THE U. OF M. DAILY. AL K1SL $~~~ I An AIIASSAll. the new Spr-ing Styles and Novelties in Cents' Wear. AT THE OUTFITTELRS The patent moisteners do it. _ W =S= .!T &S 1 1\QQR1 E & EJr/ QR7'J NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE SECOND SE.MESTER NIAV AND SECXON) IANI). sOEBOS ASEILY Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ahi tArhor. Micth. Pupit i Stckhi, ,00. tSttptln, $150,000. Oio ii anudov he eneral c1 atoutng Itaw of thin State. teceives.tennsits.,tbnys ant seltl, enohiana on thetprinipal cite ofthe United Staten. tDraftn canhed etoniprotpen identification. Solety teposit hones to rent.. OFCERSnnChtistt ian Mont,Pren.; n. t). Harrinnan, Vice Prees.; Chas. B.Ainok, Pa- nh isre 1M. J.Fritz Ant.tCasbhier. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and - - GT 1PUI3LISHING Student Work a Specialty. Rlentnvorknmtnandt SLotwest Prtnes n ithity. il Ladies' ArtinticnHairdrenning Partors, inL AItF' btitoesnnnt, mititeittgflwn anditcalp tretiattme nt o in tht lntt fashin. 1'it'.I. It itnininowit 0 1i,. Wasit "'You see it as I saw it," /// /y / IDttn it ttineS i' . Hasto iii 1,1beeni t i'tl as -is in ntuttttnloit. De)livered lptnoiptly. Wiillinte I44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. S'=-1 t= o t tit - lilltio (itxO cipttrelthite liqlt. .Isn sIto Inim. (10distilledfcvt. G/ivesligt tithtottsokeior0odi. Soldnity hy Dmotd& Co. e pi picetmdn n o il. DEAN & COMPANY. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Glee and Banjo clubs met iast eventinig to practice sonne new Prof. Griffin lecturen to the lawn music written especially for tine con- all this week. cert, March 17th. 'Miss Bloice, '97 lit, is enjoying a President Charles F. Theving, of visit from her mother. Weslern Reserve utniversity, has Cliton M\cAllisier, lawv '9 ,t left consented to act an judge on tine in- litre last night for California. tercollegiate debate. Z A hrenologist has been enter- Tine next address in the S. C. A. tain tnudenst galtneritigs for the Sutnday mnorninig service nill he by pant week. Prof. W. S. Pterry next Sunday Mr. Dowv is utnable to nmeet lhins sorning on 'Teacing." classen this wveek. D~r. Ames siul The Frenhin Banjo club, of ten take his place. pieces are becomting iproficient under The sophionsore lits vill have a the leadership of H. S.(Jarrishn social nest Saturday exeninig at 95, of tine U nivetnity club. Neweberry hail. Rev. McLean isnlectuingn every A large cane of biookn on line Phil- afternoon in tine Missionaty Innti- ology ot Semtiticnslian just beeni cc- tote at Newoberty ball.Tine subject ceinvediat the library . totnorroiv afterntonnwoill lie "The It.,J.iBarr, lawy '95, wian calledl to H istory of hIfissionsthshm nIlniStrat h hrlUionwsesvr mtn' hisincile'sfngalnn. nmeinber tio lit iromipft ihis eveniti. Tine 110nfor law el ol ec/1I IItures ' lie practicc oinntheiii uinn.m11.1 111- .1 1 I . n 1th.,l.', .'t,' .rinsin .l mel admth11115 ennog a a11d1 1 nil. I; cP in ia.t7 anw part willlie noimimenced. 'flitre gui ainmeeting ofthetAm.. 1cr0 A. I.. McCabe, '9,1 lawi, 15a15yes-5 copicai clib will be held in the tertday, inn esamnination, aidmitteid to H istological laoroatory thisneenuing. thin her of the circuit court. Paipernsowill be presntedl by Drc. 'ihe*Utnivernily Glee club wiii Huber and Mr. \ran Diemnt. mneet for rehearnal on 'Thurnday anti Henry Wollunan, of Kannas City, Friday evenings at7 o'clock, in ipreident of the Southwiestern roomi 24. Alunmni association, whlo entertain- 'rThe studeint guessing tine author ed the football leant while in Kansas of the piay' in wvlicln the character City, is in towvn visiiting bin brother, represented by tine medallion of B. F. Wolinnan, 'g- iaiv. He takes fIda Van Cortland, on exhibition in great interest in athletics, and look- ~Watts' jewvelry store apipears, will ed on during the practice at the receive a season ticket to the plays. "gym" yesterday afternoon. -OWM_ R. FULD®Ena BO IR.*n rC LASS TAILO,®, WvilliamnStrnnt,irtdiiiinWestmifStain Sitreet U. OF M. FLAGS. iterlin. Silvne.,enamnelled it oretcuth pin. Seine, si.50 j IFM. ARN OLDJucnler. FLOWE S, f'IZ.OWZS FOR EVERYTHIN AtEYOY COUINS& HLL rlriis, elphone 1its tCapital, * 0,101. Sinpiiin"otnd Prins $.,0s~o. tine , teneral Iitt nitn uinene. Pays, iter- ensttionainsn(psita. tinas Satety it. t1EMPitPresto. P. 5H. iELS~t, CPimer. Bantk. iope nttudyevenine. STRM ARE THE BES'. CIGARETTE SMOKERS Ihoarewi- in- to pat itt lIttmore1 tanthpiit iltisndTHIS BRAND stuperiotniiall oiter. The Richmond Straight Cut No, 1 gron in tiViinnim I BEWARE SF IMITATIONS, i. th thentt &G~~o tnni2 eI belowtd}tS'tn vr/t)!i. i"iiin i GE 143&CIA WEL p 5, aACO NaS BEaNs - ,Tt Tai\1Plor. WalngI a h edn FIRST N AIIO N.AL BANK itt ANN Ailtitt. 000i.not Surtp', lunt ntimin ttmoen 10,t0e ninimelmmngrebohmnttanod im. im of neivisendintcuenfortnravelerstabtoad. i. iBACH, Prenn. S. s.C.AntKOoN, Pinhioc. A 'MOtNTHl tit'iI'tSi-tttN PAN iBE nn:iipiytnmttselingatt aticleior-'s-( ttin inco li sttdi slayiAgneamicn 1: eor ern in10 t. a tdi iin ey iy,ton m coulnitty [Inn ;Imtii n~t illnod. Amlilint tnitii stampn, lint animitti inn Co.,Pit,, , siothiti lS., Elci l ii 5, 5 ai.