner has drawn the mid- drama entitled "Mortino."' We it it ss tt space. Foillowing Regent Cocker's report dle-page illustration, with the Hop clip the following from the Owosso BROWN'S DRUG STORE. on the financial systems of the eas as his inspiration; and all who have Evening News: ern schools, a resolution was offerei seen his original pen sketch declare '"The largest audience that has and accepted that Michigan adopt it a masterpiece. Mr. Camau has assembled at the opera house this the "budget" system of Columbia done an artistic special cover that is season greeted the initial production easily one of his best efforts. The of Fred E. Janette's romantic drama college. By this method the dif-."Martino" last night. By the time BASE BALL GOODS ferent professors will send in esti- Junior Hop number will be printed the curtain fell at the conclusion of mates of the amount of money in two colors, and sith tie material the first act it was evident that the needed in their departments for the now in sight it will surely sell. play was winning the hearty appro- Stits and Gymnasium Sup- bation of the audience. A degree consing yEx-President Harrison is indig- of enthusiasm was manifested such phes. A representative of a Detroit firm nant over the theft by newspapers as probably has never been accorded briefly addressed the board on the of his lectures delivered to the stu- a performance at this house." You are invited to exmint stock and priee, establishment of a central heating dents of Leland Stanford. It was -- -I plant. A communication from the understood by those admitted to The men in charge of the indoor receiver of the Ann Arbor Water the lecture room that the lectures meet are endeavoring to have the W A H R 'S Co., held that he was released from were not public, that they were not electric light company hold the in shape for publication, and that the contract which had been made permission for publication as the lighting for the junior hop for the UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE with an earlier superintendent. Sec- lectures proceeded was expressly re- meet which will be held one week retary Wade was instructed to inves- fused by Mr. Harrison. later in the same place. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.