________THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily Pnasa excepted) dueler; the Coee ear, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V.01 per year, ianvariably Ii adanee Sinle epiea 3 cents. Subsrip- tiana may be left at the otee oathte hotA,v at Poltet's, wib any afthte editors be authorized solicitrs. Cnmmunicatiss shuld reacb ie offce by 7 o'clock .a. it they are ta appear the net lay. Address sit. matter iteded oe public- isa ts the Managig Editor. All busines commuonicaios should be sent to tte Busi- ess Mansger. THE U. of X. DAILY. Ann Arbor.IMia. EDITORS. C, A. Detirosi, Lwse'a, Maagitg Editor. H. A. SeAso)iNO, St. 'a, Asitatia. 3. L. tutu , Lit. 96, Aitat. J. A. Bratt, it. 'a6, Athletic Editir. S. W. CcnTrriao 1'. . Li., Boiness Mnager. 'oat. A. Mostut, Lt. '7, Asitant. . B. iamniau, ' 4. 1{, all. 'I B. . Aatii,'t. f. P. Sale, 'as6. MEDIAL.. ti.Y.P ity le. '96 B. I.Matindle '14. AuisaMrluy, ' 7. 1. . Iaskis, '6. Carrie V. Smitti, Spri']l. s+osrAusatc. All copy mQt bot tearatiicier teturt' iS:3 . a of the dy of publication. Ttie Editors ids not holdteseolverespos- ible tr the opininso or statemets of ciorres- yoadens, appearg ii the DsY. ID a hort time ltheletion f DAILYixeditortoDculrs, and a it ix highly esential that gDod DittonDily be elected toDthitrsponsible Iposi tos Dnthe aaf'f, xe ugall whoI desire positionsa to eit'riintD gDod carnest cmpettion. 'Thevork which it being done in c'Dmpletition is goordu, but swe dsirtriore f it. A~ press association Ia ben formtd for tht purps f Dgiing annual banquets tdesignd tD draw togthr the journaliti interests of the U. f Al. lvery oDefwxvlisixin any manner cnnctedl with any Df thbcrollege publiationuslihouldl do all in his poxver t nake the first banquet a grandl succes. It is thrutughi union of action abute that tht banquet can bt made the succeso it so wll deservts to be. To that end, therefore, Tuic DAINxould urge unanimity of action. AN article in the last nunber of the Inlander renmarks upon the lack of college spirit at the U. of Ai. Such is the fact and it seems that during the short career of a student here that there has been a noticable decrease in college spirit. What is the reason for this? We fear the answer to this question would be found in a number of causes, but principally we think in the practical isolation of departments, and the failure of the students to commingle and form true university associa- tions. IDepartmsental pride or pre- judice often exerts no little influence in destroying this spirit. At any rate the condition exists soil the remedy whatever it may be should be applied to bring about a better slate of things. Tric college press at Yale is trestedl in a mnasner which should tte accorteid by all universities to their joursalistic interests. When ltst new recitation building is corn- pleted an office should he furnished by the Board of Regents to the var- ions student piublications. In this manner thse central office of all the tolIlege journals could he concen-ij trated in the midst of the student hotly and mieans of nexvs gathtring forl Tilt l).iv, for instance, could be carried on more systematically. An office coulti be fittttd sp sith the consent of the Iosrtl of Regents xith little cost to the various edi- torial boards and tlse advantage to be gaintd by concentrating the di- verse journalistic interestastwouldl be manifolid. Telepdhonic commiunica- tion could be established between the ctntral office and thse publication offices of the various publications, renderisg nests gathering mitch more advantageous. journalis at the U]. of AM. should receive sonse recognition from the University au- thorities, for students art acquiring a training frons practical work on college publications svhiclh in mnsy respects is as beneficial to thens in after life as the actual work clone in college. The journalists of the University deserve this rerognition fromsft Board of Regents antI for that reasuon Tot D _ii i.e inuists that suitable offices in the colltge build- ing should be furnished to thse col- lege press. l a g e O t a o V o u m so ' 1 1 i i l iPi D D O S n 8 , 0 0 0 ) t jroen onr th u a ffie b ') . c. -te iio1- hsnvr .en m d b ere nd shld as c..s t .. .a- u wiin eeay creachyof teve thei bosi ndte rgsrlc ink'eur ') .. o ttt biken i n °x. h abitsf o e co0nomy pole that n ed nobetu o I~ tt '.yt;. C ic v fur te a ii.so neuai Justthkoftprle nC O n~o r~ rr~e tnsoroe toPEDItouand fBR er;; aKccor uc noeiers nebvereeryad departe. ntdo sh o-l a'-' ' Lu tc: -cnsz'er ..1"vercedseantheor aliberay- s rea ti o o ie eidol.I en thatthebestandnao ,, ie ic.-iy pc1ai iti ayrec fee -' ' On receipt of only (.r, hsa~Pze a -- te=rvd to you, charges prepaid, the entire set of 20 voltsmOS. C' II".: ~E.0-' o b paid at the rate of .. " 10 cents a day f to bc rl.'iit;,:; .:s tlc-beautiful dime savings bank fl i r e i n will be sent with the bookz t .. . ia,<.7uc deposited each day. ~~L V~ This edition is printed B-t - . anlie quality of paper, and is strongly bound in1heavy i ;' f .o :t whib with proper care will last for years. Bear in D.:t t t I i3voumes are delivered tQ four address, with nil char-cot- pi i.. "a. .1he Uuitcd States. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the mlost effective and agr-ee- able remedy in existence for preventing indigestion, and se- lieving those diseases arising from a disordered stomach. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent preventative of indigestion, ansd a pleasant acidulated drink when properly dilated witb water, asd sweetened." Descriptive paiphlet frees on applicatioss to aRumford ChemicaliWorks, Provheee,.. Bewaire at Substitutes and Imitations. For Sale by all Druggists. This is a special offer maonuly to tic readers of 'itttu,'orzit. DAILY 'and wiill re- mainoipenu for ulimited Site oily ('tif this Onut and Send( to S. W. C'URT'ISS, tBuiess ltlsoage r tue t: ?.uur It' Dxiimy. Jiea~serdeilirristo telit reutsit (P 210 'uuuuiui s's c i rivso t .Ets'huyl itti littuairu, us (itehisriicriiibetd, toulethui u'idle your D1. KSa dirts . tti', foi' rlesli Ietndosi' Our Doltit', ittiifuJtiheir cagrei toi iti10 cios it lday (iritlthe~ seas' suuulusj iutlil thI u'cinihiu 1.5$901)is fatlyqpoit. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP EJ CATARRH HAV YU OTIC Atud Bath Rtoonix.IW. 1H. OWIEN, Prtoo-t).,t i a sre cure. Try it and be conivineed. You will aever r'egret it. Sent hr mail to anys NO. 4 Efast Huron St.. Oppositte Coit C adress. Priv'e.OnueDolar.JoAN 11. 05555i Hosse. Hot Coldaunnd Sets PSlBaths. Poe- tit Clairk St., 'hicags, Illinois. Sesudto retir retain tubs. culas.