.THE LI. OF M. DAILY. TOOH B"RUSH FTIS IS A STANDING OFFER. Galkins' Pharmacy A ful13 7 GY) A At theOJhTER. lieof $300 and $4.00 HATS in the latestpi n ial , Thle Finest Line of eclivvear in the C ity. /O S E W E O F7 QQ ~ & ~NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ---7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAMt. V J.F it t t - ,t T NS. a ndtt' . tie ii L ed o n C PUBLICHN Stiadat Work a Specialty. Leottee' Aotieil n" ntetasitrtia=", olne F0 ^rl t~e t t cie itt tte~ LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ISHORT HAND. Stoiatieett t ittttttg;net t; tar tteat t ettnce ttod nisipie ettt -t -a e1a.tfzteidratsg l G~hentntui vieer MAYNARD :STREET. t ilt IIINt c'1 iiN~ot;; ti (ANt il tttiiy t-tit;t Istie i itttoto ~ titi to i t ofntitliei tttiiii ti toy tity, town S,-Iltto ilctttatle nt t -'Rot.ttddress itps otttoOt lt intuoI.t tiNt C., No.t TAR STEAM LAUNDRY BOW DISH & HOUSE, Proprietors. tintitO, t32tSOUTH S TATE; Ti ElLTO. FIRST NSATONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. e;sosttls, $5000.Surplus tiod Profits,90,00. Tansetsa ageneraltbanking biusloine. tsr aliga exebange bought and sold. Lottert.of. are ittprocured for trtavelers abroad. 1. BACt. ,Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Casier. f t . 4 t - YLA~ .RIa 0 e e t. 00 L a C I l0T_ S AS cam.... .. _ y-TOF NIOFLA IHers noiiI lttltior.(. f5 1 1itt, 11qttet l1 itt, i/h1.iie lit'i7toolttty tltittttttr tti nitll ",I el f nI ttt tti 44 South Main Street. AnAbrMchDEAN & COMPANY. "{ L0Vl~ KO UNIVERSITY NOTES. W\rinklle board held t mesttingf , idEF~t N. te. i.~ Winort tS.lacconIa. ledniesdav night. The Junior Hope M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi (;rs reeine entertains a numetttr neumber tone considlered atnd platis Jh ~ '1~~ ~ili~h ocolg irnonrsnih. male to imake it one of the lbest thins 2tfit oit . Stilt'ettItilttomotiow.night. ro0f.Kntowlton bolted tis lecatseses tee e raittitit ii,int bititititi. toot tinter- int Aiteon co Con tracte, yesterday. Aiieeeln tai t h ie Itit it oahn foi rentta ot Pirof.Waiter asinetd tolpice to athokofldeaiet in e~ e~tl toe StuiRl~z tttt it to tile class int Rosseaui, Wedlnesday. ra etrle t ie\oocl Te titeel talked of cinder evalk Maseteriece Semeitnart,, byltytr. acoross the bell grountd hat at last , S K ie;stop. beern levelnd. :Prof. Jamets 1t. Crig il vl letulire Mrs. Clarkson entertains a section tottorrowev eening at Maocloo oimn egethsee-inM~la hlo hesbetof Mna ;S it vne TeHbe rpe n r-iss Jessie ])helps, lit '9t , tes phtey. t All are invited. T A1 ARE THE BEST. heen called toIter lhome at lPontiac Phrofessor Robert t. Flttoti, (ml CIGARETTE SMOKERS woaeil n opyaltl oeththeliii . one aecoutnt of thme death of te rela- Oheio WYesleylan University, eii lee- chtrtid toilrto teortdtinatradt~teiti-, wilm fnda THIS BRAND estperier teallotetto. lion. ltre before the OIratorical associa- tionin he aw ectue rom his The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 A society of fornmer college stn- loninthi1olctrnronkti detnts tenet every Saltrday evening afternoon at .5o'clocka. ar haefrmthAzitrrest teliat et hrst onFrederick IJordoin's, for lte Prof. tI. C. Aolemse wiii readmai l e avrieenan i Nttilt.. s GOLA steely of Btrownting. paper tonighet ott "Corpiorate Abits- BEWARE AF IMITATIONS, attitotservet (Oberlin Ihassencored as baseball et" before thne MichiganPloiticai thteme teiseof tthttit er a coach It.ft. tLoevers, thnree veers ott 5 oence association, in the piarlors Vale's teamt. Candidates are nu-t Of the tHibbard Htouse, at Jackson. , $fk 9eZC tACOo nieroits atid tractice liveiyt. irot. Carty, thne phirentologist, eves_____________________ Several itrotessorn besides tinose at thteItygienic club at supper line, E ARE I IT of psolitical science are attending yesterday, and gave a talk on phre- Nitl itetttfttlntolai the Michigan Plitiical Scienc an- nology, in the course of which Itt tt1 aFieinesImprtde n sociation at Jackson, today, made victims of two persons, greatly IE. t. Lake will represent Chicago to the amusement of the others. SPRING and -0-" Utniversity of.0 i,.. ti.- ...i...am. . ,o . . .,4 SUMMER "0 iut-Lal5iA eol nwlo ottgv atcur - ooo Oratorical contest. ils subject is, on "Some Curious Phases of Our FOtR FASISIIONAtI, EWERt. tiThe Americanism of Lincoln. "~ Marriage Lawn" next Monday even-o- A Missionary Symposium will be ing. Prof. Knowlton has made a Gz fl= V 'LJ3, held tomorrow afternoon in the par- special study of the "curiouns" phan- loin of the Congregational church. es, and the result no dcubt will be a IHE LEADING TAILOR, Light refreshments will he served, most interesting lecture. No. 2 E. Washington St., NEAR