THE LI. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. M orga EEOC A. CLEIMENT, HAT $orAND NaCWE 51 Soi. 1. otzSTI. lDirector and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 0.NDATNEKWER && i bsoij) ;20 EAST HURJON STREET. .TIN KER'S, 9_________ Gnod Work Goorateed. (Gods called for No. 9 South Main street, (Store recently occupied by Too Sams and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.____________________________________________ -5. - Ne RRCAT=R=R, TH E FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official Photographer I% E Washington Stret.1 C_________________ 1-IT(AGO~, 106 Wabash Ave., 3. F. CLARK.. oPF TQ-WIT : 22 lears inn the IBu iuess. .-- Vr il, lea, 7It2. 4,540PosiionsoFilled. 98S5 Positions tFird i 1,3 CITY LAUNDRY, SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. STUDEINTS' WORLK A SP - lRsto 5it .5.5, Portlatnd, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. A(EC New ) orkt, Los.Anelos, Toronto. r r. O IN~, ILY DANCING and. DELSARTE TOLEDO U. OF 34. CALENDAR. Notice. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER IAFri.tele., tar. 23-s. L. A., 2ev,. There xwilhe 0aomeeting of the I. 46 S. Slate Street. 1V. u. MONDt -e m A.5.5 ..50.54..ismaa.l55., lo t Lte r iot.en .of o M. Masoonic club .i0 tile paro DIONJI Anp . m. latdies'dellr ocassML- t " c. atMr.,Sociality 1I. Y. P11. of the Masonlic Temtple, corner i TE I p . in. .Getieen s iIVJAY aw Stat, Mar P--. F.l Mill., ()n "t11i.inest ttc B5lain and Huron otreets, Thursda (.Lss1 -RA:+Ia.rninNewerbe m)1,eeI tltt40 . ).Getlmeevening, Tie abetMarchfec, un22,No. ,at.T veinp. m. shari 71) m sar SA~lID Y- .5. It nna itte~a5tl ttki tret Cttd5ty N. 51.1.5 Son . ar, 6-tt. pty Cilti.PaitertIttN I-. 1t 0Cla.5s0Trains lereAtnttA.trb .5.5y CentrlttALL .51 t&A. M. studontsoare urgent Latdies' t ni rigrlatss standardt.55tT!l. A0 ottto il. 1.55ltttPttmstofr t Li.lO tttttt 2: t . u. tChildtent's ltttnci .5("kis. NTH.tlH~t,.5.Poet.".. ly requettetd to be presenlt. 0 ..5..5 Privat. dvanetla1s.5. 7:51 5. n. 4 7.515 aitt. Pll. 5Fri . 5 a. :i0tI15 o tt:. . Ste. :1.-- titi tti°.- ooitttottt.5tee .5 i~il election of offitcero and tr'ansactic s"23 SOUTH IFOURTH AVE. ic, '' ,. I" f liusiness of tiredct trest an -- - imp~tortanceco Iithe chtorus. * , E. S. SERVtOS, 1\Al anager. Theyt Are Alt Right. .\. H. HOPKINs, Sec. ___KEEP___V__tR_______ Ile etraneHoftTtetop a BUStINESS LOCALS. j~IHG ~+$TAT $AVI11G$ BAI12K h nrnc ftegymnasium isa RtCHIGAN Cor. Alain t stantiWsntgtonstetIn constantretmincler to all aluntni of iFtttrecedorate trtickets to OiA .Ntr,0111.5;zrril ~ ib'.hwmc hyhaefrotno Ws a n l V.lit pl TiIta tt5lc I(Rtvised) Nttv. 19t1415 t1. faiedSt.he t reoive;Footd, Tilet A t, Toled CROWNsPEN CO.' -FOUNAN ND GOLDeelse fie olearn, b trsle Ann Arbor &.orhAi. A. ,r. a . ; rn nn that th~ stone conttaining saltd in- For fine stiap, tooth brushes an IA N. Eatters... 5 44.,3N. YP. . ,S.511. 720 , nCHnnAG.'p Alntic Express. 87ci) 0l&p.5 . 01on scription be dressedl, and that tte 1cigars, go ttto t. &-fit. Dlrugstort Fast East'tn Exit..94 . S.Li'.ted.. :.550 n O1. 41. Eat. 11...152 .'11W.-.. einscrip.tion 'Waternian Gynmnasium D nttni ove tos welpart ',5h. tFasttWest'n Exit.1335 1 AWRE H TTEr i.sos o htt . 1! t13w 1} l>it nnd Exit.... 4408G 0.. Ktat. 5.55l..L110 ,s L atObe cart-ed u onit inletters thtat can, L1 N Y i tt. tt... 8 'itt. N. Rttprrts...8751 ND n.SELL DNS ..' a WO nRLD'boSort eFAI10Rat.iwdsi NM. S. Limtited...11 3 'aetif' Extpress .10lS1.5 1 nA'2'N'bT AL ND CIAGrOn be read by those who read.'M ttsot 0. . Rt.ts, 44. w. tHAYSt, MAN UILDoaES183 See those fitte latent leathter shloe G. P &.54 Agt., Ciica-o. A;;t, Ann, Arbr.. alDN. It is utnnecessary to say thtat the _______________________________________ at tiowdisi .V' attesonos. of al ite at il he 20W 295 c-onogrss t, Hlf-Tore Cuts. f ~reproduoc)of I I ewe (5het e5, lllstrations for' legeJouraad3Ook Reprodnetions of Pepn link (1 csltta af/syg. rii t.Anfo~raP 1etfe's," , , buildi 5 copies e- Arc~secfsral,Seicolfic sw apd td her .DrawinA5- it &l-@r eu( tO 1?Xx;eOrder5 S ArH(5,ticPrc)6 -crvne,5. ort-p a de ee 60fieited. r'' S resolutton was unanintously carried. 'rte latest thin.g is Ilfodgensan's 'rie nmatter of hseating the newv tackintoshtes folr $47.5o at Bowdish bttilding wvas discussed briefly, but 6z llatteson's. was left with tile comnmittee. 'fie "]I1(tc"---l.5Clevelasd '94, 27 pds, qulestionl of an independent sup~ply brand new. $1 oo cashl, being $a5 of water for the tUnioersity was also less Illan regttlar price. 27 Geddes Ave. left to a commlittee for investiga- Il.iotatuaktlstsa o lion. tducetd prices at Bitodish &d Isnatte- Tile board5lthten went tinto execu- son's. tive session, froml whicih reporters were exclutdeds, in whiich the nmostST R T AMEA imptortant bttsiness transacted xvas STAR STEAMSLAUNDRY the raising of tuition $ for stutdents ]BOWDISH & .HOUSE, Proprietora. of all states and departments. st ee tOtrttl "ecotTA: s'ttt.L.T. Lost FIRST N ATION AL BANK A watch chtarnm on the baseball .514 5NN ARBIOR. field. Will tile finder please return Csatp~ i.ittt, V5,000- Surpls d Ptom, $000.1Si. to E. .. ifurbacll, Ntt Sigua Ntt Jl.5ttiacta~t.5.ettttt~nittinglttntcp, Cs r.5bt.5tettttt t'.e tttttit ttd ss. et Itls.of. P.'n3CHIPt _ .. 5ItAtdRsSONKCashttr. I /L~r "^3 SY2'ipl sP1'ING T X'i.47LS. ST rlES , ABSOLUTELY n ODSPEED'S, co,.,CORRECT. '4):1 1 T ~ N Sp,