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October 13, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-13

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THE U. OF M. D AILY.j _______

Oy4AIZE 180" NCORORAED 886 Princetcnilans Up In Arms.
1,1.:tH. -t lti ENrI'rinceton is all stirred ill) over1,Vi. FtrS, I) elo w!fas xr
tie replorts which recently crept into
EXCEL SIOR LAUNDRY the New Vorc and western papers,
Mooad 55)r 1. 0 apjtulad. (Gasts cledi for that a freshman, durin" a reportedi
a'ot dlvee(. A. F. C'OVERT, Prop. wa
C _rThazing, wastrowrned. It appears
112n. O'a'hingataa Street that a citi7eci1, hearing Vague rmors
22 Veals. 8182theof rushes, dlackings, etc., and learn-
it fehmnwas nising,
CITY LAUNIDRY, .M eblN.4N orhBv took wings to his inmagination and
~. . Ssibit o. N.Fouth veinfornmedi a news agest ttsat a ito-
KEEP YOU R .ACCOUNT RU TH THE dent hsadiheen drowned and the
+$TATC $AVJP2G$ BM2K+ canal was b~eing dragged. 'Ele sin-
to, Stain anti shttgtaa Street.
A. L.NOBLEc, lt iti Pss istisi .dents, indignant, held a msass umeet-
ing and appointedi a committee to
The 1. & iM. prhg -Store ,
it ay ttteii teIt.~n investigate she matter, who have
Nfeffc tleN Spon es, bs ar , . presentedi, in part, the folioswing re-
O.O1'Opoit:"That all the newvspaper aic-
11. 1E. J;OILLY & Co.5s counts of Oictober 4th, 189,y, con-
antics. t i c' ittat ii'.'na~,,cert ingte results of certfaliscc'
t'Anrrtaa tadt +intiaStook of 'iprsiniiiportedi arts Uf Hazisip, are utterly
LADIES' and GENTS' LUNCH ROOM. false."''li' eprt te's "tes ott to
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. gise its silistatice whiat ve tare
DANCING and DELSARTE al readly gir cii 0.imie, aindiensis wish
M SANNIE ' A®FOSTER a rct ea iiit~i isthat tise Prine
WARD tots 'ress f1ish ester inito ali agree-
PSSoNDA 'S-ei'icte Cia's, I p as. iiielit swithi orrespond.enits, anti
ani eti res. '"Sihaii hasve cxciumire constroi orer
inndeus ls,,. lPrinsceton retiorts, andthiat itrince-.
Prt esoi ..ns'by apsoit-tnit, ion nesofroms ottier soisrces shsaii
Ann Arbor Savings Bank not he ipublisihedi without tiseir
A5,I,,IArboar. 14ficti. 'isitai Stark, t$,500. ksnowliedge.
ir'anizen deratWt,'rt eersalittattiy it'aw~,s -- "+ - -
tthis Stoic.ltierrvesrdepoits iti.'is a nds An Error Correctedt.
til eci n t'e iris iiieit ie', oithesa
tnitesd States. [rfscota athi S itlti 51 o[trc-
iii,,tiietitis. Smtel ,depoit holdratoren~t. i u siiin
OFIERS:tti(tiriatimitiiNI , PTS :a. i. iOwiin" to an errorintepnig
Hatrrimano, Vice Presa.; 'isms. E. 1itis'~w,,' Ca'.,
siisr;DIt. J.Fitzn.Asst. t',t',titc. of tse \Vrinkie, the same of 'Mr.
I'oiltaas, the secretary of tise asso'.

1S. ti. Orton, the campon ong
disantce anad.ian cnner, 'wiii here'.
aftecrcpresent the iUniversity of
Pennsylvania its athletic ests.
Captains i tncke5', of k ale.iili
sake a triai of rhher spikedi soes
inthue practice ause this year. If
succesfuliitherfwivl1le adoptedminit
tse regusiar astes.
'e totai esdowmntsi of Cornel
is $6o '2993;tpresent value of
groinssd and uildings, $t,564,94055
and the vaine of equipsmentsoofte'.
partnments, $840,6o5.77.
LU.. 01'M. ('.LINDAI.
S'ist. tint. 1i.St --fltr,,ma ic m evoau 5a
5x., . 1 tei' i4 cte~ ti'' mti ra lb n~tah
)t.,,O. I4i.- i'. toa co , i ,atit ii 1m:0) in. ,,
'. . O".Li - o ttat,.ai oftM.r 1).S As.
('lic; ield.(IyeiofsotE g'
is. ilsttssssgst sn tnaessattreis u
U'nirity of )Caitris i a ).,fnrni
s rssaitjtfos,; ir of tue assse sish'.
Leioatthera'ryieiCo ofm ieeigt.
hafrestM.eGayeeytpofttetstrof Eng'.
iis Lanug niteraturei h
fjects a hilsUnsivisty'if'Age sie,"
has huhtec a worikteshiths 1jus. tbren
lpublsyy'Ginneandgo, iwich illsu'
beogesa t tsiceito sltutisy o tsake
lish sitier iate. i aiu'iik'i
ITle ititlj terk w'orkqsnstcis Clatsic
Myiinnglisfii 'tera. tu it,'"and asi
fis bsiset 5 iltys'st'aefi ablite,"i
whisihs wratiitten ini18,il5.iIt was'
trofs' inst s detk signitndiesilct st'-
ieee' iat tlmoist adiemup sirab,'to a'e
te subetttonorsequenttisr. r
'11salcr e'illiewanstelind ifticnnot
biuto et aiparttrcetoi'at.heSt
hias ,orictuden ts oa.Enih litist-
tueL~ cltasot .ncois
lag so$r t5 itetot teasgs. uh 'l~ts.
iTeresswi iermetino iei'i9t
th. I'i' . N.atty tePes
For Social Purpoes.
Glrtange''.scatdemsy canlle rentel
filr pi ili' IDacing Partiis, Iteephtiuss,
Clhss Ikisietc i. Itosit iely tno
pubtlic titps sallowed. Speial rtei
mltaeit 'luts sishittg t hldi iais
f partie's. Our chisses 5 i assitgxiil
all hts opens this week, thotse tatliav'e
itarted, ave dnsme Sitil assinseeased
attettdanser oes'fomertes'rs55pin~iiitg
tot a lii'ely itteil seasonit. Ptpilslear1n11
aretamited.hlcclsists'ttt O iit siittl'
'trietlyi a scoltiii111out bie puish.
(Gesitlemaens met this eveting attdl5:5'
aftrnoonsilk4oeliok. Ailvatnicedielasi
fill ladis'antd gettlemsen, Tusdait~y

' 'w ltc lt''sto thlleli''trit 5e5t71Mt
da~y. Ilex ' leliplly 'fQueeinl if 'shis i
stae mug. i isi illeed te orisoteheI
gretset sse" i ofmlthe year. .r
saiti r lonithmiamilical top~ic' seii lime .-
ill,,,' xarei generllytmcons'v'tiveis's
this Itossa: "isMicakte clta.l lip i,
t t',round her 't'e''lvea's lser ligit'.
lar e555siltsii pf1g1thly t mgitli i.
'Ehe pay is grandis, ti( mseliniobislle adi
tise tonse eievating. It is it.sdarisg i -
novtonstoc'construit 5psisy lipOl t
biblicalssjet isitisimske it asoeeettslie
to tse genltsllpubtilic,'.thuh itsthis'sin
stanse, ithi a nosbles'luve stihe founda'.
tion, thisitsith'rIhs srckte ie'stet
of popiulair'appr'ioval . mniithe iesult is
sitixi litilti. Frontstieills ruspin'tolp0
mhe 'sild tt'he 1auauto' is aiel-himi' s.
ofi les'olt'esvey inch11a queen5. leu
cositues :arein utstilmi'Cll a iital
'andilinri myt msti'itgsmitt insais'
ti thus'gi't.ci'- at mi ailge.Thus1i'
iisa 5gi5'ilbml mi flir; thl~e 's1 tuiia
p Ieref0 gi t.la .-De'.trIsioit 1'crc
Pre'sss, 15,.1. 1At1 tee lracil, _-
AS tille il su ciiit om uitasbmsle ococc
lu' socis' toc rit ini the lMasoi c
ibnoc. Aplym at thusAit Abor St-
DO ousi'W~ANT'rliTs'tet BOA'.ssD -
Best $2.501oardin iitie city at 7 E.
'seiors ii'm1ina l '1' ii iesit re 515n-t
tiill t siemir 't ls ''t it otograpi c
workila;it IlS .
Visedsfl lmI. , Denist, 1esse1s ini
Fencsing. 9-i'S
Footbaill siund i sumtasimusSits it
Sheehan & Co'."~'I.". 71
GO t50 l05micsi Na ii (1ST'luE for' ai'
iLaborscakt'y supplis. Ilssecilsip es'
apconsi manthsit-ies-lila 1rkeil
Io Viii ti It goodil bomasd?GotS
placed oni mille1 dot lii. Mii's Ni clwut
aniii 19.00 ticridoz. t 5w'olsale.Ths
pices'will t:incli. 'ieiclli buy i OlSis '
mt thess'p ries. Vs'stck it r ich
iiin asrue b mciii 1 ihese'goimis. WagpscCo 51
Fit]l icelo' ite"i rssait Shesehati n
CO's. 3t;
lEsve''r slitS souldl registes'.ii
us'irat LIrtu's rip' sore, censes' at
Alauuit ad lIusssi:;beets. Thitleregis-
Ie s iiihei tl tnls'ne utustltil hrytWr'
pimlitht Is'seipes. 17
'Etilrgst anusst s5sackiofsi nor
mnifnsl cisy smoisii iptolimtceoill this ciy
is sat Brc'sru g custore.
listo lalesood'i hBiliars lll,
Statftr'est. -Newily resosate.Giea-
stimssuiny 555tilndmnt.
Ann itArbor iys Wosc at 37 Wctt
stu ittsret' specilIattetsioniugivenm
yiurms'lightusnis sfitim ed. 17
Mr's s, niet hml'l ipost's''i ulmiu m
'l~is's. 'l'rcs:L adiiis itu gesl in-
Wir'.n, s$5.00 )fors 12 lnss; hildessi
'i huss$4,Molifor 12 lssas' Dlsimstr
:;.0 2orf'ilssonus.LIssionswill 5oms-
mencei's 'hurisaiay 5 Sr. -7),stud Smtis'nims
Oict. 7. Ist
Ness'hLitsur. 'TEay us for lte ibs
wotrk you11s'seicsass. Woskic nesllss' i
eight houlSs tio extsms chartg'e. Oie. 1s
I. Hu ronstsree. Woski47-51 W.s
111555n.T'Seishi its' M.

ei e lot c-s l SEp.;4h 3
llx sri ..... ...... 1 31:01 siil.......... ciii6
ii. Limimtd..... ir' N . . isit ..... 9455
N. V', Lim~ited..... 9miss. M
it . . St1 ii. Li... I° 31iG.s. iS cot. Exp~.. ;0
A.it. Ch~i NEipre... Sail
AetissttrExpress. 53: ,it c,'Ex~is's"... .,o
Di. N. rsxtce'..... t 1
Cx.. a.xpasres- ..104
11, 5'..T. At.('Itests'. Atxt., AnsuArtor
]PRINTING and +,-
10-sT;-Student Work a Specialty.
55'. ut'si is s 5 hISS I it
$2.50 per year.

ciation, wvas inaidvectently onmittedi.
Tue aiivisory hoardivas also ieft oust,
sutil after a meeting if the stock-
hsoldlers, whentsh~e llacs' if d'.'ic
Wsecks wsill he Filledh. Prof. Scott is
te oauly osembehr ni teii iuct'nivrc
Obserlins clearedl S soon Ioos her
lectutre course last year.
Ehiriy-five randlidates are at laces'.
enst at thsehPinceton foothall train-
ing tablhe.
The sensiocs at Ptrincetons lute
votesi io iwearrcpsu and gowns.
'selsons Poe has heen elected caps-
talusof thse fceshmal'.n elevens at
'hue senior ladies of D~elawvare
hsave appeared in hats trinsiuesi withs
class colors.
Hlarvardi sill holdhti er freshmns
irack athletic patties sin uonsday,
f(ictiaher 2;di,ansithusiviersity on
Frisday tea271h.
T.he preliimsinary catalogtue of Phuil-
ips A'~nover, shtows a isS of sz7
srofessors anti instrusctours inch 445.
studentsi.'The seniour class is use
largest on record, haing so7 nmem-
hers, or 9gutore chain hst year's
senioir clasp.

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