THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. 4 r a 7 O EVH L:IN. Soac. 310 zST. , H T ilND AN 01 W A irector Old 3Manooe er. EXCELSIOR LAUNIDRY 0._ A.1T INJK ERE'S V 1 20 EAST HURLON STREET. A Good ork Garaneed. oadscalle forNo. 9 South Main street, Stae e cntly oc o 0pie T'oStain. and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. _______________________________--AI'M oo eA CpE~aa aoEonErreTHE FISK TEAC HERS' AGENCIES.' Official Photographel'3 ;__________CH_______ 1ICAO, 106; Wabhasho Aoe., B. F. CLARK. (Wot TO-WIT: 22 Years ill the R1Ius>ieoo. 2. 3 11 l 1 :_ 1103. 4,45ll.111 00 111tin Fle. 080350Position' 100Filled in CITY LAUN~tDRY, SEND 'OR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. STU DENTS' WORKI A SP - M. M. Seabolt, No.4 N. Fourth Ave. AGENCI1ES: New Yol)k, Los 0Aogt'o, Tootoo.' EV RETT OI( E& CO, CtAILTV DANCIN,/G and /DELSARTE TOLEDO U. OP M. CALE DARI. BUSINESS LO®CALS. MRS N IE aSreeFtE. lo.'o. OoZ .1. .'100' i '.1 1 I Notic' tF d in10th iscltto00 t~le :rate 46 -~oetet diesand entemen I'tritnisn. >i tr,Oad t rnte lures0( fu"iher] byl011appl yitegat T ^' f~~110 p10011,0 1th 11ALYaI100.1 y INDA -- 1a I Lali- dlsa.0AHas -,7 I Silt,.3Mar. 24.-Social11y 11. 1. '. t o l 1%il at itet o O i CA''0)I 1 1 l.(elI'0101.1,0 'ileI '1 i lT ollassN (s. 0 1. 11 . est V,1. 1111 1 Ol t.I . \ginst, 1)GlOto D. OItllel 111 e ono ol-T.0(he l Po111emsl011 r :. L I Im 011 .a.m lildreln' ~o Ilass;(. ; -51ItSMI"eT. tOan01jo slid Nianollitt 51lues, inI~ii 0 fl''O ile 001112, t(11th brushes and Prae le so ns b.o00ly aloie nt.ll 101(01.p, 11:0 . Ill. 'cl' ig1ars, ,(',O to the I8. c- N1..1 rogtore. 4:15) p. m. 9:_____________________________ '10111n, , A m i- t eII Il'1'l.'( debate.liI 11111' * 1r010 n1 1(111 1 011 ,l 0111111 1'oe r' tI3ha l 0t.l. a0j Don't 00 1.111 to 'see t ose1111elushrt --1nl , lltr in d1 11c1 Itmi ay . * * 0 - -., +S1O'5 011o ' ill 0' I ICI at ioco 010(200s e .A.NiN .A.RBOR 1bast foll the 00211100111T0 Ii i ,, 11at 1 oo iloi 9\: liTateOl's. C MJCHIGAN GENTI L 'imelTalde teT'oell No. 01t,185I313. EAST. . N .l . (2J .11 AAl 'N00Ep~'' 1. 1 1.fot ~ O I}. I.Epe'-..5 0I N. tY11&10C.11~i(031 Atanic Exrs.4; M i&Ep.. ii ,1 301011 0011 ...... 10,'3 1T~l.Sr .. . I( N. A!. Fst1 W s(1 ' l'1..E llo . 1.555 N.S.Lri'd...0 3 1twill.'Expreoo.. .1( S .. W Bo r S , 11 I. IT.HI t 011, Cr. P 1 TiAl0. (il;ot. Alt., AnntArbor.1j UWH A ILfWND1 Y CIO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. EI. S. SFEI ,JOS, - Managl~er. KEEP00 I'tll.31 (Tl 0 (1'l' iRE " $TATC $AVIP2G$ 3A12K+ A. I. ' o(( Ietomlltllrlll~littl,IC"lshl CROWN PENCO.' OUNTAlIAND OLD 78 STATE S10TREE0T, N MAKERSI . pilace Ilfthe officers usually cliose 1; 1The latest 111110~.is0lodgen01112'0 hy 5a 1a11111000 1100000, 012000e1d01n00x-11 101 lltOui.s 1110for17. o0at11003 Iisi fcl P- llrnittefto hove a geerl 'latt'ioO 0. 0011101v10s(010of the offoirsof00the jill 0 o' 1 1C'evelandi '194, 2 7 pti, class. I Me mltiemberof this 0o10mit- i ran lOne. 2.100 cashi, hbeing $25 tee 3000 to osee013 it thot hasehall 00in-i esiiiaio911 lao price. terests were not neglected, at least G7eiddes Ave. 001013w100e0tile11100100the 00ajority oflEHodogetiaooomackintoshefs at re- the clastwoutght they 311000intrust- (IldcellrcsatPwih -Mte ing too him. It 0000m1 there is 0 0111 I s01110.Polstlitllii 0iote unoderstanding somewhere since that A i wtn fth imo membher takeounoto lhimslelf the R. . I io ltoelof te troiofl duoties of hasehall manager. It beH in Ann ' ((1., (Iftetoit.Hwule sees bt rghtforMr.Mc~nzi Aonldey, lTuesday andl Wednesday, to giv e thle class atn opportunity to Marohd 9, 10,0nd 2 with a 1fu11 lice indicote who they owant for hasehalofi smpes f19, Lats20tyesan maonager andl the least he can do is ovelies of thloe1styleas and to offer some exlana0tion. We hope ove lsill 3100001gochtis-are that tlhis little entanglement can bheaun tsion 11etie lrgerities-th straightened (3011b1301000 n great astuden t itrqust 80110 11111011..seswhether111oiuy 100 tot. There o~t Sc 1 r~c>:r t any entirely 0010 S1o00styles ebbi Choral Union.5100. Lost Sj 205 CoIIIrIfo St. Hl&If-Tonle Cuts. reptoduotlft of WPilege c5Rec1)e5, Illsatreatiorj f'or' .ReproductliogofJPep and jtk i I11 ege 5b-ilId I n 5 c0011005 ofArcbotecfiuralMienfb&.i' " a rjd eother Draiviots. Cas ictures rtraitc5 4 the Fdxeuty- fedlo biqd in (1l h4e l3aa Ilpourqa~s: In ''Tesday evenoing, Mooch 2"t, 01 close of rehearsal, occuros the anntual mefeting of the Chorol Union foe the election of officers anld transaction of husiness of direct interest 00(1 imotan~lce to thtecdoous. A. H11 'lOPIloS, Sec. Wanted. Solicitors for thle U..oIS' A1. l)-,\f IV The price of the paper will' he greatly reduced for halance of year, and a good commission is offered. See the husiness manager oany even- ing at the office. A"t 000011lihrm (113the hasehall fieldl. 1Willthe finder 1010050return to .E. A.lMrhao ill Nut ogtoa Nu house. 31 STAR 'STEAM LAUNDRY 1111111000 101)WO1K. BOWD.ISH & HOUSE, Proprietors, 0 "110 32 OTHOlTT01000FT FIRST NATIONAL BANK (510ANN 011B00. Capitl$50Gi00. Surplus 100dPtoit,$130.00[4 't'aoriats a11gener'llblOnkingloauitess.00or.. eii.Orn l'ltill 01 boghtantd sold. Letters of ceoit trooo e or,'lt110aovelers abroad. P. BACII, Pres. S. W.CLARKSON, Cashier. As IKNOX RIATc Cal arsMeu ar,5Dacerdr,. jiM*P4LLER0 II +it ti POO8ra QAJITYSPlRING STYLE, . Cotoiim , CORRECT. 1-9S fI T I