*JC O f t e. article in the Inlander that it would
jll Jtt b i b a misfortstne in more ways than tl
one to drive sports off the campus. +z +
With this viesv of the matter, itfT
vbexseems ieithetht the walk msust~
--eventsally go. Meanswhile, we are F 1 1 t2 2
Subcriptin pie t Si per year, ivariaby Ipleasedi to know that aseall prac- ear" ' 7F ' i6 1
Saraner Cige epies3 Ceats. Sbeeip- u e xviii not eyohatructed- "
Lises may be et at tesheeoflir tte l)is~,icewlls',eO~i'~e. - a1 "," f
,it Stffietas, with any of the editors or
athsrizad sliitr. Now that it has een finally de
l'emmsniatasshsld reach the sfie by ided to go alead with an indoorn _~ EY~:
7 o'eleck P. N.if1 they ae as appear the next Fr6A.DepPY1/ilj
dy. Addreaa at mater inteaded fr pubics- eet no paula ssould e spared on pl B gBr7 C
Vnt Isthe Msaagiag Edior. All busiessa an to make the affair a suc'a ."
cosaiaileaai eea ots eat- Tile track committee, in aF CR1 (eRN
neess 5 ager. rRyeas.s $ =Ken
TIHE U. aofI. DAILY, whose hanila the matter has een
* Ann Abhr., Mieh.plcd can miake it a success only e ,, i -a
EDITORS. with hIearty co-operation. We see I _____________________________
CA. lENisi5Es e '55. 94Maagitg dilr. no valid reason for not expecting i
i. A. St siDL\'( itt. '5, Asi tlitil
I1 L. isir, Lit. i, As ituta. to b he sld in te Waterman gymlnaC
i .w4i,'icssnLaiw lidAsttat. lumtwhichs is the lace were such g +ti
J.lA. iRsai1y.GLit,'lisAiies a ['itts. events musI thencefortlshbe eld ~ r c ec eGsaew~,0 c5,xo raawcaa ~
Wel.1 5 i s, its.9', Aset isis, Wenever it shall behelald, swn are O° L~hi I tlr
si B(,nsasn eow I coifident that all sho can posil I T D ,~ : e. ,nssis'u do so, wiii lendthe aidl of teir ____________________________
pisIlsssc S.iresence at least. In additiosn to - -
A ENwTlati li, An. hs llmnwoiaeablt n n 5
sai V n -ns, tii, l rnsit saea lltyit=i Those who intend ptrhasing this //
Jas-,'i. line shoutlot sait to e called tp - -so saSo
Alt1'sp y mi 51'be tllsIses li oc:to n nn, but souldl volutnteer their sec 4 _4o set of Books mu1stfdo1so within two
nri the d il u l iitii40 sill,
ittaasi ,i sils i n - w'vces at utte.e1We lhave urgedth ~e 11
lisisie' ta s'O t'} i ]tu T"It itesits is se u
ili,'etsiu i+t smay ,vs,niiaTul Ot ~- h Iolding o uh etbecause, fr s~ _s weeks, asthe offer will e with-
lay cleFriafrogi stis',,I, I. a. i'One tiing, nwenwised to see it estab- j
syiseass ttissni dliS p a ishedh as ass annual affair, It oay sw . rwna teed fthttie
hrw tteedo httm. xM w v e rather late to egin arrangenments, ,,. ' zo
ht ae are confident that the pro
r"' ° "°"er interest asdenesh~usiasm will not 5 10
e swanting. Let all take hold atd °a as
MiEET INtio7fte I lsF. staff to- id the itterests of all athletics, - 5
night, 7:30 o'clock. ltsmportant "-_______________________________
bussine. (apt.Kedie, of Nortlssestern's Charles Dudey wareioe seaidl te tm lsesdoewen somauineiv'ssiisgnissisuld eale,
_______ baseall teanm, aled Iiissslen out s toa apal a deein tlbsls ad ae otascoamplsbseteteuatiatn ]'isisistenento
Ticla is for the (lee anti Banjo for practice last week for thee first iseas incosln, teeaeredtresidet, isesnbut5Ia eaes'slahalit ftin ler te.ha ttlaied
cliha enfitto ls AttleicSIO-tne lihe order of work is latting, j iteigbors ies it as a atce.l'tsh5eeare he dsins alas isssads s tii tese itisi, lays
at-tmle rtn and lsnet h se smorel t uaase and brtisaiepoassetalat,ass sheeitee cant e sayaesia of thesen who arae
ciation sholsotd and will, we believe, ecse.gymnsime- mssaiayaadptiysattyietel
c rC7SE.b'sFahse,s,'q aliy yyorr yeas foay heisbatte they masst sae iinte ssorsd's gea aea, whterhe ire
useet swihsa ready sale from lowlot _________________________ tatbe astithenspesfessis o nee noesshooas leeielfaitaasip and hontiesait t b asaore
'- - -- - tisigts Ilsy justly aa its the faiits'cicle, ie say meetacoinsate stssis te iseorsalse atofsttelust
utulSaturday.Nosw tlat resetred msiaidb m' ty y sos' fiesie ast they ilt be out seugglig aseis hwis ld w itsoly their
seats lave eels place] on sale, toe YI tis aasnetone su sta atng rsits'sdslteagy saeissmeas thIls Revsssd Iary-
lniedlln ItSassssha.Thes' is sneeld iss the wrs eathaser menesta physical aeols abs hl
fia ca sucress of thte enterpisetoi ldasa n1t1cavr ts's thrsalast of the sriiasti el l isa r he bsscholarss, toritltiatinofsitolary,thea
financial tay s i tsalesc,sti atyers, a pasiamsla ill .fil scenes aeecaletpOlednu d wshilsotinItiti
shudb n s eiat oue.. 1IhC "tt nallateeI,'oIsttr Itgiss.,tia,i~e yionInl 1titsef. Iofokta,taala tatie oneisse a daaysIts
shutldhe nsres is ~ "~" asay is te bIts,, usl, .sewhichhickill is seessili yue esiththisseelofsitotea, silprcase i. Nut as eeds
intret asaifstsi y ls Crs liasy athelihrar. N ansiascosulit ,a sete oe. Oae. lc iareless a dy, Cue little dpiatinatewill
sae 1 ima,-, ad yauhates a tresures tlat sll ease o b th a Ireasue ad asting eneit
banj clhs lsold nt ga tstr --READ OUR REMARKABLE PROPOSITION:
ssaaer adaovealdIt bsealdorrd AiaPophteveseittoallL theiloesstoyi, tesesseassebalstlssea w,,oeea
tean shsiosusd e aided to Itake as theremainlg $ etehalpad as lbs ae f 10 rssne n so lbs reited otesly). A bestitust litas
saings bakilt beselsih he bosab, to wichthIecdiee sesybhsdepaild eahdies, hia edilbee is
eastern trillthat will redostttslto J Ish Is iststem lf, fec iad amee- ptinted Ceases tes, laetyeson afise 1etta upa a sssetylaedi s~ytsil ae
reere hc ith ilepeoercease wmttttsttl-syeeese, eieseeitsmiud tat le etie ~Itoslmesese sedelieed
idlihgalis credit, Let this consul- te susddese, lite all carseespaitsay pr te nitiedSt baes.
eration le placetd before all tthers iahbl e emedy in existence fo Title i a spaithaoffecmaeoln ly to the al nadof frli '. saM. Ilsis s ail ei-
antI seefeel eture there sill le no preitentinc, indigeti n ld re- iliCutsltis a limit d lSen tussWulyI' SS
needl to tdeplore a lack of proper Bllseseeanateger a r'sitsl1-s'or'NFsuei es..
spirit anmong the student body. lieving those diseases arising
I3 ISEBAE. ratic oudorsweftoms a disodered stomach.
are gla to la, soih no loger be Dr. WV. 'W. Gardner, Spigfeld, l~iirtuuiisa, a555 i~tle 1t5ilil, liiiel/llI' 55il/s 5/sue l)iiuss ,/riusga .lu, lies us/its/s
unnecessarily obstructead by thee re- Mass,,says:"It vlee it as us eellet I etilusr iOuelts oul', sit)ld'f'/Iho 5511 l(,Is "t's, i l lstuba ii tutu(remuilyii11I/
cently hulcinder swalk an it swill prxentatie iioidgf in slaiisat Sht uou/ls uh /issuul/iii 5,uii s~ uil
be "leveled so as to beSit of the aidulatedt ulWhilesweserepladstheyadiiset"il""iths
ay" $il eeaewldah ad tsae, sellseetnened"
lug committee has takelethils action, Ports-if .................._.
se must yet view the actiona as tuore
of a conmpromise than a definite set- Dsesiptis'e pusesileit free ass appelisaion t
dement. Granting that the swalk Beumar o SustimueandarImitatidenss.a. Sluuls.
can be so disposed as not to inter- ctsestSalltsadlsietss.
fre with baseball practice, yt it For Sale by all Druggists PALACE + BARBER .t SHOP w iCATARRH HAVE YOU GOT ITl?--
will be abolutely imposible to play A Rdoohmtessn. . . OWVEN , L1 Itto s a ee ue T'sryis and bh on i'nece.
AMES WV.GOODIIEW, Flanest.,Grwer of And 'th t11 isl as(1tereuses's it.Set by mal tosahei
fotalon these cinders next fall. Roisies, cratisns and Flower ef all vai- NO 4 East Herron St.. Oppie nil t lSIadc' ne ssetc S~NI oii
We agee prfecly sithsa reont ty. Fisal desin nutde uponisherssete. Huese Hst Cldat est oaSll aath. Per-123CdOeket.SI, 'hicago", IIlinoius.iend osriCicsis;
We agee prfecty wih arcentN. 1tOlisratvyeltreet, else, seemetery Cgat, slantub sb, acl