THE U. OF M. DAILY. A 25 CENT- T 0 0TH B" " U 8H 25Cet tth sht i t i se ds ITHIS IS A STANDING OFTER. Calkins' Pharmacy Afull 1 S v-ING iiMA N At the O1JTFITTES*S iieof $3.00 an $4.00 HATS intohttt latest Sprint lhapes. 'I ii otst Ltine ofl 'N et ( inIItheI CJ( l s t "'. MOOEL:o E & W2- MEENO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _______________________________________________AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, F__ CT==.A WEO R 1 --7 j= OR' TEXT BOOKS FOR THE. SECOND' SEMEST"ER NI'AV NNl) SECtOND HAND. NOTE"41-1l()()his A P"ECIAI'ia. , Ann Arbor Savings Bank ArtoSsItArr.Duc. itotp t '1tock, $),100 tof this ittate. toots '.Il:,dposits.lo ul', tot! sel xe ie oil the ii ii t' it s oto f'tti tdenttiictiott. Sl fty d teposit toxes'toslet. OFIiCERS:olo, 5trPs,t itoo :C P.: tiff 1).tp sir\It.,1. Frtz Asst.Ctatthier. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and It+ -~PUBLISHING -RROTT'tEL Student 'work a Specialty. BtellttWorken'otndtLtoest 1rcePt 1 i Gt Ladies' AertsticHairdressing Parlors, faho .lls o.It '1'o,atto tt~, >0I , I ts tie' LEADING SCHOOL OF BUISWESS sold1 SHORTHAND. Daoieiclt lcl lillO' 1110 110telt 10100 lageatede; good disc11ip1line;t lt 111- itirork; we'tll sl e dit iro mdilyo lll l ctt' esll ^o Exceptionalllll fac lt le o plag tet s l~ i posi- e t'01 Ci'l tol pier week tin eriatetfawlltll's 1,or et c11taoguie, addrtes P. R. CLEARY, PioES. Sehool of Dancing. Grounod Floor. MAYNARD STREET. (, 'll b r t ot'iltt 1i'att ies t1111ee1 e&50() A'MOtNTfH I IMNISSIi'ON tA t wIill Cay you1 t statetdsalary. A gener11al el, (11110 Or flOei ttl)tatd ittlrevery'ily,lowt South 9'h lt., Eiehtontdt, Va. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY BOWDISH & HOUSE, Proprietors. oppiE, , SOTH llSTATE 51TET. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARIBOR. Capital, $511000. Surplus and Profits,$30000. Trasacs a geaeral banking business. For- eign exchange bought and sold. Lettes of sredit procured for traveler.s abroad. P. BAClS, Pres. S. W. CLARGKSOIN, Cashier. . .(-4 ssI Me R.CAFUTALOR,.1 D )111 Itt -100011,ck Do(,s vol ,4,wok(' Cltt i' oeZy. Giros (( pttrc while liyhl. 1s o, 'while as (Zistilled rct tt+i , (fires light without smoke or o(lor. Sold oatly by D(.wv,, & C). 44 Souath Main Street. DA OPN Ann Arbor, Mich. 'EN&CMAY UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Jeffersonian societsysteels to- moorrowsveneling. T1he sensior lases are retceiving teir lastl qiz in evideoce Itis week.: 'there score about forty mien out fo ballsebaolll lractice' yeslerelas.after- DrI. Atngeli sptoke last tight itn \ psilanti at thte coutyeStttnday school11ceoventtiont. M~iss Jennie Eddy, lit '931 ls jutst taketn a position in tlte Grand Rapids Itiglt school. Ansowers to questions on Popular ?anmusements, inthtie AL . E.chturclt, nsext Sutnday eveninig. Ht. It. Walker, lit '93, noss at Antdover Semintary, is emttployed at Blerkeley'temple, l ostois. Dr. Porneroy, of Caluntet, Alitel., is htere attendintg clinics anti taking special svork in t lactenology. '96t has elected B. C. Rich, ioeta Arrottgetsetits are heilng ntadelfor seseral of thle Iniversity studetnts 1(1 hselpo carry ontthle woerk of thse M\cGreogor missiott at hDetroitItext Ptrof. Cram iliiilecture ot Tappoan tall, Satutrday andtlSundaily evettings respectiseity, on"tehresv Prophtecy' atnd "'The Auithorsip Iolftte ltourtlo Glospel."1 Thle co-eds of te Iniversity asre nmaking arrangemntss to secnre M\rs. I l'rencli Sheldots, the celebrated Af- rican explorer toI lecture for the benefit of Ite 'gytit'fttnd. Dr. Nlutrhead, assistant to thte chair of nmateria medico, swill leave college abont te ntidille of April to take charge of the large practice of Dr. Wapldes, swho goes Itl China05s0 medical missionars'. The AlphsaNouswill htold its meet- lorg at - o'clock Satturdoy afternoon, 110 accountt of the Glee elub enter- U. OF M. FLAGS. -- 1orcatchlpint. Prie,r$1.50. II]LATi-tOLDJ (i's. Iptl ,, ! iritd rft 5 5. 5,ttv1.0of. toes {n it tIllaninO 'bti s 5. Paossiller- 101 tot Sni i 1 01ittle. H1100 tety It. liEtIlPI",Preo. F.'. 1.S.Ot, Caoshiee tttOtoe .tT CIGARETTE SMOKERS whto ate will in toI pty a ltottle 1re tha h rc charge1d 1t teorinayto adeCigare1te11 witiOOOTHIS BRAND 00110101iortltote. The Richmond Straight Cut No,1 are made teomlthte bitestosI111toelcate in flavler'11111hightestcoset GALA LEAF grownuinlViginiat. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, aobserv belo s onaaevey packageo. TA"'KE NOTICE! ho'e acs oe' tckeod 2 tl/i 1"itr'f , kolt'tts (hld tvill 'yllt/se,at el/ - dul~ced pi ice ' to eGood s 111yo. WashingttnSt. The Leading Tailor. Thteta 1lti, baseball captain. Ridsh tiinmnrt Saturday ~night. A very seas not on the teanm last year. inmportanot bttsinesseeting wiii be Ptrof. Craig is soon to begin a hteld after the literary program. a course of lectures 0n "The Epist- Two large casaes of English books le-, to thte Galations,' at Newberry costing about $1,200 have been re- hsall. ceived at the library. They are of Mr. Dunncan gave an eloqluent a miscellaneous character. Among oration yesterday in the conrse of thenm are "1The Transactions of the thle "Great Orators." His subject Cambridge Philosophical Society,' was "Fox." in 15 volusmes, "The Proceedings Contributiont are coming in lib- and Transactions of the Society of erally for the missionary library. Biblica'-cheology," and "The The Presbyterian church raised over Geological Magazine," in 36 vol- $25 for this fund. imes.