THE U. OF M. DAILY. ZC.of 'tT ent Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College ar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price Ei2.a per year, invariably in advance Single copies 3cents. Subscrip- tons may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stoliet's, with any of the editors or authoried soliitr. 4ommsniatios should reach the office by 7 o'clock P.o. if they are to appear the next lay. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- tess Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY. Ann Arbor.Mieh. EDITORS. C. A. DEisou, Law '94, Managing Editor. I. A. SPALi\ia, Lit. '94, Assistant. J. L. Ltr, Lit, i.95, Asitat. P. WAiTi, Law l'4 t-stat. J. A. liroY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor. S. W. CUiTIss, P. G. Lit., Business Manager. Wa. A. Moa, lit. '9, Assistant. LTRARm Y. cw. H.1 . OlonO . . P. al. ' . 3d.. . Astin.'3>,15.D[A . k . P. Sl t , "' 1 ii tll t Fl'. Lyl 1Eliii. EL tG. tnindalr ' . 9Ancors Sily,7. I. D.II iloblol'te _____ I'ttipe. . (it0ril Al'11. All copy imoLttoeiat the ofice befrev 1(1 a. to af tie day at pulicailtio. WE, are making a careful exam- ination of both oides of the condi- tion question and hope to give out1 the results of our investigations very aoon. We are convinced that the reports tn all tie papers have been exaggerated and tiat the faculty has b'en put in a false light. 'ii G tiidetnts wil enjoy te rare opportutnity tonight of hearing a man who is ionsideret one of the foremost orators of the tines.]r. I Egallsm ade a sidereplation for iniself. as a member of the Senate. Hle has chosen for his subject a questionswhich as given a careftl study and consideration. Tellitt v .Yheartily endorses Ie sentiments containedvin the coniu- nication in another column. If there is any one thing that is needed it ia certainly a alk at the places indi- cated. Why is it that the students on the north side of the campu are required to ade througts mud or take a circuitous route to get to the various college buildings? The at- tention of the Regents should e called to this matter at their next meeting, anti we have no doubt ut that their action would result in the building of the alks in the places indicated. s Northwestern Contest. Elmer I. Goshen, of Farmington, Ill., won the fourth annual contest of the Northsdestern branch of the Northern 'Oratorical leage, which was held in the First Methodist church last Friday evening. Second ~ place was awarded to J. Mark Eric. son, of Ridgefield, Conn. By virtue of this victory, Mr. Goshen be- comes Northwestern 's representative f1/~rf in the contest to be held at Madi- son, WiS., May 4, among Oberlin, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Chicago and Northwestern universities. Mr. Ericson will act as alternate. Owing to a lack of proper instruc- tions, the judges at first computed their marks on the percentage sys- tem, instead of considering rank ~ first, and referring to the percent- ages only in case of a tie. By the HUSBAND-"My dear, our boy Robert graduates from the public schools percentage plan Elmer I. Goshen very soon, you know. Have you thought what he had best do then?" t received first place and W. Foster .I WIFE-"Well John, I'd like ever so much to send him to college if you Burns second. But by computino think we could afford it." HUsBAND-"I'm afraid that is out of the question, my dear. Do you the ranks, Elmer I. Goshen and J. know it would cost at the very least $800 a year for him at any good college?" Mark Ericson were found to be a tie WIFE-"Goodness, as much as that? Of course we can't send him. for first place, and Mr. Goshen, But I do want to give him a good start in the world, and I don't think a having the highest percentage, was public school education is enough to equip him for the battle of life." a e s . , HUSBAND-"No, it is not to-day, when education is so general. Now, awaroed the coveted position. T'his I've been set a thinking by an advertisement I saw in our paper the other decision gave Mr. Ericson second day and that is why I brought up the subject to-night. I was reading about place. It was this misunderstanding the Revised Encyclopedia Britannica to-day, and its really a great thing. concerning the plan of marking that With these books in the house, Robert will have information upon every gave rise to the various reports that possible subject, and it is the most reliable information in the world,e What- ever his natural bent is he can find proper development for it in this ency- clopedia, whether its the law, mechanics, engineering, literature or any of the week as to the final decision of the arts and sciences. Besides, there he will find the life stories of all the the judges.-The Northwestern. great men of the past and he will know of their efforts, their struggles and Yesterday's Chicago Tribune, their successes, and he may have a better and more serious view of life. however says: "The students have These books have in them all the instruction he can get in a college ed- takevr sayst"The ittes hv ucation. Honestly, our paper has given us a great opportunity. Now, my taken thte matter into their own dear, what do you think of my scheme?" hands for settlement and the College WIFE-"Its just splendid John; but what will the books cost'?' association has called a mass-meet- HUSBAND-'Why, that's the most surprising thing of all. We can get ing of students to be held at noon them for only ten cents a day, just think of it . Here is the offer." in the college chapel to finally selectEE the man." ON RECEIPT OF ONE DOLLRR The New York World is publish- we will forward to you, charges prepaid, the entire set of 20 volumes, the ing a series of articles on American remaining $9.00 to be paid at the rate of 10 cents a day (to be remitted universities. monthly). -A beautiful dime savings bank will be sent with the books, in which a dime may be deposited each day. This edition is printed from new, large type on a fine quality of paper, and is strongly bound in heavy manilla ® o paper covers, which with proper care will last for years. Bear in mind that the entire 20 volumes are delivered to your address, with all charges paid to any part of the United States. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the most effective and agree- able remedy in existence for preventing indigestion, and re- lieving those diseases arising from a disordered stomach. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent preventative of indigestion, and a pleasant acidulated drink when properly diluted with water, and sweetened." Descriptive pamphlet free on application to Rumford ChemicaltWorks, Providenee,R.I. Beware of Substitutes and Imitations. For Sale by all Druggists. ThI 0 is a special offer made only to the readers of Tl U. oU. M. DAI t.and will re- main open for a limited time only Cit this Ost anI Sini nto . '. UR'TISS, Business Manager or ' : 1. OF '1 DAILY. 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