TEE U. OF M. DAILY. N ULAN MaU LANU LADY AND HER FURNACE IL oit eof tt oc iteirmoeters it ,:rWindo 'T heni f he sa ys iihe morn isam coligit s'otcanm 1 iteheithtit is 'tt CAILkINs'PANALRmAcyS Calkins' Pharmacy~t 5 34 So. SLATE STRLETL lNim m Ni emONO b'E OUR NEWMN \ ents' jtlocistiSlippers in all I hi: ,,.atest otyl~s. AT THE VfrO~AricV&. Mat9y on32 $.$TATE $C +OUT FITTERS, Je)'' t: ..Lpt L. } 4 aEOz &W--JrrlToI:, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT ROOKS, nett and second hand, and all l(isd of STULI)E:N'IS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowestt Prices. ITE USUi.AtL i)ISlMttl"TS GLVEN To Off DENTIS. SECONL IILAND Lit I i S It{; ItiIt 0I 1 iA .\N( CAREUS NCERAtE IN Tt'itE tE3EtMI? SZFYTTtS. JAY C. TAYLOR, "T HE 0YO1L VOCAL STUDLIO, )IS. MXTN SI. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. In onnecilitin:line Shiower t' Ltis. newvii etia ot ttbs. itt taths fi bot *.Laieis' Hlir J..I. TIiitAasvwsst, It0Li. Wo'.liittonSit. P XILONL/.L2055'LN'O LIBARBiERt H101' Nit. 45Easi. ]ltttmtiStreomt. I UNIVERSITY NOTES. SithtitheIewmitceitier, isidoinig De;r work every day. jtyof. Tltomipsons heida getneral ilferhijs lecture yesterdaty. 'redeickIsLIItitigati, of thie class itt '9tvisitethehopitatll y ester- day. 'Thbe 'M.A.iA. Flayed Itie Iighi Schtool teatitby electie lightilast tight. Jolin Weaver whio was a'96f medic last year, is now studying its Coluns- bia College. 11. Newvton, swho ook the bicycle prizes at Purdue last year, has en- tered as a 197 lilL. 'There twill be a mseetitig of the 'oley Gttildl, at SL. Thomas School I la]], tonight, at 8 p. m.. The married students' reception will be given one week from tontightL, )c.20th, a' Newbherry Hall. J. G.lWinte, an honor mian at IKanisas University, 193, has entered coliege and will do P~. G. work. N.W. IV. iosop, A. Ml. 193, is :Professor of Ancient Languages in the :Missouri Wesleyan, at Cameron, Mlo. Annie L.. Richsartds, Ass't Tress., will not return to school for a few wveeks, owing to the deatis of her father. Air. Carl Parsons, last year lit. '96 and member of the Oracle. hoard, has heen visiting friends in college. IJA M E'1: S_ TLAIV.L ~ LC ES T7_i, tii- ~t ilit abusi netiti ii c oal) t c ito r vemiits t c tioinm,. Ntic Ptiietd 1oyaviii 5.,iio. Ot.0, mcenier Nictel IiPtlat L Rochetertampm, No.'(mentetr idiatt. tle. dmlfiii, 55.I A.A R Nilil Lilateti Yale Latmpt, Not. 1, cymmy Nickel Platedrman oittStomlit tLacit,Oni- y . drft01.21f. nt-ss, 0.5 Nimk-telt,iii'Loe Laimp,. No. 2ceouter Nic-tet 'litiliGerminStutdeot Lamip, Ltr- Iiiawli l3Pti . Nickel PlatediL no i mspti~, Nit. tcenter Licktel 'latedct c-tout St tt-tim Limit, Prig- L'. ioI 1L. bFlagm in i ittaft, $12;5,c-s, $i3.0.line ',ci ii li iifot Handi oict Lams -rntiistaampseo-.ii EymtiLumsclneub eLusi panamps. ewstyles N ~lAR N LDQ Jvvei 44 South Main Street.,YRN Ann Arbor, Mich. &FCOMPANY, 110155 Sl! 01 2,S. (tstr. A.4.' Tiso nest mets till try- fur guards Anothser promisintg manisnt track ME IHA~tLL. lhIzt Teimmt,me tii iionday. (Ote is nosy in the t'ti- athsletics frotisX9i7 is Mulhileron, ar~ sermity, atnd one trill arrive shortly mtetmiber of time L. A. C., and a ij1 h.llnllel id frtmhtttamioldier of several imedals flosm e'i itsi msi mi ^', 'ii . 1. NI t. Williamts has beetsappminoteu ich Iigain Agricutura~l College.,1 )it ttIIcrt rr to fill tile position of assimistntin Iih pMh-stioi -..S ieposiimits. H iat Llsi1mGillespie, of twestert .n iii1 posmiitiltit Limi\sfo etici. the liraymade vacanst by ite sick- . It. IP'. i'mes. F. H. i3LSOiL, c. Iir lirrlgan, has Lplacedin iithe library as LBattipenm imttiStu-bdy em-lig. tiess of Mtr. Cole.a mensorial, a class albttmtrhichm The ustalia crcketrs st- as the property of his soni,tiow trill play Lime I). A. C. nest tweek deceased, wh~o graduated itn ' zt were defeated by the All Massachit- 'tc enicorsae rodd- selts eans Wednesday. == Tile senior lawr class adopted res- constantly thtese finie days. A good I O GA AD Th olutions of congratulation in hlonor aas evpaesLaecatis R,1~4~g ($!\.~ of Prof Griffin's nomination for wth~ '97, and they will doubtless be $Tt congresslnanti orig heard of in ite course of thte Fall 1 ARE THE BEST. / ths orin.CIGARETTE SMOKERS mitosatemiii- A recelilon will he tendered to tunmn.Ing to piaatsittlecr than theprc thte freshnmen girls in the profesional Owing to the wrreck at Jackson ill and THIS BRAND supterior tuall others. schools by their upper class sisters, and the delay' incident to it, Prof. The Richmond Straight Cut No.I Satulrday evensing, b Lp.in., at Newv- Griffin twas sinable to get to Ann CiGATIE'.TE berry Hall. Arbor in time to lecture to the are mtad~e from tebrgtesmt dliat '96 h~as arratnged for ganmes with seniors this nmorninig. Professcr grows in Virgiutt. t~e lerot -uh dloo ad tie'homlison lectiured iu his place. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, taniilobserve the etrit ighSchol ad te pthaItue hamte of Lthemnufaturers as Y'psilanti Normals, and trill proba- 'The Mathsematical clsubtrill hold below is on usury packatge. bly stucceetd in obtainitng a gamie ai neeting in room 10, of the eni- li Vt. IN'?a-l.4'ecA"aao coe0 wtrh thte(Orcttard Lake. rering buildinig, at 7:30 o'clock, * BRANCl1 i tsNSVwPGIA 'There are seven college dailies Saturday evening. Papers will be publishsed in thle United States, read by Prof. Ziwet and E. 13. Es- C'_ E W~e ventulre the assertion thsat there cott. All tvho are interested are is none better thtan the U. of iTt. invited. The Leadingj tDaily.-Anmn Arbor Register. The Wrinkle, owing to a delay ini All intending to enter any of the the arrival of thse cuts, trill not ap. , -ht1i,'TA.] LOR field day events should report at pear until this afternoon. Copies I once to tilenmen appointed to re- will be for sale at all places pre- Slit- thi newest Fail and winiter Wootlen-ati ceive entries. Thsese are Kenson, viously advertised. The board tre largeststock 1in the 'ity. Yio can v-I o:an seet on uact' Iookltug Liir. '94 dent, and Martindale, '9 lit ; seriously considering this morning, but men fromn '96 and '97, should on account of the great influx of COME AND) SEEI, S. report to their respective commit- subscriptions, the policy of increas- tees, whichl will be appointed soon. ing the issue to 2,000. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.