THE UT. OF M. DAILY. s IMF THE CHEQUAMAEGO1' ORCHESTRA. L.EW H. CLEMENT, 5i SO. MAIN ST. Diretor and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EASTIIION SlTOEE'T. Good Work Goo-ranteed. Goodo rolled for Fsod delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. J AllEd W. 5GOODHEW, Florist. Grower of Rlosrs, Carnatiosn d Flowers of nil vari- ety. Floral designs made uone short notice. No. I Obervatovy street, 0pp.cermetery gate. 2z T~earas t.the suiess. ~'."' CITY LAUNDRY, M..IM. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AV~flG$ BAflK+ ('or. Main and Wabington Sreets. A. L.. Nonve, Free. RoBneooPHI ,IA ,o,5'h'e. CROWN PEN Cs. "FOaNTAIN AND GOLD M RDEANIE WARDAFTHER MCONCEOXTOpMAK cOD'SFoR AND SELL PE 0 UNMIERYHALAN IAGO II ee . ioig 2:15 -8p. m. ('Adncedlass foLa-his dirivat e n1t5mbyaleoIme~. i 2' E CZ ERA 'D CHRISTY - ENGLISH HAT D_ A. TINKER'S, No. 9 South Main street, (Store recently occupied Iby Twlo Solos. II THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHIC AGO, 10 Waash Ave., 13. F. CLARK. Ver gil, .Zen 1:203. dSS0FPosiionsI.FillId. 98a Positions 111Villii1 93. SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. 1 ,N l New Yo~rk, Los Anlgel's, Tolrutoo.Lr, s. U. OF M. CALENDAR. studento, including a large number of ladies, are compelled to wade 1i., Iarels .-HoI. Jolhn 2. logallo. S. L. - hogIu n ae nl ep course. ..H thogmu anwaeanlslc, Sat. Ma. lo-Pu is'Reital, Friece Meumo- several times a day to got to and ial hall, '1. 10. from recitations, the only alternative Sai_. Mir. 10--Art Rlecits.lallndr lauspices.of being to take a circuitous route iloatocl ae.ociatioll, l'eeoMeioorial hall 8pin. around the front of the lay build- Sill., Mar. .811111ophomolre social1at Newbleery log. ball. Hven worse than this is the coo- Su.9111. o.1I--P'rof .NVi. S.FPery. u 1'c il'l' dition of the Ingalls street entac in 9:5 .0., i0 NeI'l re l' ol. ta c Mon~,, Marell 1::.-unity '111. Elie o'n1es which in reality is no entrance at C.ooley's lecturee. Sabllel'11 "Six 91on1t1,, all, being iierety a path through ravel in Ita~ly." lol,muddy grolund, between the old Mon11.'ev., Mare. 12.-Prof.. MOCintIIoiI. 00 hoiieopathic hospital adl the dental "Macethli, or 1the'Natuealillstory 11f a1Sill," blefore Ilan~d Leagn3e. building. i atlee ., Mar. I7.-Glete and B anjo. clibs' Iben- It seems ilnaccountable svhy the 1 iOi lieor theAth~letic assoition111. university aulthorities should Ihave ___ .0\, 'I ii 90ousany goodl entrances Track Athletics at Yale. frv111 iigo vr te Traier urph exectsto aveside if the camtus and should have TranerMurhy xpets o Iavoso long neglected the demantds of the Yale track men Giltidoors soon those on the north side. after Elaster. Is addition to all o1 194 lii. last year's teams, there are eighty --"- newv canditdates. 'rhe sprin~ters and Harvard's baseball candidates hulrdlers have been at svork on tile took their first practice outdoors gymlnasium track, the distanit run- uesdlay. ()siiig to the soft grounid ners slid bicyclists have done sonic the work was confined to batting. outdcoor work, hot the fielid events 'hue numnber of 1110n wili he eiit are as yet ulntoulchedh. downin i a fewc days. - . - -H istory Classes. Harvard Yale Centference. -- STAR STEAM LAUNDRY BOWDISH' & HOUSE. Propreor. Officio] Photographers .F TOWIT STUDENTS' WOIEK A SP'E- (I1ALLY. caRY F l Ss liv LOADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 11111 SHORTHAND lagiilell biOlding llllslsl iorivor1l; weli llsupplid ein~llgroom diiietueweel 11iir ay eoclinlg rcepi.ons; ol11o11hli.'etiiieyea ex0111'lV o 5V15.; pewekIpivate raoiliesn LAce :Vew iaaloaii, adressn P. R. CLEARY, Pos. ~THE COLUMBIA SStandard Bicycle Sof tblio World, S IIxil I111 i II .l e trcy le e t lllllee',iinl . Hc 1111111 r tr 11, illzci It ii he liii 11111 ut :d Bos~c town-, SNGWd York, I 1 1111111Intl1 tfio1 a nn rol(4 f ~)a a tIn Ha ls Sf0 tile p Mfg.lllspayof.Cii artin Hlr'asowsvrid. t.illS angiiil frisi $1.25to!6.o anu d(on ic 01 thelatest Brussels lace Ne priceefrpiii$10m00tong$s .00. a ol(I . tMartin Hlalier's. Seevhellsaplueddle of nehpa- ters ndsuapaniesvelapstrmtiegsfor Allnewtlire civeigo f lyo urwis tainyspboasngiigoneTilcop me a yn omanoestm atetWoruisedoneaby expriced wrn omentnd grass-o teed.novltaiesl'iesil respectfully Martin laller.. as j 6CH IGAN CENT- Timoe 1TabIc 1evsxdI Nov.19[18013, N EAS~. 0 W1EV ifT. At~lantc Eprss.8 1l I l11Ex...55 Fast E s'i xp. , . .Limlitedl.. .10:35i a t.FatWe-'ll Exp1551. Ml and ollFoil 0 19 Is .. 5.&Ksi. Spll. G08 N. Y.& os.I pl .5 08 Chi.N. Expres... 81 N. S. Liiecd 111 10 acific'Expes...101:3 O. W. RNG0I iES, H. W. HAYES, C. F. & T. Ast.,Chiclo.Ant., Ann Arbior. K IICETH M9cHI GAN 0- Tiwe Tablie takin~g ceet Sundaly, Nov. .5, 180. Traios lueMAnInArbolr by Cenlelli Standailrd 'iml~e. N0000. SOUTHr5. l:1in. m. *7:i5a. 0m. 4:15 p. m. 9:00p. InI, *Trains ruin between Ann Arbor an1111,'oledol only. All trainsvdailv exceplt Sunlday. R. S. GRIEENWOOD, Agenlt, Annl Arblor. W. H. GONETii G. P.A. Toledo. ANN ARBOR ~TRAJM IUNDVY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISS, - Alaniager. i12 EEet.Wshiogtontro 'lhe nmeetinlg of the Hiarvard asdH istory. 'The sections will mleet Pale basveball represeistatives at next xeek at tile regular hlour. Springfield oii 'Monday lastedl bull . l 1. \. .si 011 houlr and xvas very satisfactory to jTn-Wit;1 Contributors Attention. each side. Soiscmnportant changes- weredecdedupo andwil be1 Al contributions for 'to-Wit. mlust be handed ini during the lpre- aidopted soon. (inder the nesw rules, sent sweck as the copy is to lie tile power of the umipire xiii be turnued over iio the printer in a fesv somlewvhat restricted. Hereafter he days. wiii be unable to orider a player Ci-ivs. A ljcxiso'v, from the field. 1lio nCif 'The pitcher's box will be moved Press Banquet Committees. four feet further halck than it has-- hitherto been. This xiii briiig thse 'Pie committees from the various rear of the hox sixty feet froml the Uiversity editorial boards xwiil plate--larvarll Crimson. nicet Saturday afternoon at o'clock in Room 2j Committees will be announced and toastmaster will be COMMUNICATION. elected. l;. J. t)'i"r ',vv, A conmmiittee of the Board of Con- r -I4 harmn trol of Athletics has been appointed BUSNES LOALE to confer with the auditing commit- -SINSSLOCLS tee of the hoard of Regents to so- For reduceed rate tickets to Ohio, cure the removal of the cinider walk Weot Vai. land Old Va. points apply to between the gymnasium and the It.S. Green~wood, Ticket Agt., Toledo niedical building. A great boon Annl Arbor , North Mich. g"Have you beeii to Ilazewooods Bil - would he conferred upon a large hard 111l11yet. Nosy cses iiid every- body of students living north of the thing nice. State street. campus if thlese cinders were relaid Soniors ini all departmelits asre enti- between the north wing of the main tied to seni or rates on photographic vokaRadl's. building and the Thayer street en- wr tRnalMkinitoshes at bottom prices. The trance to the campus, running alon g1JVT1Jacobs Cii. the cast side of the law building. For ine siiaps, tooth brusiles acid ci- As it is noxv, several hundred gasrs, go to the 13). & M. Drugstore.