THE U. OF M. DAILY. ' A 25 CENT TOOTH BRUSH lioatybnody who tasi ght from i a25 cent isti ii iibr us t ihshles its bristies. [THIS IS A STANDING OFFLER Calkins' Pharmacy ammuffavWxImm- rte.. . sr ~ G Y 1 M N At the OLJ FIT E A A f«1tt 'tine of $3.00 and $4.00 HATS in tie latest Spinsg Shap es. Thie Finest Line of Neckwear ini the Cite. 8E0-W:D1S8 & JSV4A WWBJR"'SON s ®® MOORS $z aWEWJOIRE, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER NEN' AND) S]CONO) IIA 1). NOTI-JtOK~S A SPIACIAJJIY. A ,Fn Arbor Savings Ban z i o. 'sit sissies ins sei4es ifs-_- ,n ie it s's 'o<;(is's, tis1nisis issuf wli r si t E' Lue isi e i tis deosiets t arns C t is-f .Fe cis i ithists-s iisti- tis-i i ssest it=o 0ert f sy s1 /55' tC f . 'sissu tises tis. tfif's"ttiss'i t r i ttcr £ 9 t ist-t- it sisieo t, bisis s o is . i~rt' i), o < i oi t L Cs'. tines i {, S e Pr--.; Ctris, . isc k, Cii I(1s8 bees i 9?it born's elsh i. Fi tz i,"tss.i shre tis ff i5505 fti'bftts THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS z-'i,stfIi'otiifsl/. PRINTING and-; - -,+PURBLIc T1I 'fl41 South Main street. c. Ann Arbor, M Student Work a Specialty. UNIVERSITY N( TensArtistic HirdressigsPari.s T'ie fisal examinatifo p ' rirsis [s issis, rssisississ fI c te wstsgivess today. is: l CIt 3 i itcrsi tP. o:t tboard iill di ...ri tii 5 is'5iiie tst.heir usuialmeeeting tooT "Yrou "ec itas Isaw jt," l rof. Taylor has gon tsetshissbrother, woo ts. ich.(flthas cnset sidseat theiiinter-collef ~'////,) /1's's-- --'I'te Senior laws will nextseek in the last in"Eideince." A sertion of the Wor will be entertained at ,ppTENTEO hoise thsis evening. 5,93. sO 28,53. f IsoA write-up)of .'1'ii 1 staffiilwill be lpublis-hed i ____________________ C ~yi' i srl l f j Te work done in P. Co)HOTORET4 MasterIece co sl 141, f is eingrevsedforpolb D s)loso A OF M. FLAGS. (isre ss s is/sitslss/fstd. s -" lii 1. (li tus 5 iioiifo seits - -~ teetisis Sisse , eli eildin ,Sols c d yssls l, I &s ("o.g orseeh in si. Pice, i,$ .0 Wi'ti snet iii prete msadie oiil . W1 - AR l NOLI). is seyks-. ich. DEAN & COMPANY. FLO?,1Z S, f OW fS OTES. Yaes baseball c-anidates will be HQ,1 F IIlrists. 20potniC1 15o Ini aulstaken to the training taisle suitsthswek tl Thse S. L. A. boairdl oeet text wle~ Otseek to make arrangements for she iliii.siss.iiSi'lii'isl 5,ui. norrow. Does i < s i-ne ni itsn n siet lSs.Pay s itie- annual elecions. Pres. Angell still Cstot«si ',ieseosits. hias Safsety so to AlbionDeslitBxs hios'-.ent presitde. It.ICIuiPF, 'res. F'. I. Ii iEfiica~sier. is tens i1l. ibankiten iithsisist s-ev'eniSC. used to ire- I cathln'r1isgvg laedbt.illustrated lectures isnIoswa on thse 1 be qtuizzedl "White City,'" showing its comsical V fefeirsaspects. u = Alpha Noustill nmeet its Rootus 4, ~ - sa'tegietomorrow, at S p).us. A new con-j~(j9 P~A G~ the Sorosis elted. nwil eadopted and officers TA letedl AE THEBEST. nts idis Es-Senator Ingalls still lie eter- CIGARETTE SMOKERS 's-ioartie'li- l). I~v nd is In to a issue nosee ti te price n the D~etroit tamed by the Sigmsa Phst fraternity, cared for lie orinaytradl eigarCiettes, of whichs he is a nmenmber, while in iiiiiniiTiHIS BRAND suipersistoalloheis. roIesysthe city. The Richmond Straight Cut No, 1 'rf.leses Thse first twvo reports in Prof. (310-. 'T ast semester, tHemsil's class in Etnglish Literature see mside from use brightiesi mosstsdetieste pin flavr n hig ishsestcsnt GOLD LEiF 'lication. wfll be read btefore the class nest geownen ii'SiCrsisi. 'y clb tilif l'lsrsdaBEWARE OF IMITATIONS. and obseree Y. tit te s meoits, hiiue imisifatres s but wtill nmeet N\liss Anna M. Gilbert, of tfamil- ibeost is on every packaige. y evening. tots, Ohilo, arrivred Tthursday to take r G aT1C,,I4ACC5 tl'0 okout for a special wtork in elocution uoder >t 'O RANCHt, 1tCM0ND%)1PtAN1A ihating the Prof. Trueblood. ected on the Dr. Amen is trying to consolidate TAKE NOTICE: his two classes in American history nceton's lit- in order to give thint time to carry - 's the trans- Mr. Dow's work. i11h notes by Thse Glee Club is practicing a nestw 'e' ,ei.tu',iissl/ lsss ebruary num- song "To Arms" by Dudley Buck, I alli'siaisdttwill sell t/heiis it s e- -for the Athletic Association benefit, diendp,;tic cox the ('O0tis ti2 s ott.. 00o the life lo be given March 17 . 'ton fryingy," Adams, Clark, Dean, Friedman G R !. I L- the American and Messic, senior laws, all passed _N14)3, y Mr. IX'. S. their examinations for admission to the"Ohio bar at Columbus, today. W sngon t. The Leading Tailor. the Photioieta ins 150 eisi,(e;i F-IRST A ION'AL IBAN1K OF ANN ARBiORt. Capit' al o. - Surnpus'anil Prois3000. frannacls a general bankingl~siies. iF'tr- birmePoxehaege boughi nsodt. 5Letters af -'