THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. lEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. IDirector an(d Manal-erl EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 4S EAST Il G' tON STREET. Good Won-k Gooranterd. Goods coiled for and delvered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. _ i . . T' S CEZ R2TED CH-RISTY - ENGLISH- HAT Norgi NOW ON SALE ATl ilsi 0_ A. TINKER'S, No. 9 South Main street, Soneo iently occopiedlby 100 Same,. = I -ARE TRE- Ofica CTRE, TE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.j Officia] Photogratpherse 1/i (I ( tA O, 16 Wabaslo Au e ,,B. F. (LAIM. . OF TO-WIT: . zz V ears ii thne BusiiieSS. "' ( rol.:de.1'03 2. 4,840 Positions Filled. 155Positons iled 1in 1P93. CITY LAUNDRY, 1 EN FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. STUDENTS' WOIK A SPE-, A( 1.NCIES: Boston, .11r1'O, Torolo. hET ,FN C.I~rprta ><~>,r M. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. A NewE: ,0York., ((luel, Poro tod. I C DANCING and DELSARTE TOLEDO U. OF M. CALENDARI. I BUSINESS LOCALS. MRS: ANNIE WARD FOSTER. Thur.. Moe, .13.-Lecture by Prof. Deimml011. For reduced rate ticketo to 0 ip MODY46 Sn .Stteltrt. o L-Elizabllriooo Songs. Fiez1Memri5Hal(O01(1. Won t . inL ld V a. pollt int oppt'> ODXOpis adoGenlemen.C rDo-to:= Fri., u~ar. IG-Letouoe0(nOraltory lby Prof. It. S.Greeniwood,'T'icket Agt., lole S, MONDAY 0 ( 1n100L(adi 11s' b o Uils NOTH Mclass.. Hloer t I. Fulton, under 0000(00 i ef Orator- An Arbor .& North Michl. TIPMT (1 .(011 1l~li RA LWA . 1(11 .5000(0(1 lon.Llwble1'ctulre oots, llr . Solliro inl llldepartmentdsare f- gloss. EFri.,Marlch 1t;.- rof. llhrIeol, r ell."lThe 11 SA5TU1RDAY -10 a1. Il. (Gcntlemn's danlo ' rieTaIlrlOt(akloy; etreet. Smlooy,511o.. 519;. f Reports 01n1 TI Iir Ilors." 110 I~aw lec ir te I)oiir oe f10)7ltIt ets.TrainleavelloAnnl Arblor by Cenr~l wjo~1rk at Ranl~dall's. 4D0.111 ,0adies' d(1cing1 c roo. Standard 'liose. room~l. :15j1 p. 1. "30i.m Cilsldren's dooao '11(las. 000011, 111011. 1^ri.,.l3 or-Ilt(5.--'5101 l (raorell S oll : . 1 115 Mackitntoshes atbt om1 prices00. Tht; 8i>li. I'rivatS vll l ll cla 100. l1i . m. ':11r it. ml. :Jll 111 . T. JalO lbS to. Privateho les o rn yappilnment. 0j5(S]: (. tin. Il1:30la. rIl. _____________________________________ 4_.~1. .1. 90ISO(.>.1n, Sat. eve., bMoe. I7. (Glee and I13011,o 1111obs.e n- : For 1110 soalps. too~tihbrulsheOs amI'1 1' 11* 1 100105(1'rt tr ewe Abor anc!SllS 111 Ia ill 11for'neAtl rile 01011110 501. Igars, go to ]lie l I. & M. D)rugstore. "(lltan dvexetSna.INECLEIT. See fthe New VSloll anat 1lowdisli p tIt. S.(1(11 N1l1t O l .0gent, nnSAl o r ISS -tLi\IatlesslS 1. tf. elnonStaolord, Jr., IUniversity j1tmS.kLEIll-M I orge houtse, c e ANN .ARBOR 1100 challengedi Berkeley to all Ora- rp4 Soutitatle street. l.spleclwltltloe oralr- ar _. ~W.'l'~1'It '\TRV~ toriral ron~test for a 1prize If solewl ArnelSr 1lagI ann y T.LKIN ND C04TJ.111h1515, lttlallars. boardiers and lroomers, or rollegl. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. f I Oilti a raternity. 12110e groutncs for gar C,>Iil'S atheti 001111 haldeinflf o r lawnitennis roitrts,510 ft aE. S.Spitviss, - Maniagor. takenl actio to regulate contests for by 264 ft. Prire reasonaible ant"1 saprec'ly lietiween the freshmaon termls ti)ouit purchaser. EEOC 0(11Al 00 .1 51 nt 'HE and sophlomtore classes. 17 2I.U I 01> +TT$AIGBAR+Corniell is bulilding a new steam C.XGIA UN"~ mvie Ih a rriIHSres 1,1IHIG N.EN tAL A. '11151r , e.0 11 (oIlllll'11111',lol Ir. lattneb for tile1100 of tile navy inE Tennis Notice. I'riie'abl (Itvisd) ov. ~th1M::3.coaching anid at races. Tile boat is CRW PNC . FONTAIN AND 00LDInasmucli as tile tellnis men 111151. AtlanticcWI nST. to be ho feet long7 with engines of aldt0111. 11.100othgm 0. N. tEspress... 5A4,1 1, N. Y. 0 0'. 5511.,0. CHICAGO0.' 10ho1rse Ipower. l 't2 8 1.I~lie(I at lcn 0.tEs'sLI_94 .S it. Pp . 1151 . 1:3: .. . 'I ,-ale 0an(d Harvatrd will]lprobably tber, I deem an111 exlanaltion (1511 r m.1/0011 Toe..A Id (1.lIf. .AWAal.DTHE.A15115 plIy thleir baseball games Thulrscday, tiheml. NY .111 .. ) (III1..N. Esl )erl. 5 81C 0'S01 FARl. 111 C2, a m~lbrilige, an o ''e 10l~sil 50 le ih- 0. RV.l~ol s, 11. 50.11ilY Ells , MAUFCRERS . '193 (lay, j one .2f1, at 'sew Sraeen. 5 10atloiy 0( I ie ttl l ciTI 11. Aol., ('li0OA11o. Aol., Ar1111ArboSlr.--jthird gamle, if necessary, willhbeIpeaO lsatisfactory. tis (delayedi A CallC9rd,5-,Acou(% r(I,5 -Ar4iitL roPrax Crrempondenee Cficifed.- I'7 Illa~ell thle follllig Saturdasy 110 11tters0 0111111 111.11011waO toiletn 11 netttral grou~nds. til the boardi of regenlts was pi O tiitedi. STi ils h111)1come unde 1No00100. tile colnsitl 'l1t1 01ofthle board h15 11100111 C.'5s wili l eet yetlad l l 1not unltil the 21stint. (' I e lrdile nilht 01111Saturdas-. when 1in all 1101 lability it 5w111 be fell M late. Bi. S. SUMMStO 295 p oi1 rs St ' .01 Tennis Mgr" Q GCrand Siring Opening of line Swoolesb1, 'T'uesday IandliWell- -j /1011 101 1115' 17 Iles(_lay, _-Marchlr t a00(1_1.1, at Cook j*I jIJ tru{ * iEoue 1 r.loeofte oln . agle, D etroit, swill show all the $.0.UNPRECEDENTED, $1,00, I rclradlk cIe5, latest 01111 choicest gooais suitable I1T E -e for spring; andl bsumml~ ercar. 'All ~~ij Iu~trwtio 5 ortutdents are corliillly invited ol in- t(FM A 1 olect the linle. You(10Cai order now 11(11101 1rc t ol t f rrl~i "CIou.iscJcIts antdflare gIods liliverOe at your ______ ie e