THE U. OF M. DAILY. 5CENT l-=TO H- TOOTH BRUSH S VML-1 A At the OxTi-FITTqi. z2cent ttch fthullh A laina of $3.00 and $4.00 HATS in the latet Sp rngSaes it s hwihstl Thet-Finest liw (of Nekweai ii the City. THIS IS A STANDING OFER. cs Calkins' PharMaCy 1®W Z M TT N R=J8 & TE~r2JVL0IE NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET __________________________________________7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXZ1T 1001(S F9R THE SECOND SEM E STER NEW lSAN))SEt('NIl IAN). NT-I <1 I PCILY Atm nArbor Sayings Banik, , kW M.R. FU)L DE, Sid Istc is5 t i ish c\iiI-n - tiv' OA - T.AiL,0t Y its s t lc s - di ci- t toe a1ssi sit-essttisi ttt5t 5 sit-- -____________l__x__s__________tee____t7__<_____ inptStts. iett-ss-tcs sstst i ttrtuc5t5 ,t ii tss tis s... q I~ U. OF M . FLAGS- .r .sat-s-i-S-s sic L.-ta i .,tcass- -] ls.'7t. itis.-I.isis sit7 Sttiss l .(hits% ' I s si-lit linellti 1 '..iEcssstist - t, Aee> t. s .e. ltttt ti /Ci- :lstS it-scit114 ttt N. i st s/sts t s ,sl+ ,isti rtlritri i 'sa its ites css i ll c THE ANN AREOR ARGUJS J ti-t I 1 .sitsl tthis/t ttiitly I d C oi~f(~sccs t t e e -RINTING and*, .- il ssce sssie I s til.lIMA,1,fI )OLI,JCt+.cs - ~l'PUBLISHING 44 Sut Main Stbreeich DEAN & COMPANY. ~o~ N etWr pcat. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The \ottc Met's ilbera(Guild l }f} }& I 14^i 1' s' .r!c~i ' eckit i iii i tattci Pt c- i" 5 Csmettt tonight in the pstrlors sof the rs Ltie' AttntelairdessingPcetucn, iProf.- Griffins lectures to tie lawstsUniarian cutrci. he stbject for 4IL 1I.:~ a -r namlit _ thi wek jl.e~d'1tQPt5 1 It( rrtillf IC]11 s t 5 e14 t hu5 eek.coisideraion sill bits 1 rtstecoty a is1 ~e LI irn i -ititit i . Si 1 W 5 ebstcr socey eet tomorirowtt Iife at te u nisersiy. ri ttistttii n. s t si t si tt it ss isii - hi evening at i notes ar nsist seit s is t sissi ras lii- is o. Newstshas been rce i ciifithe e n ,ti ;nsw tietitit s ,Suits ais,_." Id p r ey, '9J lawss- isa itstad detth of Iir. (O. 1). attlersitis, i. I' s I go-u HsrIi~t Ca sis patc inCleoelatnd, 0. '11) l it i citoccurtred at Ifsth eitme ______ank ___open _________________ - j _ bittressailanatris clsitsnte(f Iis iparents in G1rndclRapds, ar 1 n t ldtitfstpnioogy its iModay's Ilici. He twaa tmenber itcollee r " r -4 De1 tt ew.of ltlii Delta Thta. c " =y c~~' ~ hI3~ uSWater Thiinier, 'iShSitsw, whois 5 Ttialyeeltgliir, 'l /pri ~ iactcn in Cleveand ihas een abellan Songs," by Irof. lDetittot, V RTTs j marred ecenly.illustrated by f/id:Englishs melodiet EADING SCHOOL OF BUSNESSnaeIsog STRAJ TI BST ORTHIAND. St=tsenebnrecently, ansogsexpressly composedt for AR < ng rI ll;jp us; i thiu ente Iof (riytetilieed thsirtthe occasion. 1Miss5IBailey and MY'p. IGARETTE SMOKERS Ie aiil -i uss sttssssuiusu-islt n eerl triprteoe oMills will slg, ariee Netorial ciaSt55 lit~iae Sigtte tlitssenior laws today. chOPrgsed-ot thue srdinayhtsde Ci-aisit-. is, itt an-s toaylltadmission free. wil re dTI-S BRAND speioi tatati. P. R CLEARY Fes. Webstser loci sy swill meet as tssal The lrofessors o teusittiersity The Richmond Straight cut No. 1 nuwoede all ayesenian, World tC, at '?-uATTs l~gst and -DanetduaesllaverethiogWhrlaratt ofChicago has-c organied their own I A te aLeading Academies:s h:30. Th folwn is te pro- sca lbadgve tten m f ass massstdeatitm tebtigittiittst st ticst t\v. ' iT / O - '1\)Tt oio iiyoca lbanfielt ienne f istaor, inass i lrtiaicost GOLD LEAF I I userangle - It is to hold mnnthly geau n 55'ieiat - psutlsissi is its utp ut isn itin uu Cihss. H igley, '9o Isis' is c~tig ietng-o"isnr at tl, bt BEWARE OF IMITATION, adsit erveucc v s -- Si itsc sits tutu sito I i tf i. Ilats oe tn sf r di n r a d tl , b t tatiste stnos of sti isisslttaciaes a + isanersA usitdeiny. Anti Arbor as psolic e'judge in Cleveland, O., leuse of swine is tabood. It al- beowas oa n eey packge. att ,- I IuS tcci u dsusitusts 555anal 555 555 --it c a.-sut ut issc ushfsisat -11tswhereIle has beets practicing since 3 st .ttc )fu .. r= eady lisa about seveety tsembers. te g G( q oaS a -lii~~~~~~~'1 - iiu iu u-i ilt- ut i M C ERICA e Ile gradutatecd. [-leil Dean 1I. IP. Judson is pres- [°V BRANCH ,W t5.t Se Iiai~t~NtA o~i roauSufxCANBE A large crowd asenbled in te dent of the club. lresident Hap- seup-i sit~ttalAtary. Ae-iuceaat i.clinical amphitheater, Monday aftr- prin ebr A E N TC -st !c atdinorynytw tiy is Iianls saour ssissis AdTusenoon, to witness twvo of temotnt Music, violin, MrV k,acottpan- s lt -n s o . ttic- itss i sis etsCit, Nit. t St., t slsssstd, Va. difficult operaions in surgery. oeat, Miss Davis;. essy, F. NV.- Prof. Mecheto will addressthe Smih; ortion, Win. Irel; society If' e Ostiiirit tli iil , STEAMLAUNDRY senior law class on Friday evening pperi M. L. Clawseon; Music,violin, solc z I frta HIH(SWR.BWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors, net on "The Reports and Their Mr. Vk, accompaniment, Miss }ol~iit ic(eillt/ selli/scesIaofv,- -seeten,.2 aU seTHs 55550SREsE Uses" in he law lecture room. Davis; Debate, Resoled, That ex-didiicOsSc(,sdeiisii FIRST NATIONAL BANK '97 i she first classto call out pert tesimony should not be admis- OF ANN ARtBOR.- ball players. Candidates are re- Bible. Af., C. W. Plank and IV5.5''t ]91 sh.ut,50,.S Su rplsand ProfitRs, $30,0. quested o hand their names to S. Flint. Neg., J. J. Vlack and G E'(tP, Tas-nets ageneral bnkinguiesFo-M pan exchange bught atd sld.Letters ofManaer Eto, before he 17h F. G. Jones. Parliamentary drill eei it roresl fee teraees aroad ol.No 2 ast TeLa n alr ,J.0. l- Li es . S.w. C1LAEKSON, Ilsuhir. tosS. I fr one-halehour.iwagingelorS