THE U. OF M. DAILY. C '02tR."D " eiss of fie stt Jents of the University Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., R S of )lfisconsin. there is no reaston I opensedi, i - _ - hya suwcccssf ci joirnt debate cold! College of Charleston, Charleston,j w i i l?1risua Slan- exiepiiteesui, / iinot be arranged for andl our commiit- S. C., opened, ;1S . _-."- ' M, U.O ,IDPN TASCA i tee will do- all in their p ii *r to Greenville and Tasculuam C ollege, ; a<:ii'- s mi net.7c ictssntt ake it such. Ttisculunni, Teiin. , opened, 1794". h-'a.! r, po_ >~ lasi. ineir a _r~ ira S rests. Sal 'eip- nvr ty o Te n s ei o - cat r its4iv c _ o'th ths, r t L lversity of lPennssIva- nvestyo Tnrse, nx in a Plf a ecuco te Iy ile, Tens., opsened, 179-.a iStee. seith oaiy Cisthe ediorsortila a csri mainjoitrnaslits listbeen UinIoleeschnctd, t.Bhe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS t eom asnicatiosic Should rea th the tfice byr+ a d ed ito t e cu rriculum , a td in- fir., opened , ti7wh.,s; rgeii r e a cgodl i scp i e;s p r oclock P. S. if they ace ct o poerhe nextst sruciioni will Ihereafter be given i nvriyofNtiCrina,5- e islecinircepios ,w tlio eticr iesea -sy. Addreess sit malie inendoed tsr psliie- U iest f N rh C rln , i.3p3t~tniiisfr}~vn tmtisi oi Iots the Managieg Editor. Alu sinaesso tha'ttjeN. ms o u tat f sr-S3r liei rdateginaie ierit. Liil 1ssaiaissosl h ecChIi ut i ht S apel Hill, .C , opened, 'ISfCi5 em -,I.., t .i)tperr seek raia efie lins. cmmnctossolbeentoteBs-one nmistakce has been made, Universty tar r lt-lnaogsie, address sets Mainger, hewoknsitvhedneforanimg.of Vermont, Burling- P. R. CLEARY, PaEt. THE U. of X. DAILY, h oki ob oefra mg ton, Vt., opened, Isoo. Ano Arbor, Hint. ;nary newvspaper, whnereasm the only ( iowdots. College, Brunswick, T LD EDITORS. t ractical wcay to get training in jor- Me., opened,1oa.o o, . Ileensos Leer5 ltom ongiog Flilae. nalisni is to twork on a ;-cal paper 1.'tLIt-sLtl 54 Astat. twhere the wvork clone is subjected to -- A-he-ettillii the scritiny of readers. The feel- # n 's lt nei tbo o NORTH MICHIGAN r1 i ta ii Sr,.~ Ilit, illsthat this latter inceittive to do the liblttryis onttie waycvfromIi1-p-ALWY Sa-ieit11. L. g ;ood wsork5 is scaisting iwill ttrove too a ic, s i Sia - powoeful a tactor to he easily over- ru 1 , te"~iM i, sfs<,/fii1v S' . B. (,ititi',r, !+t. CE I"larlinlmi , at r1ouse,Cellditere is a danger that the -% t S i ~ tsaii. wr doie ie 01lie of a siuperficial e iti fitatnee.«or. (1 nIa clleg. al / e It/ l o 'k acino' loynbttte~hecoi. i ) Ia ti1idao ttiaitlis i tl-aW5.iii. ork onsa cleg alyis ntnchn - better practical training for studlents - d oOon The Edtasitos sat it oltiemsecvetee-iioic ___ it1h lissiwchittet i aer ooconteniltil aking journal- 1 ~ea cU ~/\i -tdet', appecarusngin the DAILY.5 ismt their futttre vocation. If this Horsford's Acid Phosphate I d OF ~t e t/ was realised In its fall significance, Istite USnKtel'oOiv antaIee o 0000 Sa""1A atraining cani he acquired by weork It 5lai ,, on the DAItLY tact as no schoni nf able' remedy in existence for (jj na'" oila 000000 TiEn first nunther oif Vol. It, of journalism, wvitlh its inmaginary paper, psaetigLndgeSInanGt the University of Chicago Weekly, cami afford. dcs ead Eq liet on our exchange table. It If all wcho desire journalistic train- iein tos dsass t'sig o rontes to us, this year, nmuch im- ing do good honest work on thte frocts t (lisorderd stoiach faonadsree tnie. ' - ree roved in appearance and wvell- DAILY, they will find that the prac- " ea TL filled with live college sews. Suc- tical benefit derived from such wvork '! t an LA - WDr. XV. W. Gardner, Sin~eigfieldl, TisieTastetuik-ius etfit si suuly tIay It.7tall rest to the It eekls'. will enable thenm to begin their life 'terains lemic .AtiSviin erbrSy Leotrit Mass., sas; tI salu tan atasan excellent Stsndad tist il. w sorlk as journalists after leaving col- ORac-co. sirT IlE itaugtural test of the lotig lce araeentaiveofitndigestion, sand a pleassant 1 t.ill. . 4:45 t. III. lee ithi coittiderable knoswlesdge '12:tep.nt.i1:7) t. ll distance telephsone yesteraday iproveso h tic.Tns , oleejor actiiidltiikihnchproperil i ue ts:5 .n. ,(0 .i of the ub~ect. Thus, c llege lur- iitiy Trsaig iNoitiiat 9:15ia.. 1 c nclustively, that long distance tele- . 5011c sala s -caa-i. titmlai ytilt atin, o hit i at til45 p. t nalisiti swouli ratcaloe aaititlstat MI-its Imic ii lrto in sle%cn its, c phonic conmiinir ation is a success teUo aitatt ltottiii imttaiut~usJct~ion 551only. Is-il,, ilss- andt nosy that it ia establishein d-olsaone it ia cllgeit ltiitl- ni i- ci i lict i e o iapiei ll o 1 tiit ill it his teasn A.n mmArbor, it silll w ore iOfgreat ims nte otir etcisc ii atitsi i-utu- Litdi itliit s. i. .cmmFTtvtssso.Agent,Stiii at be neft to studentts amiistusinessist- All idesirinag to comttlat for host- For Sale by all Druggists 5- ' .ril-it i-c' is a iatter to Ube ragrctelat fdatlinonito tlii manatgtisnomaeditomrp~p ~o time of the football teamatva 1o are fstktsi ott ataigeio ~ ~ y j'6i .e cfruat almvn lt eta - at once, as the tintefor compleititin IVE B$TER'STUSA unfortunate n having lat ilI TUESDA EVENING, OCT. 17. tbons, are nt aisle to get on thmeas i5- a fil ntm oget the proper pirac-t- ot". DICTIONARY tice. 'This seriously hamsdicaps the The Oldest Colmegeso, uceassoc sfihu work of the teamstand lessens their W peen elwa it"fthUenarsentl chances of iinning. It seemis thtat W iesn el' ls f h e1iosears tmse~ani oldest colleges of America, with, thee F mire th aa300,0t tome arrangement could be made dates at which they twere respectively - . exeandoetd. with the faculty whereby the smem- founded,.,, ai'lj El terybody Kshoc'ud owntis hers of the teamr who have work a, titioary= It an College of Ncev Jersey, Princetons, I 'Allsweeesallqutestions durinig the last fsomrs of thin say Nc. pne,~7~ ocen-tei- could he excused a fesw minutes 'tVashtingtons and Lee U1niversity, lttttciatiiut, asd g ymeanie;i; sitwordyr. sarly. _____ ~~Lexington, V a., opened, 1749. 1~ba~n~~0Iassi ttei teneedtinfoit incn ri TtHE Daily Cardinal, cosmmninig U niversity of P'ennsylvania, Phi- -ttinilet eos.ittam ctssstaceinthett editorially on the propsosed Muichil- lachelthia, la. Openedt, m7:53)Ituecasic lisa tutu-cmtairticulstocni' gas-W'isconsin joint debate, sirges Columubia College, Nesw forkc, NA. uisiit iiprvo r fetoiutiuiitausc, ' and a it as a deity upon thme commtittees of Y. opened, T754. luai-itilior i Iiite essli ain itii tne, various literary societies, to Browmi University, Providemice, tI. feaasascal tutu, aself-areduttcaitor. niake the necessary arrangensents I., opiened, 1765. >ritbyiltttiloosles C 1c- (, i~ecai Co. for the debate. We are gladt thmat Rutgers College, New Burnswick, /aliliTlsua, the propositious is received wviths so N. ,l", optenedh, t70. li -,5 INTERNAITIONAL uich favor by thin Cardinal, iwhichi Harait1den Sidney College, Ramps-- giggptcenmisacieuut DICToIcON it supposed to represent the inter-- sheni Sidntey, Va., opened, 1776. t iiiaeremio'vcua Wil aptear nth 'itlel .le o ii, ew The Queen of Sheba. W.S. IART as I-Iiro4n of're, (Dsena t utial Ca'int.i Niw S enoeryt-litutit t'ist iuiie-a-is-Cplt- Aic essorues--llmtos-iitt Chirusti-, ("hae-ic I cikcic Iimionr-, ReusevedSeat-.a"n-sile lat555Watscant-,r 'ItiCESt Itesereud mset,.00:5imAdtsta- t'Piriiette and- i rsti t; oset, in P-i etici r c-Ia tic; Pasttiattturcl-timkao it otuisitac _ANN .ARBOR- YK/fIJM 14IUND1WYCO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. L. a. Stusvis., - \ta m J Rsied 5 stCmnatonw andilowr, of0 eiluari- ty.uFeoral eusinsmaudehtiupsat otie \ut. It ttaetvatiie- ns-etusip.-tcecugte,