loll THE U. OF M. DAILY.
C c , o r '- N +, tles of life are swon quite as largely by
"I '~ '~~4~ physical vigor as by intellectual at-
tainments. A strong mind is a1
Published Daily (Sundtays excepted) daring aekbd slk tasegieo
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tin strive swtietls.Titers is too mutchti
___bhrca ivork inind too little physicalj
Satec'ipiui ric Cub eryer, osilacyult ire is our schools anti colleges.
li nasanee Sisgr aupies 3scenls. Sbsbcirip- 'I e udfit amount of work resqiirett
liens may be left sielostuice oathcbs Dues,
at Scaitiec's, wish suy af tihe eivsrs or o studemi s results in their muinuds
aurizedt solicito's. btins; sinl din istead of invigoralcid,M
l'oimuicatis esioild resc etsotrfiliceby
S7ete o'ie .. ii tbey aree toiappear lbsesisal andsi eas tS o dishonest ameassoa
ilay. Address sit mailer intensded for pabtisa. saiti seoidsi.Te aaa Ii
saon to lbseianaginig Eiitoar. Alt businessesaigteurdl. h fa it
'limniaaivs shiiild tie sent Il tirheoust- of stuidenats sill be honest whien
5551 tdaaeae. Eta~~SaeittadransP,
J A Fr r i w-!y
AS G5E5 liisf t) fK BeS O i 3RIC
51 aS ~ ReSS 55lCR
flPASD E55t - a LD
~Sa - - . ~ I
3' i
Ann Arbor, li.h
C. A. isivis\, ivic '5+, .Sniim gr dto. '
Fi. A. ',iPiLDisi, Lit. '94, 5vsisttIt
:.. S.ii t:,IX i. 1'5, A'.s.ieit
j. A ~. iiz5iv . u , Ailelicse(It
Wm 1..S7Si is f h,its'tBuissva iaiser.
?i 3, 1 .i 5r l l t , .a
F5 '.Its IIt':+t's
07) tisl- tit Sp 1 iIM. 5lOsissiti .'5
The Ed~its ldoi not ihld' tes' s 'I, r,
us e f sythl i itvliv > tttlm o cirs
pit ts a'ppeearii n-iii e I is'ii. t
ITr is ceritaly a strange comment
00 the actiosn of studtenits on te
cansmsiusaa itecriticismsiin te
commuictiation its anothier coisimnt
thteir cdemainds. Tthere ought to lie
a cosnmnittee of the oldler nmeambers
of te faculty So fix She lisrnit of lea-
v )isanviit tieamnta f wiorkeseic-f
The evils of toisacco anisnitoxci-
cattsivere dtieit aison aS cosisictee-
able lenigthi. Instruictioninit regardi
to tisiir Listefiects xviii not itsftactil
the y ousng verymusschs as long as their
e~lders coatisnae to set Sliest the tbasi
examiple they nowurido.I
'That tart o atnsistsaticih las th ie
sgreatest restraiing intlusence isis Iis
acts is Isis religious ntusse. Ile is{
mitore likely tsoise i good citizein if
the has a religious bselief of some '
kiasd eves if it isatives thilimsuchi
error. The idevelopimentiiifte
canasctenre asnd religious satusre.
ought stat to be neglectedl, andi it
suildi le vell if tthere were in te l'
of M. a chair devoted exclusively to
relsiious andcmoo niti.'vl r..5,,.I5.-, ii
y Thos.i~ bse ) 'itipLrbahaslig'this
se5a013e5-5001,, 5 V'Li) tw
35 350 Iweeks, as-e s ier will h' wit.-
25 250drawn at thell'd tE fthat time.
or Slits isue is necessary'. 'tiiietic 1curetClerstiearfalluh (isesOssilieyrner'a ne slssaildthe stineold vsitCoeens s oe itle"vieniuswvisit catii
evitiusautilicrti itshiesivsthightly statevslive graduation. s-spiaiisai b iisa vV isavaslit sscsia it asi sasiis
coammendsaleibut siscoirtese to a "listheihigestihnsu tata igreataioni cousdssevsstow upoaahit isclsosestaars s wis ith se tirs sisi-
prfso tt lia ie ' 1It estry peep", formserly '7, has "Neighbosogluuive uyuss acc. 'liesarel thdair of asclisl dexs acting coeitionil , Sc-
prfsorwieusig h at of a lveshIesun norm cusragessandtInlaid powr taslk, sias ereinthere cast beaontyssassurvi v of tiscs is voai
jdace-nvater is reisreilscisie iand ' Fahsuisaifyyoaseur hove lir'theautlse eills ci save i h l'ssisgreatiarenai, N\Ithosr c
of the tradk team at IObierlins. ivt be viaSlis a the vlofvsios or sii 'ii s noli s iinorblliel oftitvislisassip ass hlsist c l i. ili
viii lye forres t s~tivss 1till'bettrer thou___________________________ Isghi sisy ;iustly ase ite i faIsisirle ts'heiss day iisssssmu isst o lhni theisneoalclaw 5 if ifa
- - -- --scairswill bes'emptybyourlssfiresieadthoylillibeloutsrlingis ailnei teslssolt ith isscs
class of sudsens. ssmeistoaithemis."
Islthi'esiscsistsiconecione lys~t tossugiiheiinstronglis~y escnutste'u "~es tedI'i'i Is-
('loteeslls i ~t H nsula. ' Theris'Issiso lol t'hlle woriseld eith e slent l l:e lse't iv,
le s.ct1i l a SO tll{)lilse tii al}%e irs uas 0 4 sitds t covis er'. Ii t~ tis ittlitfthcitstilbos if thetbe'tischossas oi ati oni
She lirat.titure ciiiryitfathi,.sr Ctsslsa ' aIf earisas t'siuiesiu i hs cent. Iessare alld s lr tedsss' " , isic.s
n :ait''isAt a uno ltt'lsvescoursecants is e.' I tis ane e ducat'in ill hiseaf155t cst ssionly is trile-ic'ain 5 ssec
Itasebaslls'he'le.c 'lhis avl ?thseess ll erstisa suuNstI'scossusiraeasitteitls.'sOnevlsaree s aidaysone lit tlescps c.i
feativacisai tttleaveus: uva __READ OUR REMARKABLE PROPOSITION:
playedl aitithiuerlin ssince '9 iushenit
Hes-id ,'iet5- O5n1 rece'ipttl NEth LLAtI~tui ei orarstuuyt, chrgspepitheestist oit slit ie-,
0o1r teamas cssaliil ea rsm te fieldI Ffsaebcreas A l Phsph13'ate steremiatiiig5t1tts e piud sit tie rails usf 55 aex~s sl iii tobe reneitto'dsmonely). A l tss Issscine
sasvigbakilbse sent wcitthetbvok, Iliiawhichllthelimelay beidepsitc~eitachsa. 'h tes'ilis
IS evsyIllos effecieand 011 l e asoers, s'whihswithsprless caret'illttat rvsesiars. l1serinuminth ~atthue entire2soltvisssum:sa'teii'ed
count of St the se)erltius smisre's e' I ts ssssadeass",withtiall chiarge's pasidto ansy p ftrl'lii' 'ttateas.
ieatesd rasuk decisionsitescore ale irmedy in existense el 'l Tississasspecival ferme o nvly toi ste ivrears f te . it II.ret
stadin ^ o 1 Agin n fotbll istlpess for a lismitdtile sisly
stndn 3S g gan t foist rIeventing~ indigestion, and re- } (Ott this Otit atod;stu to S. IN. t'Uit't'ISS,
our relations have beein straiisedlof liu-it tes ilittie iii ' sil. OF. it' 1 Isu'.
late, te game withs her a year ago box-jog those diseases arising
last fall ensding in a dli-agreemsent. IO 1 a disoty&red tltoojoaCh. ... ............
It is So be hoped that the coitinga 1is sts tslii'iver tt lst 5 st iss vst ifi 's.: tssssss vs fIts tics 1 t Etesfrh,1tsis
game scheduled for May 1q, nmay be Dr. W'. 'W. G'ardner, Springfield, J)t'ittii'(~ isa, sa; ai's tc ecsss'it1, ilitis ts c sic-ts z(, 1ist 1tr tt.iisv Js'sssf liscfsl
te source of a newv era of better Mass,, says: "I value it as ans excelleni I estiutti "tc I Dshsuesst ftultht ctU' is ts sfai ltiS u(s i (sIu' us st (rc it isessl thse
feeling in the athletic retations of prevesslative cf indigestien, ansi a pleasant us isstssss otsu it tt is 's tCsiti .s,.0tto issibs pult.
'Michigan aind Ohios trongest in-
Judige Cheever's Adarnss.
judge Cheever addressed a large
audience ,at Newberry ball, Sunday
morning, on "Citizenship."
Among the ptrime essentials of a
good citizen, he considered the first
ho be good health. The great bat-
aciulateid drink wahesn propeely dilutesdwills
swater, ansswsereened"
Deseritive pamiphlet free o aplsicatits to
Rumford Chemical Works, ProvideneRI
Bewreof'Sub sesttutes and Jmitations.
s t ( h.c. . . ..t. . . . . ..'. . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASSES W. GOODHEW, Florist. Gbower of Ansd Batuh Roos.W. H. OWE N, Prea., Its I a slursclure. Try is and he cosienced.
JRses, OCarnatons and Flowers of alt ar-Yoiu witneve' regretit. Sent bynmail tos aus,
ety. Floral design made upon short notiNo.'0' East Huron St.. Oppsitle d'sourt elades-s. Price. OnseDorllar. JIOHN IP. DOost
Ne. 5 Obsrasovy street, spp. censetery guts, House. Het Colid and Seas Salt Baths. Poer- 5i S'tlark Si., Ciiago, Illinosis. S-uen fr s,'j
celain tuba. 'ular.5