THE U. OF M. DAILY. e THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. tEN H.CLEMENT, ,11 SO. MAWSiT. s reetor and Man tor EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good W ok Gooranteed. Goods called for and deliveed. A. F. COVERT, Prop. ARE NildV. GOODHIEW, Florist. Grower of Ewses, Carnations and Flowers of all vari- ety. Floral designs mode wpoos short notice. No. 1 Observatovy street, op. cernetery gote. 22 Years it= the lBusisess.sgz'o-- CITY LAUNDRY, M. MI. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AvL12G BAI2K+ Cor. Main and Ws-.ahisgson Strees. A. L.. NussLe. lees. ROBERssHILPeSe, Cash'r. 1sss -1% -55snasGL ARDEDANIE WAR TFOTHER 46OSLD'Se Stree dANIe-,and5ELSARTEs 46 t S pSo State Stdeet.lo MONDSIAY-S. o. Adva-o lssf ortLa- SAtTU RDAY-10ia. om. tGsntlemsen-'s slosiiag 1 o. m. Ladies' daocingsclo.. 2:30 ipsa. Childresanosiog closs. 8 i. . Privatseadvanmedlsclass. Privatse lessons by apspointment. i T'SR C TZ R'Z-Z CHRISTY - ENGLISH - HAT NsOW ON SOLE AT 0. A. TINKER'S, No. 9 South Main street, Stossre s-sly oeopie d by Too Soros. r I. = t THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO,.d104Hi WVbasliAve., 1B. F. CLARK. 1 5i.s si. 1:20. 4,84110Positions Filiss 1085 positilons illed il st1 HolsSEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. Qr AGENR3CIES: Notn .feoew York, Loss Angeles, Torotso. ' N TT f Ii Sir ogihcopEro U. OF M. CALENDAR. A REMARKABLE OFFER. Tlirs.Ev'e., Mar. 8.-Lece ouslTlo-Yiol in,, The Revised Encyclopedia Britan- Prof Stnle. frezeMemrialliai.nica tor a Dime a Day. Fri.,.Alses-h .-Hoik. Johln JA Ingalls.. &.L. A" It requires no extravagant Ian- Sat., :,ar. 1.-lopil. lies-tal, Feiee Meme- guage to emphsize the offer which Hllhlll, 2p.,si..sve make to-day to oor reatlers in Sos.. Msss. ill-Art Rtecital, undlersasolseres of connection swith the greatest edsisa- Oleosul Ossoeiasio,Friee Memosil 11111 tionlal enterprise of the age. This satl Mtae. 10. ossisI eassoc sil at Ness ser offer stands swithout parallel and is ball. an opportunity otter before pme- Sun.. Sliac. ll--lPel. IV. E. iPeer, oas Telis- seintedanaysvhere. isn. 9:15 a. s., in Newsbeseryhheil. As annouinced 013 anollier page, i o MMo ote'larchlii-lsiiiy Clob. Elsie Josse Issoleys lecture. Sobject:'.ixssMontis' cents a day, for a very shsort pleriod, Teasel in Italy." will enable our readers to acquire a Sos.eve., Mist. 1.Glies assd Banj lbs'l lien- consplete set of that greatest of all eili"il ie sAsislesie assis-iasios. Reference Libraries, l teRe oisI INTERCOLLEGIATE. Ec,~ EI IIANC.Ti wor.iseyond question one of the Pale adopted her new athletic gran(s :mIonunments of scholarly research andil patient endeavor ins rlules recently by a vote of 49610o 03. the whole realm of literature. IL-ong of thse loston league teaml The first edition of this conupre- swill coach thLse high hasebail can- hensive svork svas. published more didates. than a century ago, and the last or ninth edition was issued aboit fif- An efor isheig osde n Iis-teen years ago. In tlas revised cdi- eollsin Unieersity to organize acrosy-lioni the liritafilica has beeniconl- log cresv in the junior lawv class. (densed, revised andI added to sviths Thle Iprofessors of 1"ale have is- the intention of adapting it espe- stied no less than eight hooks during cially to the ineeds of Anmerican thse last six months, and hsalf a dozen raes n ttesm iebig leg it within reacs of the paurses of more are 1inlpress. miany who cold not plossibly obtain Thse Uiversitv of Pennsylvania the original wvork. has nanmedl its nosy athletic grosinds In the process of condtensation, tranklin Fieltd. Tse grand stand superfluossmatter has heels takens ' ~~~~~~~otncut in oriler to make roomaifssr a Isa a eatng a~3cit offlus. large anmount of matter not to he Wesleyan hs arrangell for seven- foundl in the English edition, (deal- teen baseball gamses, ten of svlich log sith saost impsortant Amuerican svill be played th le homoe grounds, affairs. This Encyclopedia, svhicha alewil beplaed n Aril19 ndwe have thse pleasure of offerinog to Valewil beplayd a lri iI an our readers, is Itse Revised Britan- Prinsceton or. April 2 1. nica, comuplete in 20 octavo volumaes IBy having a roll of 232 students of over 7,000 pages, 14,000 col- t Princeton Seminary has the largest umns, and .,ooo,ooo swords, pritited attendance of the Preshyterian semi- on a fine quality of paper, froii new naries. The \lIcCorniick Thseologi- type, and is strongly hound in heavy cal emiaryof hicao fllosdlanilla paper~ covers, which, wills cal eminry o Ciicag folowoproper care, swill last for years. with a roll of 2s t students. 'rie most wonderful fact in con- 11os1on Ins, of Technology is nection with our offer is that swe planning to resign from the N. E. send tlhe entire 20 volumes, swith all A. A. U. and join tlse N. E-. Inter- charges prepaid, on the receipt of collegiate Athletic association, con- only one dollair, and allow you to pay the remaining $9 at the rate of sinting of Amlserst,Ilowdoln, Birown, s o cents a day for 90 days, psayable Dartmouths, Trinity, University in monthly installmsents, thus plac- of Vermont, Wesleyan, Williams ing it within easy reach of every one. and Worcester 'Polytechnic nsti- We send with each set a dime saw- lute. ings hank wherein a dime can be de- posited each day. To-Wits Contributors Attention. This is certainly a golden op- portunity and one which our readers All contributions for To-Wit: should take advantage of at once as must he handed ha during the pre- the offer will continue for a limited sent week as the copy is to he period only. turned over to the printer in a few -= ^-- days. LosTr-between Maynard St. and CHIAS. A DENISON, .5th Awe., on Liberty, '95 cane, wills Editor in Chief. initial S. O. 1B. on tip. STAR ST-AM LAJJ2DRY BOWD)ISIO & HOUSE. Propretors. OFFi 05ICE oTSdi STAESi tRE. ,aROfficial ?hotographerii of . FTO-WIT: . . STUDELNTS' WVORK{ A SPE- C JALTY. fkoLE6 Is lie LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS aisd SHORTHAND. NaoossiesiObuilig;ies taclers; lbresassesussses oa ddisipslline;55.:o issrssssl; tell tss,,sildsreadisg esom; dilsleesuros- ssssssssloeeniissg reeptions; ptessss aessti e na lss'epissssssssioililcs-sfotplaseing stunssss I sosi- [os--ssssslassslo~usntlssguarnteseslslsenss,i'nass esssenS2 tod:..G erwesekaisiesrite faoiiies, S'o, Ness 'taloasse, adses~s P. R. CLEARY, Pot&. BUSINESS LOCALS. Fosr reduelaetrse tickets tos (Ohi, W~est V a. 1115 Olsd bra. pint apply tll It S. (Grtesswoodsl, ielet Agt.. Toledos Ann sArhur & Seniosin a 11 llsllaim115111051reni- svsrk at Pallsl. NI akintlssles lat Isstdssli prics. 'Tie J.. '1Jas-sls.s o FosrIies ss:sslissitothi brsises 111d1 c- gars, gostotsse1111-&Il. . iugotuore Losie-.\ bsec1 Scotch Collie dog. Answers tislollameof jack. tRelsi 11 tso sor addslrss N. IF. Tootaker, 45 fS. I2th St., city. 9-1 Simiple Dress Preferable. Simpi lls rhs s- is preferahle for hiass exercises. Thin, flexihle sloss or gaitors, with moderate heels are an advantlage ands indispensable. thsose no0t sworn onl the street, and withiossnsin113these le, areIpre ferabale. Thoe rorssis are at all tines kept at a siosserate temperature, light clothing is therefore advisable, with plenty of svarm :over clothing for the street. Pspils only admitted. Gentlenmen will please present their card of adsilon at the door. GrangersaAcademy, ground lloor 6 Maynartd strest. All of the very latest dances taught. Join now. Private lessoiss given on any dance of merit requlested. Class lessons are an advantage and preferable. 11-12 Two Step. The Waltz Oxford Ias surprised n. It is making its way into the place of the Tswo Step. We have just placesi our order for a fresh supply of twenty-five copies with Mvr. Granger.-From society paper, 'The Two Step,'"hBuffalo, N. Y., IMarch 1. 12-13 MA~ICHIGAN GENTL~ rime T asisble ftsssssd Nioi. Ilith, 1bl31 D.N. Exps...: 4 t . A&C. 5Spl.7 10 Atlantic Espsess. 8vifil31S;, Esp..... 85 Fast Sass s Fil s p.94iN. S.Limsitds.103,5 0. iR. Ex ......0 2 1. s.otI-aostres'n Sap. 133 Halill d0xp....4 18 d. SR.t.Kai. Spl... 6S0S N. Y, &tiBs. Sp! i 08 (t10. NExpress... 8501 N. S. Limit ed....1013 aitl-Espeess.. .1013 O.W. ScsoooS i. StW. HavES, GP.&T. gt.. Chicao. Agt., AsiaArbsor. N ~ ORTH MICHIGAN Time Tales taking effect Sundasy, Nosv. 5, 1593. Traissnaive Asn Arbsse by.Centals Standard Tims. NRTe. SOUTH. 7:5 a, m. *7:5 a. m 125p.M. l:13p. m. 9:00 p. sn. *Trains run between Ann Arbor ansi Toledo only. All trains dily exceptI Sunday. N. S. OREENWOOD, Agenst, AnnosAebor. W. H. BENNETT, G.P. A. Toledso. -ANN .ARBOR ~T]9)J11Jif1UND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISS, - M~anager. S CA.'ULULE U i/sU N. Wsshagtsn treet.