it irsf ___ THEU. -OF M. DAILY. _ All the' new Spi-ing Styles and NocveItitcs in Gnits' \Wear. ta ATX' BrREOUTF'ITTEIS (90W~S-- C:VMArr--SST y 11 IN 3 CO. &s EIOE2 7 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST. CORNER OF WILLIAM. A 7VtA 1-7-77,=.:S c '= =z C AF --- TET 'BOO-)0KS' FOR THE SECOND SEM\ESTER Ann Arbor 'S aringrs BctmTk 1 - t. ysiatt PU+ BLIS ING 45 BatSeMainStreet. ,i,tz ;etcttsiSaft d po eeP i e;, Cis. J L.tB at1enertai s' FIUt s Chri>ii y, , i'tyra: of) c7oleea grl tosd ate llt~z r iu.ViE.e P. ; Ch i tiI+;, Pro:. ( S ta nl tlectresl5 Fh r .J.F itz Asst (,'w i. 'I : )tY u -0i AnniArbr, Mich INO0TE-II OO),HS A S"ECIALTY. (Dos o se che ji . 'ic yd2i etitsmke i'wl w SON;lt y y g J)i c&Cos. mtit p rice maen t;oil. IF Igtr CjGLASS'A5 OR fU. OF M. FLAGS. 117LA INSOLI), .Jtticv 5isa tnu- ',Nt onday DEAN & COMPANY. FLOWC/7RS, fOW 5R Miss *r ~ll ~t . r Alice M. Pound, lit 'c 6 still Tephont is. read a papter at the vestier serier tmro vnn;a 6- wt I[ i'2 B!iIIx' it ' ;i7 Andtrews chattel. - -" Tie ;class it; tHistor;yii o tf tij ic o ;vrt ; ; ~vlll.i' antiter- mset t''r;cliv afticrnoion t the school;;;;; c 'bierfo r< cZ i icc 'e. ' . Cav iv ie ofi indisic, wshere Ptcoi. SManle'y ci; ;an. ; ntisi ,v . t ritai ii ttem i vi;thi cecliou i .. 0. nettsical and reception, was held .;r ilfr= 1';i I I)(IIIa(a d:ar?- r)iol)f txrhirh is. ; tled bylvier tctw iolnred.anItlianopea. tV. L..tkeniberry, 'y t lit, it as ' St the :Methitchuv trch; tirnov- ti\ calledt dome this hmorninig liv the rovw mo0rning tic toicwsill he "'Whyr sctile;; ileathi of his faihter in W\ ale deo We epcciSundtay' as the Satah idii too Iiowa. he ay: The evening lectire wvilltie hMO$TT Th isoayisiuet eon thsumbhect, ''The Daitce Weigh-I conduc;tedt hy the Bilhe class andcthle cd in; Sitsver Balances." ARE TILE BEST. S. C .5 trll ~ m~, it itceas '; ut~y U CIGARETTE SMOKERS kiloariwil I~v r c~a ertr fN ewvlerry thalt. th~e tore; isn(Christiani ilissiollily -stililsTHIS BRAND 'atittrisrto l tes Ctiss Lydliai Dittmtani. ci Romeo, soviets' of tie Clirclt cf Chist, The Richmond Straight Cut NoI att M itr. NV. h. S". Newiman, of Ann trill pr;each; tomorrowr at the Chu;rcht; Atrbor, both tit 'g;, are to tie nmar- 1of C(rist on. SouithL nii;ersut r nnfohtt s ยง/1 iiite~siGo~L delEAF aveue ttetnctfteirteit'sel; itie mlornling esubject t it ii i ea;;; trCdy he ill live in RIii'ti BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, ttitist Tiisil5 Pieyive "t ospet of Salvation,' vnn ha xnet oii 16 ii, .; 'C titttr iia Profi. Taylor iwas tie or seveni t ;;ljec t,' Dity of Wotrld 55idet e lo iat s ieery;ipaciage. ii;ute'; late to his class its course 2, cengelitni. ' At 9::;5 he stilt ;li 9sH',,,,a 'co yesterdlay. Abont half the class peak at Newberry halt on;"Thte ',URBRANCH' 4, seesosnV1P-Na bait got beyond recall, btthte tec- I-lerois;;; of Missions." tire swent on to the halfthttat cc- The tractk committee, in whtose NI{ OTJTICE ! rntainedl. hands the matter of an indoor mseet At the sessions of the Student has heen left, is nosy devising the Volunteer convention, yesterday, in beit plans possihle. As the board IDetroit, a wide range of subjects of regents does not meet until the ltdi tittctl'/illt, was covered, and the needs of many 21st of thsmonoth, the msatter of Jle its ;el if'wil11thtutu; at re- missionary fields were presented by getting the gymnasium will be nec- ieltctlticc its18 Mei6(eoels ii; et pit. those fresh from work there. An essarily postponed. ft still be defi- eloquent address was made by nitely announced as soon as possible E 14- W Traveling Secretary Lyon and Presi- whether the meet will be a go or _G dent Mott presented the report of not, also what arrangements can be t the executive committee. l nmade. Wahnton ESt. The Leading Tailor. +CRE1,&R WETMORE ""pi;al, T5,0001. Strpus MitS:Prtis, V0,0ti0. c[ratisaiti'.a;genetralibakingi iiiiites.Vr s