THE U. OF M. DAILY. ______ E c cl ic ilcrccIelTc I,4Jc nN lEE.OUFTES o 'IL~L C 1 LINuE z, M\-OOI)EJ & wjEoi9z NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortmntt of UINIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second handI, and all 1iii of STUTI)ENTS SUPPLIES, wNhich they offer at tihe Lowest Prices. 'IE USUAL. hiSCO i TS GIVEN Ti)SITDNTS. ICOiNI) AN\D I)( IE C dIii illR) AI INti .1 G.ALERZ s SJIG-hI A§V=E1D 3TT TH E SW E fT YZETRS. JAY C. TAYLOR, o "1fQE1R THE VOICE VOSCAL STUDIO, .1S. MAIN ST. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. In concnectioni: Fine Showrer Bathis. nrewcpar- ckr:am tubs. 0 baths for hi5.0.bLdies' Hai Lesn aro ptis J. It. ' cOJANowSc, 05E. Washington St. flATRONIZil OWEN'S BARBER SHOP, 1" No.14 East Hioron Street Brillianot Bnrner Lccccp. miliPorccelain Nickel lated Miller Lamp, No. 2,centoter 'Shade, 65c."clraft,$l.5 Nicklel Plated Royal1 JLampi, Err. 0, cernier Nickel Plate Riochester Larmp, Nor. ., center dealt, tt. cdraft,$2.25. Nicel Plarred Yale Lamp, Nor. 1,.ceterer Nickel PlatedGermn SturderntLarmp, Em- drast, $H. ). Drers, $2.73. Nicktkrl lord,.ale Lampi, No. 2,, center Nickel PlatedI (Germean Student Lasmp, Per- dealt, $1.501. Iccllon $:3.00. Nickel Plated Jeino Lampni, No. 2,, tenter Nickel Plated GeeanrrsStusdent Larmp, Peirn- rraft, $1.75.,ee P.5 Harn drmp., Brerccl Lamp,, Librrary On.mprs, ilarreelLarmpls, Piano Larmps. Nie slis anddarllowe'rpricesathaa last sa ore Ex an erurtokhbetot~reaia, and saeeronrey. 44south Main Street. DEAN & COMPANY. Ann Arbor, Mich. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Thest enior lit clasa is to have a glee club. V. D. Brozoooky, medic '94,5was married recently. 13. 11. Kroeze, lit '94, has1a posi- lion swith ,\loore & Wetmore. Trhe Pacific coast club court meets cvery Saturday at to orcloek a. m. Librarian Davis gave the first lee ture in Bibliography this afternoon. Earl D. Babst, lit '93, is hack in college, taking swork in the law de- partment. Thos. 11I. Keibride, lit '93, is prin- cipal of the Stewart school, Slpcing. field,Ill. F'. 1. Smith, '93 lit, is coachiiig tihe V. M. C. A. football teatm at Muskegon, Micts. Larry Guthrie, lit '96 baseball raptain, will not te in school until tCif seconrd semlester. Tiue Iroi.iea laws met jucst after thle lecturer \\ecinesday, to transact s'5ceiporta~nt business. Lyman Grundy, law '93, is a memcber of the lawefirmi of Potts & Grundy, at Taylorvitle, Ill. 'he -Michigan Woman's Chris- tian Association nmeet in their ninths ancal convention at Ionia, Oct. 20-21. The reception for tieLt utheran tudents given by T1rinity church on ,Friday evening, will be held at the residence of Dr. Brown, 83 E. lHe- ron street. All are welcome. Mirr. and M\rs. Ross Granger will nmembers of the D. A. C. leans and give a reception to their advanced it is expected that not a fese of the class in dancing Truesday evensing, } students here will take advantage of October 24th. this opportunity to see a swell ptayed All persons desiring to try for po- game of cricket. sitions on thne '95 law football team ---- -- will please hand thseir nanmes to 'Xfr. INTER-COLLEGIATE. L.1. Evans, manager.t Cornell has 512 free scholarships, Miss Ella Rice, lit '96, has ac- wehich aggregate $150,000. cepted a position in te Elkhart, Vassar College opened swith an Indiana, High School, and will not enrollnment of 450 students. return to college tis year. Thte Hon. Frederick Douglass, the A. A. Stagg will not play with the eminent colored statesman, will de- Chicago University leans this year. .liver the first lecture of the Students' The under-graduate qutestion has Lectutre Association, Oct. 19. not yet been settled by te Inter- The fall tennis tournament will Collegiate Association. At the probably take place next week. The nmeeting last Friday no settlenment contest in the ad class promises to seas made, the vote being a tie. be close and exciting as the entries The Manhatten Chless club of sill be numerous and the contest. Cornell, has invited Prlinceton~, Co. ants evenlyruatchedl. lumbia, tHarvard and Vale to play Al the banjo cluib examnlationthle second annual intercollegiate last evening, ltre-weere about twen- tournamnit at thleir club house dur- ty applicants for the sevetn vacan- ig the Christmas holidays. cies. The cluwillvi be larger Itlare, 'Ten graduate scholarships, of the in fortmer years, including fourteen annual value of three hundred dol- instruments, fist banjos, tlhree ban- tars, atid five graduate fellowvshsips jorines, tweonmandolins, and four yielding five hundred dollars per guitars. T1his year's trip cvi lrob- year, cwere recently established by ably be taken during the Christmas tile board of trustees of Cornell iini- vacation instead of in tile spring, as versity. formerly. '1This ear ethe emsaageet eefthre W .I }U I * he Tccilcer, is cilr cc on W lcc roc.- ~ his ipersonalccceieeI ni i hccsinccs.rcca ie eabedro sereis corccs ina es tl fcc i rc e lass mnr. Williamcc so., firest doorcceiior SatecEt.. copp. Lcccc ibuildincg. ._.Lj, IefE OT '0 =S Vellwcccandcitlcre tnscc. L.eof1-1.SFlarg Plc. inse Pepaciriccri=cDone. WM.~ ARNOLD, Jeweler. FLOWERi~S) F+ OWV 5 ;?26 S. (ie e. c CM SIHLri1s4 Telephann01 5. r r .1aal, ccc ~. cccplc ccccccI P-()fit Icsarnercilchankinl.bucsintes. Pays inter- etocr Ociegs lDrpesits. Ilas Saele Dletpoit BReestee rent. It. KEMNPS'. Ices. F. H. REF7SE, Cashiier. Blank oleaSatuae v ening. 5TA ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS wile aee writl- ing is pap a little mere thn tie price chelifr0teorecdinareptrade Crgarelies, iiknd THIS BRAND superior terllelkeic. The Richmond Straight Cut Not I CLGARF.TT "IE aite made tram the hrightest,neoeltcielicate in filaeor, ad highet cost GOLD LEAF BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, indcobelrvr ric er 1cnaile oflite analcu~rlers a belowt is on every paockage. ON K &C MR~r11aCOf The Leading -o .+,TAI LOR Any member of unieersity hater. ested in cricket will have the oppor- tunity to see a game in lDetroit nlext Weednesday and Thursday between the 1). A. C. and the Australian teans. Several U. of ln. nmen are Vale Alunmni Weekly will be distinct Hci, ihc irer.1 Pal and Wiccltr 'cc neccid from that of thce Vale Ness on ac- largc %1Mck~ ins Ihe cc ity INi caet icr count of thee increasing sire of both papers, but the twco will continue C(IMI. iA1D ShE L ±. under thle sup~ervision of one boarid, as before. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.