_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. ^J 4. O to strike the nam-es from our list. It ^JL requcires mosey and considerable of it to support THE DAsIsY in these Published] Daily (Sndays eacepted) durin ; hard times when advertising is un- ct~ltllege srar, by THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION usually hard to obtain, to keep ___things moving. WIe hope all our 1 Suscription price $2.50 per year, iacariably tdelinq~uent subscrihers wiii apprefi- iv aee iaeglecapiot 3 cents. Subscrip- ate the situation and he ready to ttsas mar be left at the oltice of she DILY,~ at Stttet's, with ancy of ehe editorso settle uit accounts whens our col- authorizedl solieitors. lector calls wititin the next week. C'ommuctitoas should reach the othie hy __________ 7 o'eloc- rha.csif they are to appear she nraxt ---- ____ Clay. Address all matter inteanded for puchlica- Unity Club. can ts the Macaging Editor. All hbusnss- commutnications should heseras so te Busi- At the Unity club 00 next Mon- seesn Manager. THE U. af M. DAtLY, day evening, Mr. R. ID. tooni, presi- I Ann Arbor, Stish.I dent of the State Nocrial school, w,,illreadtsa carwor utoe. flit- nn r v . 1 EDITORS. C, . Altvci.socccvii'9, ManaoginsgEdittci. 11. A. SPA1,tcIvcc.Lit. 'lid, Assisltnt. 1.ccsccvI , Li. '9t5, Assicanc.tic F'. cvAur'csc, taco '91, Assistccict. :1. A. LiMccc, Llit. '96c, Atlctloictdiccic W1s. A. 'tticccc.Lii'it, itissiies Mnacger. h'.('.5catlli'c °911. i.E . . Stns'ssccic le,'91 IF. 1'. Lytle', '96i. H. it. Hacskliccs, '96.' A-eis iMrcc y, '9;. 10'(OPT1. Allco'isy macs: eattheficebiefreltc30 ac.tin c of tlie day of pcchlicactionc. The Editors dcc tot hocid thoto',v'r'spon- Tili'far tics'opiniositor sitatemtst' ofvcores tees apipoinited to arrange for the press banquiet? This is a question which has been asked a inimber of times the lpast few days. Thte an- scver to it is indlefinite, as no one seems to knocw anytlhiiig about the committees, if indeed they have mcet for organizatico. If a btanqiuet is so he held soon it is high time that something definite cad heen deter- mtined 1up0n. WE ace leasefi to presett Ivcty, a sumnmary of the students inc the various departments. It is suibstan- tially as it will apiiear ica the next Calendar. From the figutres pre- vented cve find that coniparedi 'ithi last year's attendance, the literacy departmient has lost 64; the mcedical department has gained 38; the law departmuent has lost 32; ltce phlar- nmacy department has lost 22c the homicopathic department has lost 36 and the dental departnient has lost only 4. In all a total loss of 5t9 is te record of this year's at- tendance when compared cith that of last year. THREto are a large number of sub- scriptions to THEv DAILY outstand- ing which have not heen paid as yet. Wse do not desire to appear arhitrary in this mastter, but we need the money in order to pay the printer's bills, and if these subscriptions are not paid at once we will be obliged of a little knowvn poet. 'lTce caperc piromises to he entertainintg. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Id the msost eff'ective anod agree- able teinedy in existence for' REGISTER. PATA'F an( Those who intend purchasing this 1 5 5I l545 et otf Books must do so within two 35 350ain weeks, as the offer will he with- E B ',r i$ 'l t 1 preventing indigestion, and r'e. an- zan drawny at the end of that time.' lievinse tliose iliseases arisincr ea na fr-om a disordered stomach. toon Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springhield, ______________________________ Macc., says: "I value is as sit excellent Charers Dadley Wanerseoncenaicd the tints wosuid cons when tame inventive geansc-ould enable preventsative of indigestion, ail a pleasant n to pat a disae in the tint and tabs oat a sciolte educatisn.-Tiis inste inventiont. acidutlated dsleuthwhets lropterly sdilustectwilstics aa icltemrye peiet hnaott ev isodhm fe ehdatie yiteighiestnoscthIlat a great nation cosuldibestate cpostnicoed an addrless mlwi tches orcds: water, ansI sweetened." "Nei libicra give courc boss i cat ce'v. 'leser are thescdava ofactiosi ansi exacstig competcictions,day. wenorcalcouragestandtbraincpowertlk, dayvsswhereinctercranclbeonlyatsurvivatlotewl.art) mencitally accdiiphcynsialy tie fittest. calico, oquality yuv oie or tce bat'tlie tbev iciclt waesin cthie worild's greatareesia, wlether theis tot he'cst incth presicooo r i n l c iiite ci. 1cchonorabc le il of artisiieili ancdi I cccctl i. 'aoe Descriptives'pccscphlc't tfees oncappcliec c lcgicic huh Iae rijatly rs inc thc'flmily cirlt t5c'(lay imiust5cmeiwheidio t a linexiiorialetilatei ccifate tli Ruamford Chemical Works,Providence,.Ia. meilt ccc s ccci '." tlccccrecf Subtitutrs asdcl tscicis. s'b !)t'i- . ctrtienwes( -tz meandsisca" ce. i cccicllcciirccc cl.csc oiintheOci -Revlc'isd Ficii For Sale by all Druggists Ga isr o V%!"ect It' ices si s"a.cii.) cii iselfI.cro-3coaileitcltullicitoneiidiecilaypc raa in l. 'ar* "_, , 'l c it i is 'icc'l v 1 i th tce-cit of co i cii archait.-cici' aii needay11c sicy ca Hii . zdead-'''cc ciii ii i'cc ifog-c'. 0io "c'cclevscll'.,ceil-littlec(hloicic'ic ilcl j AMES IV. GOOlittEwV, blorist. Grower uf easiia ii,"!Io ' ,i i -l 'c.t.".a-reeu? cc l lzr zweli c.aili~e ani'dc' aclsin. ho cccv,. R Ioses,fCarncatiotnsasid Floscers of altlcvari- ^ ety. Floral designsnicade apos short snction. RatAD OUR RaEMARKABLE PROPOSITION: No.lIObsvervatocvy street, spp. cemectery gcate. One, it'1,ii L..LRiswill tor''ard to yochaotlrges prepidc, liceeutire set otc10ivolumscc, lic e c'cclsvcllt f'to ipi d at5c th'15e raote, 0 it lii '55ccar (to bs remiitteo nthisly. A bceoctiflina .F'. . u uuv - siacsccciliers'snccceicsithe'ioois, lcsciehicoe ineomayhbe depoitedchdayc. This editiois - 1 O pccccctccccfru 'iw,3cacetieoncactinecc'qualcitoiaper, dis steronl oundcc in be'yciccanillaupapr coes "wchwi o .5+"acril a-tfi5 sc arss. Fear isncicmsin httlice entire t0 coluccmcs ite cdelivered toccccorlcad'r'sscwitlc sl caes pailto antat ofv ithe,'tnitediStates. This is a spcvialotlieusmacheonly to the readeio f ''itc;Uor'St. hii it'and iccllrcc maopi enysfor s limoited timse only $1.00. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.00. ('ilt tits Out anad Saund to W31. A. M[OGli, - Busintess-Manager or Ttcm,. sr7, OF cDI.- THE flUtWOF MBAILY cci is~ deuves syaastitromtie emcatider usftse Collegs' Year los $1.00. $UB$CRIBE NOW + Ac itAtLV OFFICE Opera Douse Blk. or at STOFFIET'S News Stad. JMcasc clliiicriito11viihe cliii oct if '20icctctices oifCC cicit 'Ecictcoj~ci ci L'itiicii cciis cabcioceclec7'ciicsc, togitecthe rthlsyours Dme Saiviigst1cciii, frc'hichi 1 eiclic Occe1)clloic, cci(f-nd ,btherc vaurcc tsocit 10 s'acts ccployc'm lii lfith smoiir iiilhlvt) 'cciiiit/cc ri cccsil.4.',00eeis .fulllur Icil. Piot-ciffic.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PALACE + BARBER +* SHOP & CATARRH HAVE RY y GOT ZI? And Bath Raoms. lW. H. OWEN, Prott., It is a sure cre. Try it and be conincecedi. Ycta will ncver' regret it. Sent tty mall tic asic NO. 4 East Huroen St.. Opposite C'oart addrssc. Price. Osse Dollar. JOtHNtP. Hosted Houce. Hoet Coldad Sea Sslttso. Psr- 125 Clasrk 5t., Chticago, Illinois. Sandfortif;'t eslina tbs. culctr.1