_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1J.Of RTh Published Daily (13unslays excepted) during; sartCoflee yt ar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price *.50 per year, invariably in adranee Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the nfiece of the DAILY, att Stofflet's, swith any of the editors or authorized solicitore. Cnsmmunications should reach tbe otfice by 7 oclock Pit. if thtey atrc so appear the neat (lay. Addresa alt matter intended for publica- tion to the Msanaging Editor. All business remmuonicattons shottld be seat to the Bust- ness Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY. Ann Arbor. lieih. EDITORS. C. A. Eioti, boo '94, Managing Edttor-. 1I A. Stitttts~o, fit. lid, Assisltit. J. . LORIi.Lit. 95,Asistant. F-. Wits soi t, tt l94, Ani-loot. Jo. A. Iton, Lit.'96, OnAthltcEdiMntr. H.N. t. lao ot. Li. '9',Bu tiana.g't. L~IslTERAR. iJAWti.1 R.0 utn 9.tP. Smtlleir, '9(;, R. sI-.-d le,19. S. 1'. Lyle, t9l6 H. D. 11aunt, 06i. of tbe lay of pulblicatio. men were ttnder tile influence of liquor but can accotunt for thneir reckless use of fire arms in no Dolher way. Such conduct cnn not be too necerely censttred, tile nmore 00 that it waon in ste very nhatdow of the I' itivernily. IN rER-COLLEGIATE. Plons have been perfected for a uric building for the Yale Law schsool.j The U1. of tP. nine wan defeated by tine Philadelphia professionaln, last Friday. Score, 14-7. Colunmbia miii hold itn indoor j meet March 24th . lVaie, Harvard and tPrinceton will have entries. Horsford's Acid Phosphate i IF; i REGISTER. PAT, SArse FO 50 550 Those who intend puirchasing this 55 45 set of Books must do so within two 35 nn0 weeks, as the offer will he witi7 - an- 250s drawn at the end of'+ that time. 5t 55 - f r , f i x Ii anI s 5 iati a i~it I Dt o. - s tile most effective 104n apw-ee_ tn- ttii ' ttalerloigi ttttt ~n 1 ttlt iten-- ttble r etneilv in existence -for la&y anttI±tidny. ftrttom t i to1oelocIk.p.11. 1 1 eye ennfrom -,:"")0lll 8t13. Il. ' Ittllt~ ~ ~ - prevetnting indigestion, tiitd ac- liesin those diseases arising l\it cannot urge too stronigly the ftoilsrlb disortiered stomach.I duty swhich every one owes to tile Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, encouragement of oratory. Wve Masts, says: "I valtte it as an excellnt nope to see University hall wet) fill-ipreventatite of indigestiotn, andi a pleasant ed tonighst. Iacdalatedtirinkr whenti propernly dilultedlwithI As tbe bicycling season is near- log, tine plan o1 form~in~g a bcycle club secems to be feasable. A fewc yearn ago5s1ch a cilb scas mradte a great success, andl totw wctll the waler, andswesertend.i" Dt.-ariptist patopltilltf free oIta apiicttiontoI Rumford Chenmical Worhs, PravideneetRI. Abrnaamt lita-rr, tihemra te pestidlenltlti tabot ttoleavelhistoldliott.after hd tlotainled ",'neightbosegiteOyoieSboy-a ca te. Ttllietdaoftlttilon nd etatgoptiltionttay- mntlally lanldIthysctlly tle,1iet. Fanthes, cltlaliiy yourcbot forthlbt 11-tle hut wI~c511 t lin l l eth ditigreat1 arenla, Iwheth-rtteeir thariillItelltip~ty y e - -l itiit(.1e11and1t1y teii tbe 1111ttruggling 110110 in il thwold wthtolnly theit imertlto rid till-l." j In this a ttn(.n «-e0su Ie-t t1. yrounga11111 alnd stro~nly rtcottttenthe1 z lot i-ieel Istey- elopesd~iltittttietti.'' 1r501isno ild in the wrld of ter mentlalr phyicl acltivi twtic large increanse in 1110e snumiber sit For Sale liy all iDrdoesssis toe Iti l-. z ilt fthrtt ictl laboit theb1e0ttschotlats, tomitl-ationtfe i s torte t Druggists___________________ stry o etil it - mits o at . toa tt.. t..a il tehichtseet- eca rllled1111 lille it h i fotltitS attlat scheels ini tollege, a sutccessfilcubsa n l, se0an-tt. I tsall. -~titsinta titr Ittosts nya triflr--tt dueiiclayi0puIt lAMS I5. (OODlli W, Fbrines t tr er ofat ay intheIt. attle, - ttl i1 I - - ittttiyrottttththe: tcottf traits, trill p5ltt eit1. itto tt eetis might be mlaintairedi. Itn ord) to10 Jlkttses nilltlticlttsndl owerttseef- a Illstlri-alan tt wt Iiti. t ii .ttttult.l ha t11a et-teiv. Olttci allesetaltlay,tlltolitleo itiatiolt i ttwill ciy lttraltdesignts madtite ttpo citttr tttoticelt s aiit>tt-tt.. 11111 - rtl.. - - .atl that tfll ltr ettll a l leasr ati aatitigliititl. mae hs cem ratcOI teNoI1111 ttatirtysteett pp.11c1metery gate.BEAD OUR REMARKABLE PROPOSITION: enthusiasticmiwheelnien shoulidiholditiIiilitIoiiltttatIa9t.iteesud.teencett110ttttt a meeting it) thse n-ar Ifuure for tN I ,-in, . e liat r ite