THE U. OF M. DAILY. =n A 25 CENT T BTOOTH BRUSH : t tnybodV who has boought fbow ooU at25 cent tooth brubh whiththbtds its rsls THIS IS A STANDING OTTER. Calkins' Pharmacy . , \ ul to I i s ING i l AN At the OIJTFITTEltS one of $3.00 and $4.00 MATS an hela tst SjprtngShopes. ThIdliest Line of Neektsvear in tne (ity. am 4 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXTBOOS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER -NoTE''-A(14JKS x SPE il. NEM' AND)SEiiONI) IHANI). .m.. on, r.Mih. b'ttO00Sri0 to0. ,K)0000 F of -, to S It.; to. it'to o deotitst, ton"- ottot totted Oitotwn til to ttinitttt citio t he -tC Jooooooo - b -o.t o o .it\olO ;tt0 tciteld. BEWARE SF tn 0' t1010:,1 riian(l StedlCo., of Apollo, lot. [le lro-shoooettll ldltetelet soat te boloutOn ni s o tO 10ctkae. M1r. Ptorland's class .its classical foonitop class tmeetinog woillott etotpt i THEA t tfBAconC Ol~l pos i sotl-logtle ~roslo-pass a resolutilon reoving sall H~RANICEI Rto. anD1n~tA litr.ahore' oflthe sixteentho centutry. otfficers woso ntot attetnd tite regot- o o 0000 I0N inehy -foutr fits will notet Sat- lar fresitnahaoouet. As tihe frater-q R 0WP MET" 0R E. tlay toornting at to'o to arrange toity banoqoet occutrs thte samte even- TA.K NOTI4 6L for a doass social atod to transact ing, this would nmean tisat fraternity tI[Th"It L" AIIO 11 L13 Oz f 4 other business. mnomnust go. tn OoF Ai.0Williarot Mc~auchtlatn, witho Ilr. Dlov, whto is sitck withtytphloid 11-c000 I (:00 '5'oooitIntt. < apt ,1tOOttl. ttlto.'tO':11 1olttslctO.0000 the University otinstrels last year, fever, will 1probably not uteet Itis l Ern/o ot0010 htol .Ooi ei0nntot it.°- -toot' kt-ttolit tti ttold + ofi on the road for Andrews t' Co., classes for several weteks. D~r. /i,' ijt;'.(tCo eoo/ t ot00 oneitlo~ottotfttitoo~ttntt ~ pigt iron dealers, ofCiag. Anmes will lake chtarge te classes otA tt> ;tto't iO'ttin-N CA.NttE At the S. C. A. moeeting last es-en- inO American Colonial history, and i " ~ f'r 9 r" ,nily tootol."o_-iitt otoMapletn -tt n 0-to wk0''ng Mr. MJett.road ato expression of Mr. lDixon, of the tolitical 1.con- z Jm W/ tlt taot~o l solooittottn tt -so cit des'appreciation of Mbr. Mtanny'ts ser- omy department, will have charge tt001 t.,itO ot n 1 ttoo. )C. N.