THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. 14EW fH.(LEMENT, 51 SO. MAIN &r. lhsreor and Manag;er. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST' hUETtON STREE'T. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called far and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. NAGTR It/V2E. WashingtStreet. 22 Vears !n tihe IBusiies.s.. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. . m ! CHRISTY - ENGLISH - HAT NOtW tO S.(0. ATl s D_ A. TINKER'S, No. 9 South Main street, (Slotre orotly orcopted 1by Twto Samos. THE FISK TEACHERS' .AGENCIES., Official Photographers ICH(ICAGO),100 W-lbashIiAve., I1. F.(CLARK. ()t+TO-WIT: 1 e t l it 10. ,40PostIi o Filled. 9:iP0otonottflledin113. SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. lsrUDENTS' WVORK( A SI1.'1- Note \lf"1 1'r(, LOa+ 1 ogr'lto, roaU~to). ~ ~ !~~ I i r DANCING and DELSARTEl TOLEDO of U. 01/ M. cALENDAII. ISGcilIIContract," by Mrs. Rosr MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER 1 nOatr .y rf IM.Harrington, roptious nottes anti 46~ iit sret t], ttIlottreIt iltroductiotn by lProf. F. 1L. Walter. MONAY-p s Att sore 110. la to t~ a itotrolI. iatono atle ooo~poootottO We have exanmined the work and 0R*NDICHGA pxt=ot. oo o to. - O] Slo t. /oo ot trr ot . t ttt findol t 09 ecellent in every par- TI toolAY-- ttl. Itt. OtoG toontlmen's ttt5 - NA 9t1AM L- otrity Soal,. titular. Tho pricr of tile book is class. f, .So at:. coo., Star. 17.- lotit r 1toottll ooooottlbte SA'tIllDAY Itt a. ttt. Gentlemant'stlttia,ir i co1iieTobtol titito r t Suttttdoy, Note.a, 1893t. t Itett Atolei1a-o.ia2eo. t attt mtay be sertureoo the to-. Clas.h iroolo rot AttttAror bty Cotttrttl cl beo-oeIes 45o. ttitatoto-a. ttooototto l'itma. Bu liar.I .-I~t to ty Jttdgelo t t r,os ca okd le . 1i )tIi. i. wtttdo at~ittotoo oS. 15 i~t.Il. * ttl tt . ntIo, Na lo1. Do n *t* ery tttto tt . o. Privat o so ns brio 1)tot nt root-entt. *1' 12: t1V/0 II. it. 51 .'n11.. Itt 15 1. n. s:0 p.lit uu 1':1s ofUutblss r rMotive, To-W it- Editors. _________________________________ itt) tru ts ltwon n vrbttt clt a tt Frit- v a. 2:3oto.-Iot . Ato Ntoottttno- t 'tooo-. s -- - O ly a\ttttot \tn tttt it] ttitlt otio St .01 1 , .>-tr til itt 11 sio T t-ite 1t t I toP:-isX OIotl Aj t otAtnttAt ttttt ti].]]] tt t it tIor f l'o- \Vlt 0-t W. H '190.] T,G*1'.9 A. tto totool .-ItAtir tttrtseot hy er toit o ero n ® A + ANN ARBOR____ b tall. ttotit t/ttt ttot- t tllt1 0 p. 2. r M-. Ar i ltht Al i1t tq~t, t lfVINDVY t -l . lttitt tt Icit 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. o hne of Name.Uthorai Unon. S S 1100, - .l1titiigv I ir Ittr t \stottottlint txt i t'tltoay etetninb, at close - r 'LI coiN' V''l'1F cloty hOaIt brei.11tt Ihatt.1 t o l the ot ebV/ vs-l.o rtretr the antnual oteet- jy+ TATC, $AV G$ BAP Sortetyrof elI'11} snlltlstrtottett) 1110inIofthe iCistrail tniotn for liar j g TIJ]itle lollot o'c tgral woul he gise co elrectont of toficers ianritransaction ___________A.__._ i....jENTPres. Ito ootogtooa otoettg ott at tile tteetlito of tite society, Sat-al inottess tf oirect interest anti CROWWHIGAN.'FNUNAIN NDlOrtltoootii L rlYevllngiliarch 172 , in roun 0lttr -. 1)teclerl.~ AST. aosors :1. H.ens 22 b llitSec. . N. looro' o... t 1It 5N. Y - S~ltt. 0211 CHICAO ,.' } J by AtlaticrExlotatip, 1 tit.V Cop. 1sltytw0i! .1r. COsborn; a >ajtri RUIlN LS.'LOCALS. (o It 0.!it S . R.. (Cook; Comt B I.1__'____ G.t It xpl. tt...ilt. .'os.b .l C. (.ie.1L 1t,1! -atle tickets t (l it lo-,slt mtt 1Va tI:x> 1 : A n b 'lr. iot 111 li t. tutl att i 0 .._ W IIto &00. tnes, (, (i110 lbol cO NitTti Miell c. A00 ititet.t1a to . WI IAttYo1A4ttto. s . Literary Commont, It swouild itra difficuoit malter to T. .0etallli t o. t ttlti lrio.,i O St t .moI1 dl _~ 95 ('tuse~t. ) Ic't f -Tor e uts ( lieIlitiot)ts fot' S~IeCJoUriXIaSdf3OK RteprOdUirit~of ro a)j lteistok elco tiF) (tatueu), 5 c1 iIi \totfripLieikre. slid ott~er OrawiIrt. o.m k55~Keture,5 &-. s Y.. Prtraxit5of the Edeult riotctoeti 11)1111 iril e fo o1k5 .ourabia CalICrt5-,CDI uC%,(15-DanceOrder,5 -Ar4i t c Progmrnje5. Corre~pondecccoIiciled. j41 s 00111estima~te tile great itl ue0011 tite " social 1C0n1110s, ho ley In-c p cues Roultsseau1, orerteti 0111 iur 1190 great ctllttttttiottlnoswelst in0 1le1a11- 0.1ghit tot teFe e vi111otlu~ttionI. Tiswavs inlIetd0inIlep och-mtakinop bobtstknd1111or ltat re2otsoi eserv- 01g1oftthSloerlip ttrofode ttdiy It evtry 1)110ois 0itte1 rsl lted ite11ecu- liar tt-i-rito )ftihtit;FrenchioR000olu1 tion. the chiefd ificlsty lo thlt0osIll are lot fait11 Ola Sithte irench lall- guageswas thtut o01 a recenlt late no goodl trastlaititonswithl comlete notes ooistedi. If sc115 reseroveifor She leaninog of te i eotrrstty elf Michiganleo fill this ontg felt bwant. '111e Iutitatts Save recenltly is- suedl an eoxcellent trantslation of the 'wa For ine111so51p01. tootlet brulshes 1114c]- gars10, rio 011tot the. kM.Druorle 'geette Nw roy 110 II Ia t liettrlii Iree at ot))()111011 t&O:M1ttesonrtft. iatrick N ktcs /A 1ecktie001ive ree to every rail- er tomorr11ow 0S.01Pitr1ick's day. i et0) 11 i it th a 1 SSt.lPatricka's 01.1y ie It tile Otttters free. Blow- dlisih &tMatteson. l1tt{ mt,..-hl large hous~e, Nso. 94 So0u111 State street. ,specially well arrntgedl for a large famcily, boarders antd rolomers, or college fraternlity. Fline groundl~s for gar teBenling or laswn tennis courts, 66 ft_ by 264 It. iPrice reasonable and1 termls lto01111lt prchaser. 1-2 IL L va SiRiNG SIlTVI E-S. QUA UI' ,)*ABSOLUTELY GooD EDS Ctoot,)(ORRECT.