THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during tue College year, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price 2.50 per year, invariably i n advance Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the otice of the DAILY, at Stolflet's, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'clock P. M. if they are to appear the next day. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. of H. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Hich. EDITORS. C. A. DENISON, Law '94, Managing Editor. I1. A. SPALINGiis, Lit. '94, Asistaint. Ji. L. Loillol, Lii. '95, Assistiint. F. wALTi RS, Law '94, Assistan t. J. A. LEROY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor. S. W. CUTcIsS, P. G. Lit., Business Manager. wtki. A. tioa, Lit.' 97, Assistant. H. B. Gammn,94. It.F. Ha A 95 B. 0. Austiii,'it;-. K. P . Sade,'96ME CAL. E. P Lyle. '96. E. L. Martindale, '94. Agiies Morley, '91. B. D. Illucito, '9il, Carrie'. SithISpeo'l. 10,11WOrAT51u. DENTAL. C' G. Jenins, '94. All i'py mu-i tie atthe iiffce before 8:130a.ion o1 the day of publication. MAxusiso Ifitens'OFFcICE Hies.--Tile lsosging Eiditor oiay be fouiiil it'1'lotlluILY utto'-etti'tullisringcoiiu,: Moiiday,wedie-- dsy and Friday, frontoi 6100 cliebk, p.i. .Ev- cry iec nisg,-froi::to18iip. so. THE editorial in yesterday's DAI iv wao not written without first making a thorough investigation of the facto in the case, and the l)aii~v io in a position to substantiate svhat was said in its columns, anything to the& contrary notwithstanding. t; are in receipt of a comnmuni- cation in regard to an editorial in yesterdays 1ci iv. Apparently the writer did not know the rule used on all newspapers, that conetniui'a- tiono must hear the name of the writerin order to protect the puh- lishers. THE attention of the studenthody io called to the henefitfor the ath- letic atsociation which will he given hy the Glee and Banjo cluhs next Saturday night. Wp h, espeak the liheral support of the students for this most worthy cause. As in all affairs of college, the hard times are felt in athletics this year. Make arrangements to go and take a friend and thus not only spend an enjoyahle evening hut help a worthy cause at the same time. we fail to see any necessity what- ever for a walk in this particular place, however convenient it may be. We heartily agree with a re- cent article in the Inlander that it would be a great misfortune in every way to hamper or prevent the practice games on the campus and to compel their removal to the athletic field. We feel sure the auditing committee will see the matter in the proper light and will readily comply with the request, so that baseball practice can be begun promptly. A WEsTERN Intercollegiate De- bating league, consisting of four or more of the leading universities of the west, would be a project well worth the careful consideration of our contempories. We save ad- dressed personal letters to the managing editors of the college papers of Universities of Chicago, Wisconsin and Northwestern asking their hearty co-operation in the formation of such a league with Michigan. From the tone of the western press it would seem that this plan will meet the warmest re- ception at the hands of the uni- versities mentioned. We hope to see such a league organized as it will be of great advantage to all the universities concerned. Let the proper action be taken here and elsewhere for the formation of a debating league to stand in matters of debate in the same relation as the Inter-collegiate Oratorical as- sociation stands in oratorical mat- ters. e e Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the Most effective and agree- able remedy in existence for preventing indigestion, and re- lieving those diseases arising from a disordered stomach. Dr. W. W. G-ardner, Springfield, Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent preventative of indigestion, and a pleasant acidulated drink when properly diluted with weR r bet eeC-i'.e - so is ci' .ei of urreder. O h edtinweofe i 5 f-ol'~r' ica ti pbihe0 n2 , . r te ei tY SPE n the ialptheh un ise no that greatest of all ref terence Librarelsi the E c0. Ro efin-tonCtYLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, we are able to place thattornat wof wsthinsde uhsrateh a our readers The edition we offer is l t a reprint i oneetion. It is published in 20 large Octavo Volumes of over ,Ot00 s, 1,000 columns, and 5,000,00 words. It contains 96 o aips prted ic intions, showing every country of the' world, and separate maps of every State in the Union. It contains every topic in the original EdinburghmopEition, and biagraphis of over 4,000 noted people, living and dead, not co irisyrhned in a dy other edition. Without parallel in the history of eduationa enterprises stands our oe to our thousands of frienhosrtpe o d drs. Such an offer has never been made before. and should have your AaBf consideration. Every read hers efore is earnestoy solicited to give the attention to this offer that its importance and liberality deserve, as it is open for a limited period only. It mean that the best and most expensive Encyclopedia is within easy reach of even the boys and girlsy aretsDeclaourage your children in habits of economy for that noblest of all purpos-icononay for the sake of an educationf ust think of it. A savin 'to for the short period of 90 days, i ecu'D ,you dtheREVISED ENCY- CLOPEDIA BRITANT hv i 20 a citvosvoums, wich covers every department of knowleidge korn o _....:' n. No maan needs any ohe library-noma Bear i i betir. 2 l, On receipt of only One D0II27' We wll fo-rwrd to you, charges prepaid, the entire set of 20 volumes, the rt-maiinw 9,00 to be paid at the rate of 10 cen a day (to be remittdse moutllyy. A beautiful dime savings bank will be sent with the books, in i ts) d. V.eI iay e deposited each day. This edition is printed from no;ie, a tya on a fine quality of paper, and is strongly bound in heavy manua pper oers, whi h with proper care will last 1 for years. Bear in m't t1 th e eti t.0'otire 20 volumes are delivered 9 WOur address, with all uharg e> iaid o a?v }at of the United States, This is a special offer made only to the readers of TiE U, caF M. DAILY. and will re- main open for a limited time oily Cut this Out and Send to S. AV. CUUTISS, Please deiuer to 971(3the en0re set of 0 r oues of Ieise Eng/opea Br"itaninica, as above desribe, together idlh /r1r Dime Saivis LBi9k, for swh c I enclse Ooe Dllar, aid furtIher agree to wreit 10 eoutns a LI/ (remititg ithe 8(9me monthl) nti the remiig $9,00 is fuly paid. \'Piiie............................ Post-ofice.......... statelu] . . .................... SloP.-- ... . ..-.-- PALACE + BARBER + SHOP ( CATARRH HAVE UGOT? Aid Bath Rtooms. W.11. OWENsou., It is a wi-re soe. Try it and beiiicinee. t. Op so illniveregre iat Sent by mail ii aoa N.4 Es eas t.Opste(tr idree.sres.Oe Dollar, OhN IP. 5105151 Rouse. Hot (ali and Sea Salt Baths. Por- 155 Cir St.,'iagollinois. Send for cie celain tubs. cular. THE committee last night ap- water, and sweetened." pointed by the board of control of athletics to secure from the auditing committee the removal of the cin- Descriptive pamphlet free on application to Rumford ChemicalWorks,Providence,R.I-. der walk recently built across the Beware of Substitutes and Imitations, ball field, should have no trouble inA accomplishing its quest. As yet, For Sale by all Druggists.